View Full Version : AeroRescue hiring a Drop Master

29th Feb 2016, 10:14
Any idea why AeroRescue is looking to hire a drop master with there contract finishing up soon? Cobham take over in a few months I thought...

Village Idiot1
29th Feb 2016, 18:49
I guess they're advertising for a drop master so they have some one who can drop things for the next few months?? They don't drop themselves!


29th Feb 2016, 19:57
I guess they're advertising for a drop master so they have some one who can drop things for the next few months?? They don't drop themselves!


I guess, but the training required just for a few months would not be worth it I thought......

Capt Claret
29th Feb 2016, 20:43
And of course Aero Rescue would not be under ANY obligation to fulfil the terms of the contract until it ceases. Would they?

Village Idiot1
29th Feb 2016, 20:54
I thought I was the village idiot?

Aero rescue need some one short term. They will pay accordingly!
I bet there are a few bucks in this short term gig🤕

29th Feb 2016, 21:31
I thought I was the village idiot?

Aero rescue need some one short term. They will pay accordingly!
I bet there are a few bucks in this short term gig🤕

I'm just doing the math, they advertise, interview & hire someone, say that takes a month, more like 6weeks, then to train someone new to there company would have to take another few months to get the all over there policies & training, that's 3 months plus. That takes it to May, I heard the contract finishes at the end of June. Just thought I'd ask

thorn bird
29th Feb 2016, 23:02
Scuse the ignorance, but what exactly is a Drop master?

Is that like a bombardier? you know, like the in the movies with
his eye glued to a box, thumb on a button who yells "Bombs Gone" and the immediate question arises "Where"?

1st Mar 2016, 00:04
The Dornier has five crew members: captain, first officer, mission coordinator, drop master, and air search observer.

During dropping operations the captain manoevres the aircraft and calls the drops. The drop master and air search observer dispatch the dropped items from the open door at the rear of the aircraft. Drop height is determined by the nature of the item dropped and conditions at the time and can vary from 200 feet to lowest safe altitude.

Wind up times for the various bases vary and are later in the year.

I believe the the company would pay the award, and fulfill all terms of the contract until its final day of operation. Furthermore, anyone training as drop master with Aerorescue may have a chance of being employed in that role with Cobham, but would have go through the Cobham recruiting process.

Aussie Bob
1st Mar 2016, 01:25
Samuri, why don't you just ring them up and ask them. Putting their business in a public forum smacks of self interest.

1st Mar 2016, 06:16
Samuri, why don't you just ring them up and ask them. Putting their business in a public forum smacks of self interest.

Not a fan of general public calling the base I'm at for general questions so I wouldn't do it to them when I can just ask around, nothing was netigitve towards them, just a question.....

3rd Mar 2016, 01:57
Samurai I suspect their last minute need may have arisen due to loss of skilled staff to Cobham. The new contractor wants experienced crew and the individuals no doubt want employment continuity so AR (and potentially the public) suffers.