View Full Version : RAF eyesight - clarification

25th Feb 2016, 18:33
I realise there's an abundance of threads I'm reference to eyesight on here, however I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.

So got my RAF Aircrew Ophthalmic form. RAF aircrew vision should be minimum 6/12, corrected to 6/6 minimum.

My optician put on my form for distance vision unaided:

Right eye: 6/6(-2) - *-2 in subscript
Left eye: 6/12(+1) - *+1 in subscript.

He told me that if they did it based on min 6/12 each eye I wouldn't qualify, but surely the 6/12 in the left is still within the 6/12 minimum required?

Am I missing something?
