View Full Version : Part 61 Applications

17th Feb 2016, 09:29
So what happens if I do not tick the box on this line just above my signature..

I authorise CASA to send a copy of all communications regarding THIS application to my training provider:


Currently looking into the finer detail on my P61 (they named it right...aka black widow) and these forms ask more than is neccessary...its an info collection FLOG!

And what are casa going to do on the convictions side? deny someone a licence that already holds an ASIC??

These muppets need taking out behind the bus shelter daily!

...end rant

17th Feb 2016, 09:32
This is on CASA form 61-1GP

17th Feb 2016, 22:10
This is not a bad thing.

I worked for a training provider for about 5 years, and I can't count the amount of times I needed to liaise with CASA over something related to a student and had to get them to complete a consent form and send it to CASA so I could then discuss whatever it was I needed to with them.

This is actually better - you can tick a box for "this application only" and not have to complete a consent form which allows access to much more of your info.

That way if you submit a form for a CPL and CASA have an issue with it they can come straight to the training provider to clarify (ie "they are meant to
Have 10 hours XYZ but the form says they have only done 1hr, is that a typing error or have they been tested without enough hours?) and the training provider can sort it all out.

18th Feb 2016, 08:46
Does every pilot haven't have a Training Provider ???:confused:

19th Feb 2016, 09:24
Swiftski, thanx for your reply.
The applications to convert all other licences over to P61 do not ask the question on convictions.

A simple, do you hold or have you applied for an ASIC/AVID should be enough.

There are people out there with convictions that hold valid security clearances, the question on the Glider application is superfluous . You either qualify as security cleared or you do not. If you hold and ASIC/AVID, it should be merely a tick box to say so, or that you have applied.
