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View Full Version : Airplanes of Steve McQueen

14th Feb 2016, 08:32
It was in 1980 that actor , Steve McQueen, passed away from cancer, aged 50.

I know that he had an extensive collection of motorbikes and cars but I have never seen or heard the list of airplanes that he owned.

His aviation interest was never promoted, unlike his motorbike interest.

Does any reader know what airplanes he owned, the make, model and tail number and what happened to them?


Dave Clarke Fife
29th Feb 2016, 08:46
Found this info on a search......not sure if it's information you may already have;

Does anybody know what Aircraft Steve McQueen owned? (http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?66412-Does-anybody-know-what-Aircraft-Steve-McQueen-owned)

28th Mar 2016, 07:44
Slightly off topic, but this reminds me of a great story concerning Harrison Ford's flying in the UK:

Star Wars actor Harrison Ford joins Shropshire flight club - BBC News (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-29625478)
Harrison Ford joins Shropshire flying club - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/star-wars/11165068/Harrison-Ford-joins-Shropshire-flying-club.html)

I also read somewhere that the plane they gave him had had "Millenium Falcon" painted on the tail!

HEMS driver
29th Mar 2016, 01:26
Johnson Motors Inc - The Steve McQueen Hangar (http://johnsonmotorsinc.com/blogs/news/14665757-the-steve-mcqueen-hangar)
Pics of Steve's Santa Paula Airport hangar (http://www.mcqueenonline.com/santapaulaairport.htm)
Steve McQueen turned to quiet life in Santa Paula before 1980 death (http://www.vcstar.com/entertainment/big-legend-in-a-small-town)
Steve McQueen's life as average Joe - latimes (http://articles.latimes.com/2008/nov/30/local/me-then30)