View Full Version : Truss gone.

Frank Arouet
11th Feb 2016, 01:01
Following his valedictory just now one can ponder if his replacement will implement the recommendations of his predecessor. I can't say Truss improved aviation, especially GA in any way worthy of mention and he is only matched for competence with the opposition in Albanese. It appears Barnaby is to take the flame and one can gauge his interest if he answers correspondence. Something Truss treated like a brown snake. I'll be writing my first to him today and if it is referred to my local member absent of a comprehensible and sensible answer I'll know where we all stand.

Hanrahan, sorry, we're all doomed... Frank.

11th Feb 2016, 01:59
Truss? Certainly no ball of fire and consequently no loss to Aviation.

11th Feb 2016, 02:45
Nothing will change

It is just like musical deck chairs on the Titanic

11th Feb 2016, 03:04
dhp...bad simile..or what ever the word is.

Result of any chair shuffling.. The Titanic went down regardless. :{

This bureaucratic chair shuffle...ABSOLUTELY NO chance that CAsA will get "sunk" in any way meaningful to the benefit of GA and keep aviation 'afloat' in OZ. :mad:

Orchestra ! Strike up "Land of Hopelessness and No Glory" for the doomed will ya !!
:ok: for those that like music.

11th Feb 2016, 03:59
Truss gone, you sure, did he ever arrive

Lead Balloon
11th Feb 2016, 04:16
C'mon folks: Fair's fair.

Mr Truss was an avid promoter of both kinds of infrastructure: Road and rail.

The market will deal with aviation. You know: The vibrant 'market' that's created and nurtured by:

- giving monopoly airports to millionaire bankers and property developers with zero incentive to increase the amount of concrete on which to land and park aircraft

- setting up a monopoly ANSP and letting a combination of gifted amateurs and MBAs work out how big their bonuses should be for having the genius to make money out of a monopoly, and

- simple, plain-English outcomes-based, internationally-harmonised and professionally-administered regulatory requirements.


11th Feb 2016, 04:50
I have had face-to-face dealings with quite a few ministers from all sides of politics over the years - Truss being among the least impressive of them! :(

He always seemed to be somewhat disconnected from the task at hand! :confused:

Dr :8

11th Feb 2016, 05:34
He always seemed to be somewhat disconnected from the task at hand!

Somewhat??? Ya going soft in your old age Forkie.

A lot of us have LOOOOOOONG memories too……1996 for example. :mad:

Frank Arouet
11th Feb 2016, 06:35
I note Mike MrDak was mentioned in the Truss obituary which leads one to believe this particular "functionary" will continue to reign unabated and continue to frustrate common sense and cause it to be thwarted at the coal face on planet Earth while Rafferty rules in the parallel universe.

But what price do you put on safety? Good luck with that Barnaby.

Raffertys price is the price we in the industry pay obviously.

11th Feb 2016, 06:44
"And each man squatted on his heel,
And chewed his piece of bark."

For all the good itsa gunna do...... :eek:

No Cheers - yet.....:rolleyes:

11th Feb 2016, 07:11
I have also had a bit to do with Barnaby!

Always seems well briefed and engaged with the topic at hand.

He listens to what you have to say and is gunna do this and do that ................. and then does nothing! :{

Oh well, at least he tells a few stories and can be quite entertaining! :E

Dr :8

Old Akro
11th Feb 2016, 07:25
I hear he'll stay with Agriculture. And he's not through to the leaders position yet!

Whatever anyone says about Truss - he was better than "Over Easy". But the reality is that Aviation & CASA have not changed direction under successive ministers. CASA must have them all bluffed.

Frank Arouet
11th Feb 2016, 08:19
Every Minister has been a slave to the bureaucrats who form an umbrella from blame when things eventually go wrong. They are well paid and accept the bet because they know aviation is inherently safe and it continues to evolve that way. I guess some may end up on the gallows when the blame is apportioned but until then apathy reigns supreme and CAsA remain the savior of the poor bloody fare paying passenger and daily fodder to the idiots in the media and them that quote it as fact.

Lead Balloon
11th Feb 2016, 09:36
Nothing to do with "bluff" from CASA, OA. Ministers haven't been "slaves" to CASA, Frank.

The stultifying mediocrities that have presumed the title "government" over the last couple of decades have been happy to abdicate their responsibilities to CASA. A perfectly rational decision for political parties whose primary aim is to attain and retain power.

The logic of the coalition and labor is unassailable. They know that gormless punters are going to vote for tweedle dumb or tweedle dumber, so there's no point in taking on responsibility for aviation regulation for no political gain. If the electorate is going to vote for one or the other anyway, both win in their turn. Why care about angry people in the GA sector?

Has anyone seen any Senator of any government in recent history actually cast a vote to give effect to some strong opinion expressed during a Senate inquiry relating to aviation?

Yesterday a Coalition Senator asked the Coalition Attorney-General why the Coalition Senator could not be shown the confidential material in the report of the recent building industry Royal Commission, but cross-bench Senators could be. The answer from the Coalition Attorney-General to the Coalition Senator was, in summary and implicitly, that the Coalition Senator is a member of the Coalition and will therefore STFU and do what he's told.

Parliamentary scrutiny and democracy in action. :ok: In the public interest of course. :ok:

However, the greatest awe must in my view be reserved for those who've sensed and taken advantage of the need to fill the vacuum, and who've stepped up and run CASA on behalf of the government for the last couple of decades without successive DASs or industry realising. The same people who are always ready and volunteering to ensure that governments are insulated from responsibility, whether it's a tweedle dumb government or a dweedle dumber government, and to save the public from those scarily awful risks to aviation safety.

Always there to help a new DAS by articulating a great idea that signals a new dawn for aviation safety.

It's as if they've are able to read the DAS's mind, and the DAS has been thinking: "I have NFI how to run a Commonwealth statutory authority or regulatory reform program, but I have to pretend I do."

(Although it is interesting to see that the reality is finally dawning on some. Some punters are finally realising that there are two constants through nearly a couple of decades of recent aviation regulation - genuine geniuses who are held accountable for almost nothing but responsible for almost everything.)

tail wheel
11th Feb 2016, 10:30
Whatever anyone says about Truss - he was better than "Over Easy".

Who is "Over Easy" - Anderson?

Many of us from that era thought that under Minister Anderson, aviation could never get worse.

Then along came Truss and proved us wrong!!

Horatio Leafblower
11th Feb 2016, 12:07
BJ gets it.

I have chewed his ear and he gets it.

He has had a small business and he gets it. His current CHTR provider assures me they chew his ear and that he gets it.

He will be my local member from the next election...

Rumour within the Nats is that BJ will keep Ag and in a departure from tradition, Fiona Nash might get Transport.

Stay tuned, my friends, we live in interesting times.

I will for now refrain from any assertions about a "new broom", however. :suspect:

12th Feb 2016, 03:00
Albanese? Over Easy?

He was pressed out of the same mold as the previous minister...and likewise did nothing for Aviation.
Truss was another pressing.... did anyone notice any difference ??

DoT could have had a wax 'minister' figurine standing among the pot plants in the foyer for all that time...would anybody notice that the 'minister' was ignoring Aviation.?

do I smell smoke, Leafy ?

All polliewafflers claim to 'get it'. BUT.. the BIG but is...Is what they claim to "get" acted upon.?? As the last 3 decades have shown....NO, NO and NO.

Results for the benefit, development and enhancement of GA in Oz have been NIX. Nought. Nothing. SFA :mad::mad::mad:

Beaten . Rooted. And no future excitement is my take..

I'll follow yr lead Leafy and roll one. :ok:

12th Feb 2016, 05:17
Anything development, any assistance, any potential growth that needs or could benefit from some government input, will be described as pork barrelling. Worse than having an independent as your member.

Frank Arouet
12th Feb 2016, 06:28
Yes, the only hope is that an aviation minister, (is there such a thing), lives in a marginal electorate.

Old Akro
12th Feb 2016, 07:32
Its been going downhill ever since Charlie Jones was Minister for Aviation in the seventies and cost recovery was brought in under Frank Crean as treasurer. The Civil Aviation portfolio died under Whitlam in 1973 and was never re-instated.

12th Feb 2016, 08:38
I wonder if the portfolio was ever offered to Sussan Ley, current Health Minister.
CPL, and ex ATC..... I wonder what she 'could have' done?

But there ya go, dreamin' agin'....


Horatio Leafblower
12th Feb 2016, 23:19
11am news on ABC24 is tipping Darren Chester as the likely new Transport minister.

That which Fieldmouse said:
Worst possible outcome for Tamworth Armidale and Scone
Anything development, any assistance, any potential growth that needs or could benefit from some government input, will be described as pork barrelling. Worse than having an independent as your member.
...is correct.

I wonder how Mr Chester views his safety in his seat?

How do we secure a Parliamentary Secretary for Aviaiton within the Transport ministry?

Pinky the pilot
13th Feb 2016, 01:30
How do we secure a Parliamentary Secretary for Aviation within the Transport ministry?

Start lobbying! Everyone to write to their local Member and the Minister....once we know who he (or she) is!

Maybe Dick can assist.

13th Feb 2016, 02:05
We still don't know who is going to be the new Minister for Infrastructure, traditionally taken by the leader of the Nats. in a Lib/Nat government.
I certainly hope Barnaby does, unlike Truss he has a pulse, and is not one who is overawed by public servants.

In my dealing with him, I have been most impressed, and he is very quick on the uptake. He is no fan of Canberra bureaucracy and red tape. He understands risk based regulation, the vital importance of cost/benefit justification.

He has been a big user of GA (as has/is Senator Nash) and I have no doubt plenty have used the opportunity to convey their views of CASA as a friendly, efficient and flexible body, praised and respected by all throughout the aviation community ---- or not, as the case may be.

Don't be fooled by his apparent public persona (fanned by a very anti inner city based chardonnay socialist media). Out of the spotlight, he is as sharp as a tack, even if a proportion of the LNP don't like him much.

Tootle pip!!

Frank Arouet
13th Feb 2016, 03:12
It's Chester.

Dick Smith
13th Feb 2016, 03:18
Some new blood. Bound to be an improvement .

I am sure the PM has made this decision based on the fact that he knows of the difficulties the GA industry has been in.

Make sure we communicate that we need to harmonise with the lowest cost proven safe practices from around the world- not the most expensive from Europe.

Horatio Leafblower
13th Feb 2016, 09:38
DIck, we need to run senate candidates in every state.

Do you know anyone that would be willing to take up that fight?

13th Feb 2016, 14:01
So Darren Chester gets the gig. Good on him.

(I do like Barnaby Joyce as on an overnight G.A. trip to St George some years ago, I met him. He was on his way home from his electorate office and I met him on the street. And yes, he struck me as a very decent person.)

But that has nothing to do with his current position. Barnaby now has serious political aspirations.

"I am sure the PM has made this decision based on the fact that he knows of the difficulties the GA industry has been in."

Dick, Your sense of humour prevails!

Old Akro
13th Feb 2016, 20:49
I hear Darren Chester is a "young charger" who is intent on achieving change. I think we could do worse.

14th Feb 2016, 01:51
He was a willing member of the Gippsland mafia who made damn sure Bae wasn't getting Air 5428 at Tamworth, however much cash had to be injected 'down south' to make it happen. So he knows how to achieve an aviation outcome.

Frank Arouet
14th Feb 2016, 05:00
This bloke owes his meteoritic rise to his stance on gay marriage, nothing to do with aviation or common sense.

It's been said before by wiser heads than mine, "If I wanted gay marriage, an army of victims, mid east immigration, carbon tax or a socialist agenda, I would have voted Labor in the first place".

We have the government we deserve. They all appear to sip from the same chalice.

Barnaby has some merit, though I'm unsure how much.

14th Feb 2016, 07:18
Well, Barnaby certainly showed us all how capable he is of grasping the nettle when he dealt with the issue of Jack Sparrow's dogs.
He also demonstrated his powers of diplomacy by involving himself in the Gina Reinhart family squabble.

Now, is he capable of earning his keep in this portfolio?
If he succumbs to 'Truss Disease', we might as well all pack up and go home.

Darren Chester has shown a bit of spark, so far, so let's see.