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View Full Version : Cockpit checklist vs. RFM for EPs

GS Pilot
6th Feb 2016, 22:52
Most outfits I've flown for have an abbreviated cockpit checklist for normal and emergency procedures. Currently, we only have the RFM to reference Emergency Procedures. It's stored behind the seat where it's within reach, but it's Moby Dick-like bulk make it less than ideal, especially for single-pilot IFR operations.

Ideally I would like something like the blue plastic ones that Flight Safety gives out.

FAA 135.83 requires a cockpit checklist but I can't find any interpretation which indicates this means in addition to the RFM.


And if anyone has a EP checklist for AW109E, shoot me a PM, thanks.

7th Feb 2016, 00:09
I wouldn't use one from anyone else. Either the RFM, or what the Cheif Pilot gives you... that's it. Anything else is not a "controlled document" and if you ever wound up in court to cover your ass... the lawyers would tear you a new one.

In a pinch, you could maybe scan the RFM portion and fire it into an iPad. That would give you an approved ECL that you can access in seconds. Of course the flip side is once scanned and in an iPad... it is no longer part of that controlled document, and we're legally right back where we started.

Phone Wind
7th Feb 2016, 13:21
GS Pilot,
All the companies I worked for had en Emergency Procedures checklist, based on the RFM and incorporated into the Operations Manual Part B, so approved by the national aviation authorities and a controlled document.

Flying Bull
8th Feb 2016, 06:54
Way to come will be digital.
If you can get hold on a pdf-version, you can upload that to an iPad or iPad-mini, set jumpmarks at the index as well as on the pages, to jump back to the index or to relevant pages, which might be marked in the relevant emergency.
Started with a version on the Sim for MCC - and found it really useful.
So set up my own for the three different models I fly (but they needs to be updated if changes occur)
The Manual will still be in the bird, but the iPad is on thee knee, always at instant reach.

GS Pilot
9th Feb 2016, 01:12
Thanks for the feedback.
We do have a PDF version on the iPads so I will look into setting bookmarks. That might be easier than digging for the cinder-block RFM.