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View Full Version : R44 Inspection Help

valve guide
27th Jan 2016, 16:27
I'm looking at an R44 which has reached its 12 year life. It's blades were changed at some point so they still have about 6 years and 1000. The engine has around 800 hours left which for me as a private pilot is plenty. So the question is what would need to be done to give it another 12 years and let it run until its original 2200 was reached. Thanks.

Chopper Doc
27th Jan 2016, 17:53
Quite a lot still needs to be done. If they have not been fitted already it will require the new bladder tanks. Also the blades that have been changes are they -7s? If not they may need to be changed due to the blade AD.
Also the engine needs to come out so the frames can be removed and the skids which need to be sent away for crack detection. Also you will need a to cover everything mentioned in the following inspection http://www.robinsonheli.com/manuals/r44_mm/r44_mm_2.pdf

You would have to pay me money to list everything that is required.

27th Jan 2016, 21:17
Quite a lot still needs to be done. If they have not been fitted already it will require the new bladder tanks. Also the blades that have been changes are they -7s? If not they may need to be changed due to the blade AD.
Also the engine needs to come out so the frames can be removed and the skids which need to be sent away for crack detection. Also you will need a to cover everything mentioned in the following inspection http://www.robinsonheli.com/manuals/r44_mm/r44_mm_2.pdf

You would have to pay me money to list everything that is required.

We are talking about an inspection ? not the overhaul ?
So a lot of those aren't required.

Strip, inspect and fit. Certain items have a finite life such as the blades, but they have plenty of time left.

You of course need to weigh up the options - if you do this on the cheap the resale value will be far less than if you have it overhauled and bring everything back into sync. I personally wouldn't touch a hull with out of sync components unless it is ridiculously cheap, I would then bring everything back into sync and sell the parts I've replaced.
If you are planning on keeping this for 12yrs and whatever hrs are left, then perhaps it may work.

27th Jan 2016, 23:17

This is from the manual, note point #4.

12 year is an overhaul.

valve guide
27th Jan 2016, 23:56
787 I only fly about 40/50 hours per year so yes it was my plan to keep it the 12 years. Just wondered what we be involved, ie does it need a new gearbox or certain parts of the frame replaced.

Cows getting bigger
28th Jan 2016, 06:44
Too many variables for a forum response. As garly1 says, its an overhaul whichever way you look at it. Sure, you may save a bit on the engine and blades but you're still into big numbers (I would estimate a minimum of $150K).

Put another way, if I was minded to buy it as stands, I would probably pitch at a maximum of $40-50K.

28th Jan 2016, 08:36
gary1 - you can either have a 12 year overhaul which means at the end you will have 12years/2200hours remaining. Or 12 year inspection which is entirely different. So say the machine has 800 hours remaining (that would be the minimum hours I would recommend for the inspection) once complete you will have a machine with 12 years and 800 hours remaining.

I know a company in Europe who will do fixed price inspection for not a lot (excluding any parts found requiring replacement and finite parts such as blades...which in your case are fine). The frames will need to be removed and inspected no matter what you do.

28th Jan 2016, 09:48
Go into the Robinson website, publications, R44, maintenance manual and look in Chapter 2 section 2.6 and it tells you exactly what is required, if you look through the manual there is even a price list for everything you will need to buy from Robinson. As well as the new parts you will need to buy all the components that will require inspection will not be cheap.

valve guide
28th Jan 2016, 10:01
787 could you send me the details please. Thanks

love flying
29th Jan 2016, 07:15
More on rebuilds also at https://twitter.com/helipaddyapp/status/692968686743883776

29th Jan 2016, 17:42
READ the manual.

29th Jan 2016, 17:49
The manual states very clearly what has to be done at 12 years. IF you look at the link above that is for the 12 year not the 2200 hour. If you don;t know what you're talking about hold your whist.