View Full Version : Australia Day Awards for Aviation

25th Jan 2016, 21:27
Anyone in the aviation community get an Australia Day award for services to aviation?

Looking through the Australian there seems to be the usual smattering of ex pollies, retired public servants, local sports administrators, local council member etc but no one from the aviation industry!

Perhaps Dick can fix that when he his PM?

Bull at a Gate
25th Jan 2016, 21:31
There is at least one award from aviation:

"Mr Richard Peter CHAMPION DE CRESPIGNY, Northbridge, NSW

For significant service to the aviation industry both nationally and internationally, particularly to flight safety, and to the community."

Now he will have to do a new edition of his book!

Fris B. Fairing
25th Jan 2016, 22:35
Mr Clifford Farrington ROBINSON, Everton Park, Qld

Order of Australia Medal for service to aviation history, and to the community.

Former President of the Queensland Air Museum. Also worked with MAF.

Flying Ted
25th Jan 2016, 23:35
Stationair8, did you nominate anyone?

It's a serious question for the industry. I'm sure there are plenty more people who deserve recognition for their services to aviation.

Who's got some names that should be push forward for next year's list?

Frank Arouet
26th Jan 2016, 07:22
Just thinking aloud: Trans, Inter, Victim, Native, Gay, Refo, Religious, Feminist Republican, Military emasculating Pilot. Nope, can't think of anybody right now. But there's bound to be someone.

Eddie Dean
26th Jan 2016, 08:27
What Frank said. Seems worse every year.

Pinky the pilot
26th Jan 2016, 09:30
What Frank said. Seems worse every year.

Indeed it is, considering that here in SA the highest award went to a former State premier whom, after having damn near bankrupted the State suddenly announces his resignation from the position and parliament.

About three years on he gets the AC!

Read into that what you will, but it merely reinforces my belief that the 'Bunyip Aristocracy' and the awards thereof are :mad::mad::mad:

As an aside; AC, to me means 'alternating current.' :ooh::hmm::E

26th Jan 2016, 14:02

Funnily enough for some of those in the RAAF years ago, AC was a rather junior rank.

(For that was for Aircraftsman.)

Only ACR was lower. (Recruits.) Or perhaps the trade apprentices?

But who cares? The Australia Day awards have been a political wank for more years than I can remember. The real achievers are those hard workers that receive OAMs. For they certainly deserve their medals.

I really hope that Dick found someone to polish his AC medal for him, Tuesday. Whilst I only see him as a shameless self promoter, most others see differently.

Desert Flower
26th Jan 2016, 20:18
Darn - I missed again! Oh well, guess I'll just have to be satisfied with my ESM from Australia Day 2004.


Ascend Charlie
27th Jan 2016, 02:01
I really hope that Dick found someone to polish his AC medal for him, Tuesday. Whilst I only see him as a shameless self promoter, most others see differently.

I must be one of the others.

Not many Oz aviators have flown solo to the north pole, solo around the world, flown around the world via north and south poles, founded 3 multi-million dollar businesses, given millions to charities, saved the helicopter industry a lot of time and money by creating helicopter access lanes through Sydney, killed off the full reporting requirements for VFR, the list goes on.

So, Gerry 111, unless you are Gerry Harvey in disguise, you sound like a petulant little tosser.

Desert Flower
27th Jan 2016, 02:19
I must be one of the others.


Not many Oz aviators have flown solo to the north pole, solo around the world, flown around the world via north and south poles, founded 3 multi-million dollar businesses, given millions to charities, saved the helicopter industry a lot of time and money by creating helicopter access lanes through Sydney, killed off the full reporting requirements for VFR, the list goes on.

Maybe some of us prefer quiet achievers rather than noisy ones. Right Gerry111? ;)


Eddie Dean
27th Jan 2016, 03:07
No dog in this fight about Mr Smith, but cannot recall him promoting himself other than business promotion. Perhaps someone can provide examples.

Frank Arouet
27th Jan 2016, 07:02
my money is on Dick as a human being of probity.

Unfortunately I can't support Dick in any political quest because the comments on this forum display what he would have to contend with.

Nobody deserves that, specially someone so passionately involved with saving the souls of those and the family's effected.

It's a pity that the most venomous appear to be non commercial aviators who don't need his help.

The politics of envy by non achievers.

Don't stick your head out for this lot Dick.

27th Jan 2016, 19:05
ABC website shows Arthur Withers, of Tasmania I assume that is the former groundsman/ airport manager/after hours displayer of runway lights for medivac flights etc for Flinders Island, father of RFDS pilot Don Withers?

Standing out in a force nine gale at Flinders Island displaying runway lights at 3 am, certainly deserves a medal!

27th Jan 2016, 20:36
As does the bloke trying to land in it!

27th Jan 2016, 21:44
I assume that is the former groundsman/ airport manager/after hours displayer of runway lights for medivac flights etc for Flinders Island

Looks like it:

Mr Arthur James WITHERS
4 Bluff Road, Flinders Island Tas 7255
For service to the community of Flinders Island.

27th Jan 2016, 22:13
Just thinking aloud: Trans, Inter, Victim, Native, Gay, Refo, Religious, Feminist Republican, Military emasculating Pilot. Nope, can't think of anybody right now. But there's bound to be someone.

What a lovely man you are Frank. I sincerely hope you don't get to chose the colour of your socks each morning, let alone anything of such (minor) significance as Australia Day honours.

Frank Arouet
28th Jan 2016, 00:29
Thank you. I think you're lovely as well. All you need is a nominee and you probably stand a chance. I'm sorting socks.

28th Jan 2016, 06:41
Standing out in a force nine gale at Flinders Island displaying runway lights at 3 am, certainly deserves a medal!

Too right CLX! Good on you Arthur.

It's a thankless job, even today, prepping a remote airstrip for a night ops.
Old Jack Harrex, formerly of Smithton, would get the flare pots layed out, lit and then back on the trailer when finished. Night in, night out, for years. He would often roll out the drums and hand pump the fuel too.

Good folk - those groundsmen. Thank you.

Eddie Dean
28th Jan 2016, 07:56
Will the Australian Of the Year offer to protect Dog R--ters from discrimination, after all one shouldn't discriminate against any sexual preference. LGBTDR folk all need protection.
Reference Mitchell Pearce.

28th Jan 2016, 13:24
D.F. Please check your PM's. :)