View Full Version : Jetgo Fleet

Nulli Secundus
23rd Jan 2016, 11:04
Was wondering when the additional aircraft will arrive.

Currently three runs, two very long ones, with just three airframes.

Any updates?

Ned Stark
24th Jan 2016, 03:17
Crickets nulli. I'd say they're struggling to keep the 3 they have flying.

Nulli Secundus
24th Jan 2016, 05:50
Maybe its working for them but I imagine you wouldn't want a one to one airframe/ route ratio for too long, even with relatively 'young' airframes. With new destinations to be announced any day, new aircraft can't be far away either.

How long does it take for an aicraft to enter revenue service once it arrives in Australia?

Ned Stark
24th Jan 2016, 14:44
This an older article but a quick search shows that these aircraft are either still flying for US based airlines or parked somewhere in US. I'd say the deal didn't turn out well. Why is that not surprising?
JetGo Australia to lease three ERJ-140s from Republic - ch-aviation.com (http://www.ch-aviation.com/portal/news/29619-jetgo-australia-to-lease-three-erj-140s-from-republic)

tail wheel
24th Jan 2016, 21:16
How long does it take for an aicraft to enter revenue service once it arrives in Australia?

How long is a piece of string? Heard some horror stories of many, many months and thousands of dollars............

Ned Stark
24th Jan 2016, 23:05
Jetgo doesn't strike me as a company that has all its ducks in a row, so yes that could be a long very costly process for them.

25th Jan 2016, 03:52
Jetgo doesn't strike me as a company that has all its ducks in a row, so yes that could be a long very costly process for them.
Ouch Ned that's a bit harsh, whys that (I dont work for them)

They did prove a lot of people wrong already

25th Jan 2016, 08:02
Ned has no idea!

25th Jan 2016, 08:11
Neds posting history suggests he has a bit of a bee in his bonnet about Jetgo.

25th Jan 2016, 08:36
Crickets nulli. I'd say they're struggling to keep the 3 they have flying.

Whats that??? Crickets Ned???

Gone a bit quiet now

Ned Stark
25th Jan 2016, 13:57
Ha crickets now? 9hours after a previous post. Patience is a virtue. Good old red, when you say ( I don't work for them) suggests that you do.
What people have they proved wrong?
I'm pretty sure they've only managed to disappoint passengers and employees alike
History shows what Jetgo is all about. All talk

26th Jan 2016, 04:09
"Good old Ned",

I Didn't know Jetgo had a base in Perth.

26th Jan 2016, 05:10
HAHA. They can't afford to put ADSB equipment in two of the three planes they already have let alone getting another one. :rolleyes:

Ascend Charlie
26th Jan 2016, 08:42
For somebody who is always bagging Jetgo, Nulli Secundus (Latin: second to the person who came zero) seems to have a big interest in them.

And for good reason - a start-up which has countered everybody's nay-saying by surviving more than 3 years in this industry, made a profit from Day 1, :ok:and which has a lot of aces up its sleeves. Watch their space, you will be amazed what will eventuate.:)

Des Dimona
26th Jan 2016, 10:52
"made a profit from day 1"; "has a lot of aces up its sleeves" How many times have we heard those remarks before a company falls over.

Unless they have access to massive capital funds, history would suggest it will be toys on the floor before too long.

Sad, but true

Ned Stark
26th Jan 2016, 12:20
"Good old Red" Jumping to conclusions....just like you run your company, Who said anything about a Perth base? How many times do Jetgo company management pprune keyboard warriors defend their company. It's pretty sad when JetGo management personnel hangout out forums. I don't see the Virgin or Qantas management trolling forums defending every negative thing said about them.. If JetGo management can't handle the negative nay Sayers then get back to doing what you do best ( which is what exactly?) and stop reading this. Or perhaps pprune is where you really belong:ok:

26th Jan 2016, 19:57
You accused me of probably working for Jetgo.... Well I'm in Perth so no, I don't work for Jetgo

And again wrong.... I don't own a company.

It's just clear that you don't like them for whatever reason considering ever post of yours bar 1 is negative towards Jetgo so I might suggest to you that you get a life

Ned Stark
26th Jan 2016, 20:21
Good one red :ok:

Nulli Secundus
27th Jan 2016, 19:41
Full credit to them for lifting their game from the marketing shambles of 12 months ago.

However, the results to date need to be remembered in so far as there's been no competition, no integrated route network (and the vulnerabilities it brings) and no interline agreements. Let's face it, a facebook page and a very average website would be no match for the competition if or when they choose to muscle in on the action.

Whilst they are streets ahead of where they were this time last year, I would hope they have spent as much time and effort building a very effective sales and marketing team as they have at expanding their network and preparing for the arrival of new airframes and destinations.

This is unmistakenly what makes them vulnerable and at risk of an early failure in their RPT endeavour. When you have no marketing expertise capable of fending off the competition or more importantly, forcing them to think twice about trying to steal your customers, you're inviting competition.

Serious, determined competition will spell the end of this airline in its current form! Maybe they get that and what's coming will be a huge improvement on the current approach to sales and marketing.

Who is the head of sales and marketing? I note there is still no one listed on the website.

Nulli Secundus
8th Apr 2016, 08:49
Its now over three months since Jetgo announced they were going to announce a new route. They have invited guesses from the public but to date, nothing.

With the recent hiring programme, what is planned for the deployment of these new hires and with still only three airframes in the country, what will they fly.

Surely these aircraft are at, or close to, their maximum (sensible) daily utilisation?

Ned Stark
8th Apr 2016, 13:12
Nulli your talking too sensibly for this mob. You should know that everything they've done up to this point has been a 'shoot first ask questions later' management style.