View Full Version : Storm Gust at Bankstown

14th Jan 2016, 05:48
Hi Ppruners,

Not @ YSBK this afternoon (too warm for me :}), but heard from a mate that the yellow foxbat didn't get tied down fast enough this afternoon and got flipped in a large gust :eek:. Anyone able to verify and/or confirm any other damage?


14th Jan 2016, 07:57
Yep, can confirm it. Happened between taxiway lima and mike. Flipped backwards and sidewards onto its back, damaged both wings, fin and struts and snapped one of the 3 prop blades near the root. Fuel leaking so a team flipped it back over and wheeled it over to the AAS hanger. Looks like a write off... Wanted to get some pics but was busy securing my own aircraft...

Was quite a nasty storm...

14th Jan 2016, 07:59
Oh, and I was told that it was tied down, but pulled up its pegs...

14th Jan 2016, 08:39
Soar aviation aircraft?

14th Jan 2016, 08:49
That's the problem with these aircraft with sub-30 knot stall speeds... It takes a lot less than that to flip them over!

14th Jan 2016, 09:40
Operated an AC690B from Bankstown in 1980, it too was a victim of an intense gust when parked near the old TAFE hangar, spun 90 degrees and hit a hangar door, door dislodged and smashed a windscreen as well as skin damage..

14th Jan 2016, 10:25
Wind gusts across the Sydney Basin.
Camden 50knots.
Bankstown 60knots.
Sydney 74knots.

17th Jan 2016, 01:05
Pic here
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/12509611_10207634302154196_84483112225324168_n.jpg?oh=b6a7f8 2d852373756450a44c4b480ae1&oe=5746A826

17th Jan 2016, 05:23
Lucky that little dinky toy didn't land on a real Aeroplane.....:sad:

17th Jan 2016, 07:30
the gusts blew the door off some hangars as well, so its not surprising some aircraft went over..

17th Jan 2016, 07:37
And looking at the photo, it appears one of the real aircraft (PA28) on the left hand side of the photo has been turned 90 degrees.

17th Jan 2016, 10:34
BPA, the real aircraft were safely stored in hangars.