View Full Version : AFPRB Petition

9th Jan 2016, 22:40

Here is a link to petition asking to scrap the Armed Forces' Pay Review Body and to replace it with something truly independent:


17,000 odd signatures so far...


10th Jan 2016, 01:02
Already signed, along with a letter to my local MP!

Pontius Navigator
10th Jan 2016, 10:17
They always got my pip when they referred to the Government pay guidelines and modified their review rather than calling it as it is and forcing the Treasury to change the numbers.

Last time I seem to remember a proper review was when Maggie got in and implemented the review in full.

For many years there used to be equality between an aircrew sqn ldr and an MP. It wasn't the plan, just how it seemed to work out.

How would that affect pay scales if it was made official?

Match CAS to PM, match SAC to a Police Constable, and go from there.

10th Jan 2016, 10:49
Signed. oh, whats that black Vectra pulling up?:eek:


10th Jan 2016, 11:19
Match CAS to PM

I'm sure they will appreciate the pay cut!!

PM = £142500 (Basic pay....)
CDS = £245338 - £260355
CAS = £170292 - £190795 (Source : https://www.raf.mod.uk/community/mura-raf-community/assets/File/Senior%20Officers%20Salary.pdf)

Clearly pensions, allowances, staff allowance, 2nd home etc are not taken into account (on either side!);)

Heathrow Harry
10th Jan 2016, 11:21
You'll only get a really independent body if the Treasury can ignore its rulings

it's the Governments job to decide how to share out the cake - independent "awards" finish up like the sort of thing that handed 30% to the miners back in the '70's

Planet Basher
10th Jan 2016, 11:35
Independent.....you think you live in a democracy........Bwahaha.

Independent really means "Jobs for Mates".

10th Jan 2016, 12:36
I'm sure they will appreciate the pay cut!!

PM = £142500 (Basic pay....)
CDS = £245338 - £260355
CAS = £170292 - £190795 (Source : https://www.raf.mod.uk/community/mura-raf-community/assets/File/Senior%20Officers%20Salary.pdf)

Clearly pensions, allowances, staff allowance, 2nd home etc are not taken into account (on either side!);)

Pah!....chicken feed......

£411,025 Jill Stannard Chief Executive Cumbria
£396,143 Kieran Stigant Chief Executive West Sussex
£382,392 Peter Duxbury Strategic Director (Children, Young People and Families) Birmingham
£354,452 Paul Robinson Director of Children's Services Wandsworth
£327,984 Garry White Director of Regulatory and Democratic Services Fareham

10th Jan 2016, 14:32
Just noticed, this petition has only 12 days to run!:uhoh: Go on folks, it is easy, online, just give it your support!


10th Jan 2016, 15:09
Signed... Just hope someone listens.

10th Jan 2016, 15:28
Was interesting to use the map they provide to see how many people per constituency had signed. Have a look at London, many constituencies have no signatures, the rest of the country all seem to have an interest apart from London. Why is this so?

Courtney Mil
10th Jan 2016, 16:46
Maybe London is full of bankers, folk in service industries and people from countries other than the UK. I can't see many of them getting involved.

I've signed, but there's a long way to go. Let's hope it doesn't get replaced by something worse. I can't see any government installing something it can't control.

11th Jan 2016, 12:56
Duly signed by myself, Mrs Smudge and all smu jets I could get hold of. Also forwarded to ex RAF mates. Let's hope it is given a proper hearing.

Smudge :ok:

Lyneham Lad
11th Jan 2016, 15:56

17,000 odd signatures so far...


Mine now makes it an even 17,640! ;)

Heathrow Harry
11th Jan 2016, 16:42
No politician ever takes any notice of petitions

there was a whole "yes Minister" on it

11th Jan 2016, 17:08
One more !

When I were a lad (1938), an M.P. was paid the same as an Executive Officer in the Civil Service (max = £400 p.a.)

Now they are paid the same as an Assistant Secretary.

(2015 rates - Dept of Finance and Personnel)

Executive Officer £22696 - £25903.

Assistant Secretary £66850 - £78275.


Bob Wyer
11th Jan 2016, 17:25
17672! and counting

Heathrow Harry
12th Jan 2016, 15:57
"When I were a lad (1938), an M.P. was paid the same as an Executive Officer in the Civil Service (max = £400 p.a.)"

They'd be the ones that cheered Neville C to the rafters??? Maybe a little more money is worth it after all................

12th Jan 2016, 16:08
They'd be the ones that cheered Neville C to the rafters??? Maybe a little more money is worth it after all................ But also included WSC ....... :ok: (imagine the thumb is two fingers!)

Pontius Navigator
12th Jan 2016, 17:16
Thank you Danny, actually I see sqn ldr aircrew pay is at the same level and adjacent to that of an MP.

Strange that status or perceived status between officers and MP s is so different when pay grade is the same.

Just This Once...
12th Jan 2016, 17:37
As sqn ldr aircrew (PAS) I can confirm that I get nothing like the remuneration package of an MP.

Even ignoring contentious issues like allowances, expenses and pension accrual rates, or the fact that around 120 Conservative MPs also receive a ministerial salary, I just don't get the option to bung my wife £40K a year so she can pretend to be my aid.

Pontius Navigator
12th Jan 2016, 18:13
JTO, standards and traditions, upheld by one side at least.

25th Jan 2016, 23:32
~18000 signatures and a pathetic, predictable response.

Maybe the petition should have been "Abolish the hypocritical IPSA" and aimed at the whole UK general public, rather than the reduced audience of the UK military (quoting other so-called "independent" bodies).
It would have required an almost 100% response from the whole UK mil personnel to get a debate.

After Beaker's (Danny Alexander) letter to the AFPRB (which they had the audacity to publish at the end of last years report), I was so glad to see him get sacked by his constituents.

Mach Two
26th Jan 2016, 00:06
I am not terribly disappointed with the number of signatories. There are a large number of us serving that are a little more cautious about this - people that would obviously have voted for this had we felt the desire. Whilst the support of you retired guys and spotters is greatly appreciated, it is not you that would have to live with whatever may replace the AFPRB. The feeling here seems to be that anything that replaced it would never be anything significantly different and that no sane government would install anything likely to cost the Treasury more than we already do. Probably the opposite.

Yes, I said "sane government." Go ahead, if you want!