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View Full Version : Getting an airside pass after being abroad

8th Jan 2016, 12:03
Having completed my training I've been looking for temporary jobs such as deicing and baggage handling while I apply to airlines for pilot jobs.

I'm in the UK now however I did my training in another EU country. An employer in Heathrow who I had applied to has now got back to me saying that because I have been abroad they cannot get 'appropriate references' and would therefore struggle to get me an airside pass which is required for the role.

This seems ridiculous, especially is such an internationalised industry. I was within the EU, I can get references from the head of training saying that I was there, I underwent criminal record checks there and was obviously airside a lot during my training.

Has anyone else had problems getting airside passes? What counts as 'appropriate references'? So far all I've found out about it is that if you have been out of the UK for more than 6 months you need an Overseas Criminal Records Check. And I already have one from that country. It just seems incredible that spending some time in another EU country would make that much difference to getting an airside pass.

8th Jan 2016, 12:44
Like yourself i needed to get a CRC, from in my case Spain, in order to get my airside pass. I got it and applied for the pass no problem. They are either ill informed or just plain lying.

8th Jan 2016, 15:52
Yeah I've called them up a few times now and got more information from them.

It turns out it is quite possible but they just don't really want to because it involves additional paperwork and possibly cost. Also since it is a deicing job there is a time constraint and they say they don't think it will be processed in time.

Given the choice they'd just rather hire someone who's been in the UK for 5 years, which is really annoying for me.

cgwhitemonk - How long did it take to get the Spanish CRC? If it's reasonably quick maybe I could get the CRC for them...

Another Biggles
14th Jan 2016, 13:50
Hi appleACE,

I'm in exactly the same shoes as yourself (finished training recently, looking for a ground support role to gain experience while waiting for my pilot applications to be processed). I was also out of the country for more than six months, and will also need to get a criminal records check if I'm to get my airside pass.

I found the following document that I think should prove useful:


I was abroad in Spain, and while it's a hassle, it doesn't appear to cost too much to go through the process, and shouldn't take too long. Just look up the country you need on page three of the document. It is dated from April 2014, so bear in mind that some country's procedures may have changed.

Good luck!

15th Jan 2016, 10:18
Depending on where you lived, some countries allow you to go in person and collect the CRC same day, or less than a week by post.

Followed by a 24hr translation service, you could have it well before your Disclosure Scotland arrives.

20th Jan 2016, 11:30
Thanks for that document Another Biggles, it was very useful and seems fairly up to date.

Unfortunately they still just don't want to have the hassle of dealing with me and they said that the job was gone now anyway. I don't know why they waited until January to contact me about a de-icing job which I applied for some time in October or November. :ugh:

At least I'll now be better prepared when something else comes up...

Another Biggles
20th Jan 2016, 15:22
Not to worry appleACE, have a look at Menzies Aviation - they're hiring right now for TCO's, Ramp and customer service agents at different UK airports (a mix of part and full time work, and permanent and contracted jobs).

I also know that if you start the process of getting an overseas criminal records check now, you'll look more employable and come across as well prepared.

Check out the link:


The entry requirements are quite low and the online tests were very easy, and they've had qualified pilots before so no need to hide things on your CV, etc.

Good luck if you decide to apply (and they're just one company among many that are currently hiring)! :ok:

3rd Feb 2016, 16:54
You got it easy. I spent a year in the Congo in the last 5 years. I have more chance of seeing a unicorn being carried by a flying pig than getting a report from local police where I was. :ugh: