View Full Version : Temporarily Unfit for Service

21st Jun 2002, 08:59
Was supposed to being starting 199 IOT in August but I've been put back to 200 IOT in October on account of my (only very slightly) underactive thyroid.

It's a massive hammer blow - I've been to see my GP and a Endocronologist (blood bloke) who reckon it's not going to do me any harm as it's very slight - but is unlikely to come down before my Thyroid retest in late August, but it's a bar on all RAF service (not just flight crew). In the process of checking out what else to do but I think they have the same tests for Army and RN.

Think I might get my brother to submit my next blood sample on my behalf...

WE Branch Fanatic
21st Jun 2002, 09:12
Sorry to hear about your problems. Having had more than a few problems with my own career, I know how you feel.

One word of advice though. DON'T ever mention, even in jest, the possibility that blood samples (or anything else) came from another person. It will get you in so much crap youe ar$e will get kicked over the horizon.

But good luck, both with the test and IOT. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Reheat On
21st Jun 2002, 17:03
Serious point here - you are very young to get UAT and it may be nutritional. Look into the matter, but meanwhile increase your iodised salt intake [for the iodine will IIRC turbo the thyroid - read the 'Est Right Diet' book on bloood group dieting] and retest the thyroid in 3-6 months. Also, get a range of tests from different hospital centres - if you are marginal, chances are two tests out of 3 will put you in the green.