View Full Version : RHS qualification

18th Dec 2015, 15:34
I was asked recently if I have a RHS qualification which I assume to mean right-hand seat qualification. I think I performed a takeoff and landing from the right seat during initial training but that was over two years ago and I don't see anything about being right seat qualified in my training records. What exactly is a RHS qualification? Do you actually have to be RHS qualified to sit in the right seat and does this qualification expire?

18th Dec 2015, 22:18
In EASA world it can be conducted in an OPC, every six months.
See ORO.FC.235.

If you get hired by an operator you have to undertake an OPC anyway, in which you can perform the RHS qualification, so I don't see why it would be a requirement, but still...

19th Dec 2015, 04:27
The curriculum we do every 6 months (commercial ops) is to fly a take-off with or without EF, one missed approach 1EO and 1 full stop 1EO from the right seat.

With a good sim instructor it takes around 15 minutes of sim time per pilot. Ther is usually a box on the renewal form where the remark "RHS training performed" fits, but it depends on the country and form obviously..