View Full Version : Onya Dick Smith

terminus mos
14th Dec 2015, 12:07

I spend a bit of time in the bush with my work in Aviation. It's not good out there as you know better than anyone.

I can't think of words to describe what a legend you are for your $1m donation to Aussie Helpers. I respect those guys so much for what they do in dire circumstances without any fanfare.

You are a great credit to mate ship and helping others.

On ya Dick :ok::ok:

14th Dec 2015, 13:21
Really good news for a very worthy cause.

Thank you, Dick Smith Foods.

When I make a donation to a charity, I don't claim it as a tax deduction.

What about you, Dick?

14th Dec 2015, 16:28
Why on earth wouldn't you claim a tax deduction (assuming it's a tax deductible donation)? It provides incentive to donate. No point letting the guvment hold on to your hard earned tax dollars :ok:

14th Dec 2015, 18:05
When I make a donation to a charity, I don't claim it as a tax deduction.

Donations to registered charities are tax deductible. I understand all profits from Dick Smith Foods are donated to charity. Why would the company pay an additional 30% tax on it's tax free donations, thus reducing the funds it has available to donate?

I would sooner see the Company's profits go to a registered charity than to the Government tax office!! Bit of a silly question Gerry! :=

Well done Dick Smith Foods for donating funds to Aussies that have real and genuine needs!! :ok:

Dick Smith
14th Dec 2015, 21:00
No I don't get a tax deduction. Dick Smith Foods is a separate entity that I set up and I volunteer my time to it for the satisfaction I get.

We always have profit which we pay full company tax on and then donate the balance to the charities we support.

I don't consider the $1 m comes from me. I consider it comes from the thousands of customers who support our farmers by purchasing Dick Smith Foods products.

Many people in the country need aircraft to exist. Hopefully this money will go to help some farmers stay on the land during this terrible drought .

I sincerely ask those who can afford it to go to the Aussie helpers website and send off a donation. This will generate Karma and good things will happen to you.

It's certainly worked for me.

14th Dec 2015, 22:15
Well Done on this initiative Dick.

I am sure the farmers / graziers who will benefit, will appreciate it.

Cheers :ok::D:D:D

Runaway Gun
14th Dec 2015, 23:56
I can't believe the amount of knockers on this site. Even if we are pilots...

Someone donates to a worthwhile cause, and they are immediately viewed with suspicion.

Thankyou Dick Smith.

15th Dec 2015, 00:06
Well said, RG.

I'm all for questioning some of Dick's contentious aviation ideas but this is a great initiative and seems to genuinely help. To not claim the tax back from the Government and then put it back into the charity would just be daft, so Gerry's side swipe at Dick makes no sense at all.

I'm even moved to nip over to the website and see what this karma stuff is :)

Onya, Dick, as the OP said :ok:

15th Dec 2015, 01:18
Well done Dick, a great cause and I'm sure many will benefit.

By the way did you end up writing a book about your helicopter trip/ experiences in PNG a few years ago?



15th Dec 2015, 02:02
Great work Dick on this donation and the Dick Smith Foods. Not sure what I will do if I lose my Bush Foods for Breakky !!

Folks - We need to remember we have almost no voice in aviation so we need to work with the one we have !!

15th Dec 2015, 08:06
Perhaps the Mods are on holidays?
The thread from the start has nothing to do with G.A.

15th Dec 2015, 08:32
Wow. Ebenezer Scrooge is alive and well. Having a cynical dig at someone who's made such a generous donation to a very worthy cause says more about you than him. Bah Humbug!

15th Dec 2015, 10:09
Perhaps the Mods are on holidays?
The thread from the start has nothing to do with G.A.

Er ......Dick Smith, former Chairman of CASA, round the world pilot, owner of several aircraft, nothing to do with GA? Where have you been for 30 years?

I get a bit fed up with those negative sentiments. While one may not agree with DS on everything, the world would be a much better place with more people like him.

Great stuff Dick, the blokes in the bush are having a horrible time. You are kind and generous, well done. :ok::ok::ok:

tail wheel
15th Dec 2015, 18:56
Perhaps the Mods are on holidays?
The thread from the start has nothing to do with G.A.

No Gerry. I'm here 365 days per year (no CAO48 exemption for PPRuNe Mods), duty bound to read, grin and bear each post by a plethora of PPRuNers.

Fortunately most - but not all - make a worthwhile contribution to each thread.......

rodney rude
17th Dec 2015, 00:53
Lovely little speech about what your upbringing taught you Gerry.

Pity it missed the one which says if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

17th Dec 2015, 03:36
Great stuff Dick.

Conspicuous altruism is certainly what is needed to help highlight how tough many of our farmers, and the communities that rely on them, are doing.

17th Dec 2015, 12:35
Credit where due. The rural sector attracts its detractors as well...townies vs farmers...However, 1 mill goes a very long way with a charity that is boots on the ground. Of late the corporate model that charities all follow has taken the lustre off donating coin to a cause. Cents in the dollar actually making it to the coal face where good work is done.

Good work, Dick. :ok:

18th Dec 2015, 03:31
Lead Balloon,
The donation was made by Dick Smith Foods, as Dick had pointed out in an earlier post.

As I understand it, the company and foundation was set up as a non-profit organisation to support Australian charities through appropriate donations.
It donates its ENTIRE profits to charitable causes (Six million dollars, so far).

The idea came from 'Paul Newman's Own' products - all profits from which also go to charity.
Putting a famous name and face to a product line to promote sales and increase the bottom line for charitable works is just clever marketing.

A browse through the Dick Smith Foods website will soon put you straight.

I'll just echo the sentiments of others and say... "Onya, Dick!"

18th Dec 2015, 15:38
We all have our different ways of achieving an outcome.

With regard to the Dick Smith Foods Foundation, from a marketing point of view, I'll warrant that it's more effective at inducing Joe Public
to direct his dollar toward altruism than convincing him that the Museum of Contemporary Art needs more money.

Have a look at the list of Australian charities that have directly benefitted from the Foundation.
The money is being directed there at the expense of multinationals' profits and the burgeoning 'middleman' industry.

Personally, the RFDS is my favoured charity and I don't care who knows it.
BUT... if it comes to a choice between spending my money on a Dick Smith Foods product and one from, for example, Simplot, then...

Look at the big picture, please.

tail wheel
18th Dec 2015, 19:19
Unbelievable! :mad:

Dick Smith Foods makes a million dollar donation to what is currently one of Australia's most worthy charities, and the Dick Bashing Society want to criticise Dick Smith and debate his motivation! :mad:

Some people really need to get a life.

More than 85% of Queensland is now drought declared:


You need to spend a little time west of Charleville; drive from Barcaldine to Longreach; visit the Richmond, Julia Creek to Cloncurry areas! :=

Thank you Dick Smith Foods. A very caring donation to a very worthy Aussie cause, from a very generous Aussie organisation. :ok:

18th Dec 2015, 21:49
Top work Dick Smith :ok: :ok: :ok:

We also hear you on " Macca's Aust All Over " radio Sunday mornings & your ideas / support is unquestionable to the terrible plight out bush :D :D :D




Mr Egan ( one of Natures TRUE GENTLEMEN ) from Aussie Helpers would love to hear from you ;)

18th Dec 2015, 23:46
Congratulations, Dick. Well done and thank you!

Band a Lot
19th Dec 2015, 06:59
If "Dick Smith" tried to claim a tax deduction for "Dick Smith Foods" it would be against the law. Most people can understand they are two completely different things in the eye of ATO & ASIC.

Dick the Aviator obviously has a fair bit of say in Dick's Food but they are separate things.

And obviously Dick's Food should claim EVERY deduction to minimize its tax, so it can donate more. Kerry Packer put it very well - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOLbbkC1qq0

*** A big Thanks to Dick and all at Dick Smiths Foods for helping the farmers help the farmers. I challenge the other big two/3 WoolColAld to match this kind needed donation.

Dick Smith
19th Dec 2015, 11:47
Thanks everyone.

I have always considered the money that is donated by DSF comes from the Australians who buy the products - not from myself.

So thanks to all those who make the effort to find our products that are often in the most lousy position in the supermarket.

The imported products which make the supermarkets the most profit will always be given the best shelf position.

I have never complained about this- it's a fact of life as the supermarkets have to have never ending growth in profits or the board will get the sack.

Pinky the pilot
19th Dec 2015, 21:06
our products that are often in the most lousy position in the supermarket.

Thankfully not always, Dick. At both of the local Supermarkets here in Waikerie SA the Dick Smith products stocked are mostly at eye level on the shelves.:ok:

But the "Big River' Supermarket here still does not stock your OzeNuts line.:* Most annoying!

I spoke to you about that once quite some time ago.

Anyway, I concur with the OP.:ok:

22nd Dec 2015, 02:47
Dick once said that talking to me over NAS was like trying to talk sense into his teenage daughter. However, no offence was taken. Dick has his beliefs and I have mine when it comes to 'airspace reform.'

That said, his philanthropy is legend and he is a 'great Australian' in my mind. This latest initiative deserves 'pushing up the board' and after initially reading the thread, and off for the daily shopping, I determined that I was going to get some DSF to help the cause. Nothing, nada, zip on the shelves at the local Coles, which was pretty disappointing.

Consequently, I'll make a direct contribution to a worthy cause. There's people out there doing it tough and I certainly don't mind spending a few bucks for the battlers in the bush that are doing it far harder than me.

Dick's also right in respect of cheap imports that we, collectively, buy in preference to the local product.

The DSF beetroot was the best and juiciest that I've ever tasted and it's gone - undercut by a few cents and that riles me. The burgers for our annual Boxing Day bbq, while watching the cricket, don't come close. We now have to put up with (no choice) imported crap.

Merry Christmas, Dick, to you and yours.

Dick Smith
22nd Dec 2015, 22:40
Thanks Howabout

Re the Beetroot. The German owned Aldi started selling Aussie grown Beetroot at 75 cents a can. This was below the manufactured cost of about 90 cents a can.
Woolies and Coles matched the price and within 12 months the last Aussie owned cannery went broke.

All very sad. We no longer have any Beetroot to sell. Most now comes from NZ and tastes lousy as the soil is different

I fear Aussie Aviation is going down the same route

23rd Dec 2015, 06:06
Looks like Dick is doing more than just help out our Aussie farmers.

Dick Smith?s gift for homeless girl in India | Chris and Jess Bray?s mission to girl in the photo (http://www.news.com.au/travel/world-travel/asia/the-crazy-journey-to-find-the-girl-in-this-photo/news-story/0b5b61ce2e7754ecdc02e3da7beee013)

Good onya mate! While I fully can't agree with your view of the "big 2 or should that be 3 now with Aldi" (work for one of them so every poke I see you make against them is a poke directed at hundreds of hard working aussies just trying to make a living that I work with daily) things like this makes the kind of person you are stand out!


23rd Dec 2015, 14:41
Dick and great to see your kind work touch the Indian family.

Not all aviators are self-cantered. Bravo