View Full Version : In The Australian today

11th Dec 2015, 08:16
You boys must be slow today? Maybe too much Christmas cheer?

Two items of interest in the Australian today.

Well know aviation journo, Steve Creedy, announced that he is leaving The Australian to join Air Services Australia. No doubt they made him an offer too good to refuse. Steve noted that he had been working with the aviation sector for some 17 years.
No doubt having a regular job and not having to produce a story or stories for a short term deadline must have influenced him to change camps. More dollars, an office and a better super scheme would have been factors influencing his decision.
Writing a regular column like he did would have been like being on a treadmill.
The Australian used to be the place to look for jobs for lads in the GA sector but in recent years the only jobs advertised were for Helo pilots, Exec jet pilots and for CASA staff. A sad indictment on the cost of adverts and that a lot of employers do not need to advertise for staff as they already have a filing cabinet of applications, and that was just for this week.

The second item of interest was that the Airports Association welcomed the Federal funding for improvements to remote airstrips. NSW, Queensland, WA and South Australia and NT were included.
It was not so long ago that there was scant interest in airstrips and aviation away from the big cities and the coastal belt.
In Victoria the Victorian Aviation Minister, the Hon. Gordon Rich-Phillips, started to spent government monies on the upgrading of Victorian country airstrips. The Libs got tossed out but it was interesting to see that soon after NSW started to spend money on country airstrips and their facilities. Now the Feds are doing the same.
One cannot help but wonder if the Victorian aviation minister influenced the Feds and other states to do what they should have been doing for a long time - giving better attention to the people who live away from that coastal belt by providing better communication facilities of which aviation is the top of the want list.
For a long time there has been a noted lack of interest in aviation away from the big cities. The people of the country and the outback have as much right to decent communication facilities, read aviation, as the rest of the nation. If it was not for those people living in the outback inland Australia would be a deserted desert. It is not before time that government started to properly look after them and give them what they should have had all along. May it continue.
One has to wonder if there is a hidden agenda like votes? Could it be that there is an election in the wind? No doubt we will soon find out. I think that the expression Pork Barrelling comes to mind if it is just a votes gaining scheme rather that a serious and long overdue upgrade of outback aviation facilities.
Gordon R-Ps', it looks like your tenure in the Victorian government may have started something that will benefit the whole of the nation, improved aviation facilities for the betterment of the real people of the outback.