View Full Version : Katpiss new GMF

8th Dec 2015, 01:13
So - Katpiss is the new GMF. Great :*

And the god botherer is back to C&T :*

8th Dec 2015, 01:57
And the god botherer is back to C&T

Who is this?

8th Dec 2015, 04:56
You would know if you were in CX. Re Katpiss Evergreen. God help us all. :hmm::ugh:

Average Fool
8th Dec 2015, 07:43
Musical chairs played to a circus tune.

8th Dec 2015, 07:47
that is good...at least now he is not the Chief pilot!!!


8th Dec 2015, 09:00
And a long face in the Boeing office!

AQIS Boigu
8th Dec 2015, 09:33
The first thing he will kill (ie. save money on) is the base training for our spiky hair brigade...wanna bet...

Captain Dart
8th Dec 2015, 18:45
So it's not going to be that manager who has an 'open door' policy then.

9th Dec 2015, 03:57
Dart. Or is that an anagram for **** ? Oh hang on, it doesn't work. It's close enough though. Probably the best manager we've ever had in the chair. Whom
do you sugggest they replace him with ?

9th Dec 2015, 12:41
Anyone else!