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View Full Version : Civilian Jobs for Drone Pilots and Sensor Operators

28th Nov 2015, 14:58
Recruiting problems by the USAF have generated some civilian opportunities.

Air Force hires civilian drone pilots for combat patrols; critics question legality - LA Times (http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-fg-drone-contractor-20151127-story.html)

28th Nov 2015, 15:41
Recruiting problems, retention problems, pay and conditions within the military, unable to keep pace with improving conditions outside the fence, still affected by planning decisions made upon assumptions of a decade ago, so many reasons why these positions aren't filled with uniforms. I suspect most contractors in the traditional nature of contractor roles will be filled by those who until recently were wearing a uniform doing the same role, this in itself should eliminate some of the presented problems. As for the rest, the simple fact is we do not have, will not have and are unable to generate the numbers required in demanded timescales in the manner of conscription and drafting of previous generations. If we are going to prosecute these conflicts in a timely effective manner we are collectively going to have adjust our norms and define clearly how these changes are going to be managed and manned legally and win the hearts and minds back home within the press as well.

28th Nov 2015, 22:43
"Most contractors...filled by those who until recently were wearing a uniform doing the same job.." I don't think so in this instance. There aren't enough "ex" drone operators for that to be the case and those there are wouldn't be "ex" if they wanted to keep doing the job.

28th Nov 2015, 23:50
and those there are wouldn't be "ex" if they wanted to keep doing the job.

Contractors are usually paid rather handsomely, might be enough to tempt some ex-staff back.

29th Nov 2015, 12:24
Well I'm sure I could sit in an air conditioned box and fly a drone! Far safer than being airborne methinks!:ok:

just another jocky
29th Nov 2015, 15:41
I listened to a drama on BBC Radio 4 a couple of months whilst driving which had civilian drone operators as the main theme.

29th Nov 2015, 18:14
I'm with Newt, especially if the airconned box is in Nevada, but please not Wadditz!