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View Full Version : Scenery photos from the air needed

19th Jun 2002, 21:09

I'm looking for photos taken from the air of exotic places and mountainous areas. Unfortunately I don't fly in these areas for the time being - therefore this post. I will of course pay you for the right image(s).

General: taken from an aircraft at at least 4-5000 feet and there may be no reflections from the windows neither may you be able to see a part of the aircraft. Nice weather conditions must apply. Few clouds ok. Must be a real photo - not digital - as I need it to go quite high reolution (approx. 3500 pixels wide). Digital ok if its that high.

Exotic places: i.e. islands with nice green/blue water and almost sky clear. Few clouds ok. Maldives, Canaries, Seychelles could probably do it.

Mountains: Mountanous areas with snow. Preferably taken from high altitude and sky should be visible and also only few clouds and sunshine.

You are welcome to email me previews at low res i.e. 640x480 and I will respond to you. Email: [email protected]

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
Ole Andersen

24th Jun 2002, 11:20
I suspect that you may be asking for the impossible, but you might find something to your liking in the URLs on the first page of a thread in D+G titled :

"Sapos yu gat inap taim long kalap long balus ikam long Papua Niugini, yu mas traim.".

Any number of scenic shots in that lot. Many of them taken using a non-digital camera and scanned for electronic transfer. You can download any that take your fancy but, if using them for a commercial purpose, some acknowledgement of the photo's contributor would be nice. The photo site is mine but that's not to say all the photos are mine, but that will become obvious when you check out the thread.

24th Jun 2002, 12:50
Have a look around my site, there may be a couple that you like.
Probably not, but there's some nice pics on it.

24th Jun 2002, 13:09
Yes we all know what sort of photo's you like stretch, shame shame shame !!.

24th Jun 2002, 15:34
May I ask what you are going to do with them?