View Full Version : Thought I had it sorted?

19th Jun 2002, 19:57
I really thougth I had it sorted? On a recent visit to Florida, I took a test flight, won't mention the flying school. My intention has been to save enough to live and train in the US for perhaps 18 months and gain JAA Frozen ATPL/IR.

However, I intend to finish my PPL in the UK then head on out to tackle on the rest. I was led to believe that you could do this and gain a FIR so that at some point you could factor a cash flow into your finances in order to sustain a living whilst out in the US. I don't see this as a pure training issue, i am looking at it as a life change for two yrs, getting away from the rat race and the IT industry etc.

I believe, unless someone will put me right, that although you can gain a JAA FIR, you cannot train people with it whilst in the US, even at a JAA registered school?? this is where my plan falls down! I can get the money together somehow, remortgage, savings, loan etc but I wanted to stay in the US with my FIR and teach in order to build hours.

I understand the problem to be visa restrictions, can anybody clear the mist for me. I want to go later this year!! but cannot seem to see the way through.

Come on guys break the myth, how do you do it?

20th Jun 2002, 00:52
Hello backontrack
To my knowledge there is a good school offering this route in florida, although initially you get your jaa licences cpl/fi etc, you then do a conversion to faa cpl/fi at extra cost of course. Now the FTO I was speaking to where telling me figures in the region of $7000 for faa conversion on your jaa cpl/ir/fi, now I have a few further questions to raise myself on this subject with the FTO.
But this conversion is however what will allow you instruct people and build the all too valuable twin ifr time whilst on your J1 visa. when your visa run's out you come home to europe and of course have your jaa licences to continue work if you find it.
There should be no problems visa wise, the FTO will sort that out for you so best speak to them about it. I am starting down this route in nov/dec, so I will see ya there. Incidentally as far as I am aware of the FTO's that train to JAA standards in Florida only two offer trainning as far as cpl/fir, and from what I have read on this board and heard off friends one of them should be given a wide birth (money grabbers) but I don't want to say to much as I don't have a personal experience myself with them,but listen to the mass'es.