View Full Version : Travelling from France via GVA

16th Nov 2015, 08:11
Just a heads up for anyone in France voisine travelling via Geneva Airport. With the suspension of Schengen by France there are long, long queues entering Switzerland from France this morning (16 Nov). Over an hour wait by some reports at the largest crossing. (Have your 'official' documents ready as they are checking 'most cars'). It is expected to be as bad this evening at rush hour.

If you are already in France it is possible to access the French Zone at the airport via the 'customs road'. Access to the road is close to the border crossing at Ferny-Voltaire. Not too well sign posted but it is a right turn as you approach the border. On this map, it is the turning opposite to the Chemin de Colovrey https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ferney-Voltaire,+France/@46.2503977,6.1179373,17.58z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x478c6389fc95d58b:0x408ab2ae4c20f70 . Here is a street view https://www.google.com/maps/@46.2505821,6.1182467,3a,75y,145.48h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seSS9mnMlnZ4uvwa2_-iHNQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

Not a lot of parking there, and no public transport, but you might save some time.


News reports from the airport is that everything is operating as normal (whatever that means?).

16th Nov 2015, 09:03
Many thanks for the info.

16th Nov 2015, 18:37
More stable doors being bolted. But you've got to 'show strength' etc.

17th Nov 2015, 07:24
Situation much improved on the second day. Apparently more staff on duty. Outside of rush hours expect 15 minute waits at the major crossings. During rush hours up to 45 mins.

Emphasis being made on people leaving France, they are looking for that guy.