View Full Version : Aptitude needed to become pilot

15th Nov 2015, 20:57
I plan on going to uni first and then saving up money for pilot training while applying to all the cadetships.

In an aptitude test that I did in school last year I scored quite lowly in the spacial intelligence area. I don't know how accurate this test is but let's say it is correct.
Is spacial intelligence necessary to get a cadetship with an airline for example ba future pilot programme?

Is it necessary if I go down the self sponsored route and pay for it myself?

Is it an important aptitude to have to be a good pilot.

Thanks a million

Chris the Robot
15th Nov 2015, 21:07
If you are unsure of your aptitude, you could always sit one of the aptitude tests that HCAP (formerly GAPAN) supply. It costs about £155 plus travel/accommodation if I'm not wrong and you'll get a full debrief from an experienced pilot discussing your aptitude and career options.

Plus, it'll probably look good on any application you make to a mentored/sponsored programme.


You'll also want to satisfy that you do not have any medical conditions which would prevent the issuance of a Class 1 medical.

Guidance for Medical Certification of aircrew | Medical | Personal Licences and Training (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=2499&pagetype=90&pageid=13769)