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View Full Version : Windturbine dropped...

Flying Bull
13th Nov 2015, 14:52
in Switzerland someone dropped the windturbine attached to a longline.
May be some thinking about attachment prior to lifting airofoils would have been wise ;-)
Luckily nobody hurt - except someones ego may be ;-)
War die Helikopter-Leine zu kurz? - Neue Luzerner Zeitung Online (http://www.luzernerzeitung.ch/nachrichten/zentralschweiz/sz/szbdu/War-die-Helikopter-Leine-zu-kurz;art152595,625710)

Glück im Unglück in Sattel SZ: Heli in Not wirft Turbine auf Parkplatz - Blick (http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/zentralschweiz/glueck-im-unglueck-in-sattel-sz-heli-in-not-wirft-turbine-auf-parkplatz-id4346782.html)

13th Nov 2015, 16:21
I don't think he "dropped" it by accident---looks like he was trying to get it to "kiss" the ground and stop spinning.

Edit: Well maybe holding it to see if it would settle down then he pickled it.


Flying Bull
13th Nov 2015, 17:39
Well Gordy,

it´s said in the videos, he dropped it cause it couldn´t be controlled and feared a crash of the helicopter.

Still, evenso I don´t do longline, I think, could have prevented if some prehookplanning were applied.
I.e., just one extra line from the outside of the rotor to somewhere up the longline, which tilts the whole system and prevent it from turning.
Could be easily removed via slipstek just before lowering onto final installation.

Ascend Charlie
13th Nov 2015, 21:20
It was developing some roll coupling, so it was only a matter of seconds before the rotating blades of the turbine hit the lifting cable. A tricky load, but what do you expect - a turbine that is designed to spin an an airflow, put it in an airflow (downwash) and watch it spin.:bored:

14th Nov 2015, 15:16
I don't think he "dropped" it by accident---looks like he was trying to get it to "kiss" the ground and stop spinning.

Kiss?? Nope!
by accident, Nope!
Intentional press with right hand thumb, Yes! (as in, F$%&££@king 'ell)

A few seconds later, and the longline would have been cut by the gigantic blender itself.....

Probably the fastest spinning load I've ever seen! Congratulations!:D

10 bonuspoints to the loadmasters for keeping calm :ok:

14th Nov 2015, 15:31

Clearly you did not read my second line which I posted about 2 minutes after my original post:

Edit: Well maybe holding it to see if it would settle down then he pickled it.

BTW: I suspect there was no load master, we do not use them. And yes, any professional pilot would have held it to see if the problem would sort itself out, just like he did prior to pickling the load.

Just to clarify terminology "pickling the load" means the same as "jettisoning the load". And hopefully he pickled the load from the remote hook with his left thumb and not the whole line with his right finger----unless of course on that side of the pond you do things the other way round?

14th Nov 2015, 16:34
I suspect there was no load master, we do not use them

Maybe not where you operate Gordy but in CH it is possibly mandatory.

Whole different game.

16th Nov 2015, 20:12

Yep, I read to quick... my bad!

Now, this is not a Longranger, hence the positions of the buttons may be located slightly different places than what you're used to. Being a CH machine, it will not surprise me that the remote and belly hook is on the very same switch on the cyclic (you may know the flipswitch right in the middle) associated with a selector on the instrument panel letting you choose ''upper'' or ''lower'' (f*^^%king idiot patent, but all ex CH machines I have flown has this configuration, with the potential of you to letting go of the whole wammy by mistake)
If however the helicopter is factory standard, the remote is on the flipswitch and the button immediately right of that switch is to release the belly, with an either hydraulic or wire mechanical emergency lever on the collective.

Loadmasters are standard

17th Nov 2015, 07:35
Poor setup of the load IMO, if you are limited to where you can attach stropes to a load but you have moving parts you MUST tie off the moving parts to stop them spinning.

At least the pilot had the presence of mind to punch the load when it was looking horrible. :D