View Full Version : Nhill air show.

11th Oct 2015, 00:06
How did the Nhill air show go? I was too crook to fly.

11th Oct 2015, 05:36
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/10461464_1197564690257579_1193989528109999577_n.jpg?oh=97d06 4296af22357c464e01422ec4f12&oe=568E873D

Tower was a success I believe...

11th Oct 2015, 06:52
Sorry that I missed it but on rostered day off after a busy week.

This area my old stomping ground having flown for three Ag operators in then Nhill, Dimboola, Rainbow, heparin ( hahaha apple auto correct doesn't like Jeparit). Also worked other well known places like Marnoo, Minyip, Sailors Rest, Callawadda, Gre Gre, (also Grong Grong), Watchum, Yaapeet, Boinka, Lillimur, and the teeming metropolis of Lorquon.

Some great days with great friends. RIP Ian D.

Hope they covered costs at Nhill. I wonder if the Zero Inn is still the flashiest motel in town.

11th Oct 2015, 08:35
I thought it was a very successful event...heaps of aircraft flew in and acres of cars parked in the paddock.

Highlights included Chris Sperou, the Mustang, Boomerang, Wirraway and Winjeel. And of course the Roulettes who brought gasps of amazement from onlookers.

The weather was good with a high overcast helping the many keen photographers. The town tried very hard to make the many visitors who stayed overnight welcome and the Museum was getting a lot of interest. Nice to see the Anson coming together.

Ryan Campbell gave an inspirational and entertaining talk at a dinner held at the golf club last night. Inspirational because of his enthusiasm for attracting more young pilots to aviation, and entertaining as he explained the extent to which corruption is part of the reality in many countries including near neighbours to the north (5 hours and 8 guys to pump fuel into his ferry tank at one of the stops).

Lovely smooth flight back to Shepparton early this morning. Glad I didn't leave it until late afternoon as we have been having a sound and light spectacular the last few hours.
