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View Full Version : Virgin Australia Wannabes & Recruitment 2015

5th Oct 2015, 22:29
Hey Everyone,

PPrune used to have heaps of forums regarding the cabin crew application process for Virgin Australia. I am surprised it is still not going.

I am an ex flighty with VA who has just reapplied for a Cabin Crew role in Melbourne. Has anyone applied recently? Their careers website is advertising for MEL, SYD & BNE bases.

Share you experiences...


25th Oct 2015, 00:52

I also applied for Mel base a few weeks ago, I worked for EK for 5 years so I have the experience but I haven't yet heard anything.

Does anyone have any experience in this or tips for the process? And will I hear back either way?


4th Dec 2015, 05:40
Hello, I applied for VA last year, and went to an assessment day. It was surprisingly casual. it started with a background in the company, what the job entails and what is expected. Then we did an ice breaker where we had to introduce ourselves to the group. After that, we had to do a group activity involving a few problem solving activities. After this, we had a quick one on one interview with a staff member. They basically read the questions off, and write down your answers. That part I didn't enjoy so much.

I didn't get an offer, I was quite unnerved when they were writing everything as I spoke, rather than us having a conversation.

Was very surprised at the attire some people chose to sport- not limited to tank tops, uncombed hair, and flaunting rather sizeable tattoos! :ugh: