View Full Version : Uncommanded link to app store

3rd Oct 2015, 20:49
Sometimes when brrowsing the forums something pops up that looks like tracking.crobo that opens up the app store - though I have not clicked anything. Anybody else have this issue? Happens to me only on pprune.

3rd Oct 2015, 21:30
Had something similar a few weeks ago when one of the threads kept throwing me into the App Store to download an on line casino program.

You can try clearing all your cookie settings, going into settings and refuse to accept cookies from any source, use some sort of ad blocker app or ignore that thread for a couple of days until the advertisments are reset to something else.

Blocking cookies isn't always the answer. Some websites will not work unless you accept cookies.

It is really annoying when it seems that every click on the screen diverts you to the App Store. The ad blocker apps do work, but can be equally annoying, nagging you to upgrade to a paid version and requiring you to re-enter details of all you favourite sites.

4th Oct 2015, 02:18
It's a German/US ad company whose major customers are F2P games.

9th Oct 2015, 13:16
It does not seem to happen when I use the mobile site rather than the desktop site on my iphone. Unfortunate as I don't care for the mobile site.

16th Oct 2015, 02:04
I still seem to get this from the mobile site. However, after the page has loaded the real info, aborting the rest of the download by clicking the X in the address bar seems to prevent it.

16th Oct 2015, 20:45
This is something we have been dealing with for a long time. Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to quell.

le Pingouin
17th Oct 2015, 03:00
Tell the ad provider to get their act together and stop serving such malware riddled ads or you'll take your business elsewhere. It's one big reason why I block ads - it's all to easy for this sort of thing to happen. Host your own ads!

17th Oct 2015, 13:51
Quite easy to get rid of 99+% of that annoying **** - reason for the behavior is a DNS redirect at the provider DNServer. Actually as a company you can buy these redirects to receive traffic on your site ... It is known that during specific times it may even render your whole internet access useless.

If you want to get rid of it, go to your network settings and delete the DNS server entries, replace by some which are ads-free DNS, google for them or take your closest from the opennic project OpenNIC Wiki: Need help? (http://wiki.opennicproject.org/HomePage) or, if able to read german, from the Chaos Computer Club site CCC | DNS Howto (http://www.chaoscomputerclub.de/en/censorship/dns-howto) (Liste frei verwendbarer DNS-Server). Relax and enjoy the beauty of ads-free information.