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27th Sep 2015, 09:28
It's official...CX now states it's our fault for OTP

Anyone care to guess how many times Cabin Crew / ISM will leave the cockpit crew behind at CX?

So now the Ramp Co-Ordinator is writing reports on us....

So don't fix the real problems ref OTP...just target the cockpit crew...genius!

Thanks MH...really appreciate that. :mad:

27th Sep 2015, 10:15
I was not aware ramp coordinators are experts in pre departure cockpit procedures?

The GMA is not an expert at flying.
The DFO is not an expert at flying.
MH is an expert at being a Clown.

This really is the Flying Circus. So so sad was has become of this great airline.

What would Kantzow and Farrell be saying 69 years after they created this airline?

27th Sep 2015, 10:31
And why was this sent out on a Sunday?

Its an old management technique. It was written midweek but sent on a Sunday to show what a hard worker he is working on a Sunday. Its a way to get noticed when you want a promotion.

Like you said, he is a Clown.

Captain Dart
27th Sep 2015, 10:48
I agree with Betpump. The PILOTS who founded the airline, Roy Farrell and Syd de Kantzow, would be appalled at what is happening.

27th Sep 2015, 11:18
So it's never the fault of ATC then with their continual delays and incompetence?! Why don't they just come clean and write a letter saying that we are to blame for everything, that's basically the gist of where they're at right now.

27th Sep 2015, 11:26
So, basically, 10 minutes to prepare the flight at dispatch was deemed too much? We now get 5 minutes (not even, as we have to be through immigration)!

How long have I had to wait at the gate for the aircraft to arrive, or for late passengers, or for the loadsheet?
But hey, it's easier to blame it on the flight crew if the crew bus leaves 1 minute late.

27th Sep 2015, 11:27
Sounds like mgmt are worried about a possible "max safety" campaign by the front end and getting in first with an intimidating letter.

Agreed, MH should be ashamed of himself for writing such drivel.

27th Sep 2015, 11:34
We may as well sign on at the aircraft directly at STD-60, that way we can save time on transport and the accountants have more office space to work on their lean projects!

oriental flyer
27th Sep 2015, 11:34
I'm so disappointed in MH . I always considered him one of the good guys

But now this ! ! Why would you push out this absolute drivel
Just what did you hope to achieve ? Because all you have done is annoy the flight deck crew even more

Okay so let me get this correct

Crew leave flt ops 3 mins late because They simply cannot read and digest 85 pages of notams in 10 mins , Capt's Fault
the ZFW drops and Crew are waiting for a new FLT PLN Capt's fault
Further delay develops en route to aircraft due traffic road works Capt's fault
Unable to start pre flt prep because cockpit is full of engineers Capt's fault
Last few passengers busy shopping late to board Capt's fault
Final ZFW late to arrive so refuelers kept waiting delaying departure Capt's fault
Loadsheet late. Capt's fault
No Tug. Capt's Fault

So I guess we can replace all the codes with just one. CF. Capt's fault

27th Sep 2015, 12:00
What concern is it of ours what the specific delay code is?

In my experience, and thinking pragmatically (as opposed to passing the buck) - OTP is pretty much never affected by flight crew actions. Ordinarily, It takes a few minutes to set the aircraft up, a few more to for briefs and checks, and the rest of the time is usually waiting for other departments to come through, like LS, fuel loading, boarding etc. before we can continue. If everything is ready when we are, it would take 15-20 minutes tops

If we are recognised as being slightly late on the bus, so be it. If that turns out to be the critical info to solve the dreadful OTP - then they have options. Separate transport, earlier sign on (FTLs start ticking - fine) or my recommendation; as done at outports/bases, go straight to the jet and review paperwork on board.

In reality though, from what I can ascertain - passing the buck over from one department to the next on a micromanaged level won't solve the problem. The common themes I see generally rest with ATC ground delays, flow control, tugs/drivers, aircraft towing to the gate and connecting pax. That's what needs sorting. What seems completely irrelevant is pretending that a minute's delay getting on the bus leading to a subsequent minute's delay in boarding is the source of the problem. It's all a bit 'tail wagging the dog' to me, which is fine. I do what I can, which is all I can do.

As for being 'monitored' - lol.

27th Sep 2015, 12:08
I think many have missed the subtlety of the message, CX is all about loss of face so it's a heads up that other departments are looking to assign blame where ever they can during this little whiz kid project and pass the buck.

I think it's fairly obvious he knows it's not us, he even states we can be swift if pushed and not to get worried "smile say nothing" and let these stupid working groups run their little projects that go nowhere!

27th Sep 2015, 12:12
Mark H,

Without fail, every single piece of communication that has come from you has either been full of excuses on why you are unable do anything, or to deflect blame from yourself and the rest of management and onto someone else.

You're greatest accomplishment has been bringing Facebook to CX, and renaming it Yammer.

I thought Richard Hall's condescending, patronizing tone was bad, but you've shown me through your writing that that was nothing.

It comes as no surprise that someone so far out of their depth as you is trying to cure the symptom and not the cause. A real leader would be out there, supporting the operation, supporting the front line workers, and investing in them as they are the greatest asset this company has.

Once again, CX management at it's finest. You should be ashamed of yourself.

27th Sep 2015, 12:40
So reading between the lines.

For the whole of this year we have been blamed if the bus leaves later than ETD-60 but nobody cared to tell us until now.

ISD unilaterally decide to leave the cockpit crew behind if we are still busy with the paperwork, publish this directive to ISMs (how long ago?) but not FOP, and now have been belatedly requested to let us know that they'll go ahead.

FOP being the eunuchs of the separate "empires" within Cathay will just suck-up being the cause of any delay if we don't get to the a/c by STD-50. I personally would love to go straight to the a/c, save me at least 15min travel time in reporting and then the extra 10min getting back to the airport from CX City. The airport is of course where CX City should have been located if the airline truly had an operational focus in the first place, saving cents spending dollars comes to mind.

Ramp Controllers have done a 5 minute CBT course so they can determine in the 5 seconds they spend in the cockpit that the cockpit aren't ready at STD and FOP accept that! What Bull****.

Safety is our Priority so what is the delay code for Safety Anna?

So after an expensive consultants report it will be recommended we sign on even earlier but as Cathay had the forethought to only pay HDP on block time not Duty time it won't cost the group a single cent.

Just Do It
27th Sep 2015, 12:43
MH has ordered the final boiler to be lit on the Titanic! Well done you ****. Write what you want prick I don't care. So what are you going to do suspend all the Captains LOL. I know what is right and wrong to get an aircraft from A to B. So if you think I give or am going to take any **** from some traffic cop who spends his or her time under the aircraft surfing the net before we finally get to see them -5min before departure, well bring it on!

27th Sep 2015, 12:44
Couldn't agree more. MH should be telling other departments to wind their necks in and stick up for his pilots BUT we are told to play the game so he looks good. I for one will not rush one second more than I need for my safe operation. In fact MH chalk me up now for 100% delays under your new system.

27th Sep 2015, 12:51
Mark has actually told us what we should do. If we need longer at Despatch just Take it, HAS will run out of busses and someone will end up with egg on their face.

Will add nothing to safety, efficiency or profitability but one department can then blame another and feel superior and be comforted that their bonus has been protected what a farce.

27th Sep 2015, 13:21
If we need longer at Despatch just Take it, HAS will run out of busses and someone will end up with egg on their face.

Absolutely!! As always, take as long as you need. I'm quite happy to follow the cabin crew out 2 or 3 minutes later (available bus permitting).

There WAS a reason why our sign-on time used to be ETD-20.........

Don't compensate for their short-comings.

27th Sep 2015, 14:04
all this small time micromanaging is disappointing.
- 100 kg trip fuel adjustments, whilst it's pi55ing out the other end with the hedging screwup.
- blame the pilots for all the delay, when they are on the bus 1 minute later, never mind there is an hour ATC delay from China/ Ls 5 minutes late due to new procedure.
What's next, read the notams on the bus if it takes too long?
- Jumpseats policy: oh boys, better not complain or we will lose the privilege altogether.
- 8 pieces of cheese on board for 38 business class passengers the other day, poor paying passengers.

Sometimes I wish we would put together our money and buy this airline, so we can run it properly.

27th Sep 2015, 14:49
Many of you are missing what some have mentioned: CX is already putting measures in place to manage MSS. They are ahead of us! Again!

What will be our response?

Yonosoy Marinero
27th Sep 2015, 15:14
Let me see if I got this straight.

5 minutes to go through 100 pages of flight plan and prepare for an intercontinental flight (safety is our top priority, you know). If we take more, we get blamed for any delay the flight will suffer, regardless of whether our 'late' arrival on the aircraft actually causes it, which it NEVER does.
Yet strangely, advancing sign-on time appears to be out of the question? :rolleyes:

Methinks the third floor is getting some heat from above and the only way they can deal with it is to pass the sh#t downwards.

I don't know what's more pathetic. The fact that they're trying to look for a scapegoat for their clusterf#ck of an operation or the distinct possibility that they genuinely believe this will fix their dwindling OTP... Gotta love the corporate world.

broadband circuit
27th Sep 2015, 15:16
And they wonder why we despise them so much......

27th Sep 2015, 15:40
If you read between the lines MH is actually on our side. That's why he says "Please don't say anything, just smile." He is well aware that nothing will be fixed with this and that this is only a blame assignment exercise. Cx has become the Titanic, but management still hasn't realized that the ship hit an iceberg.

Hugo Peroni the IV
27th Sep 2015, 16:32

I'm so glad you get it! Thats exactly what MH is saying. Someone took him to task on Yammer and he said, just smile!

I will do just that.

27th Sep 2015, 16:34
While you may despise Yammer, for those that can have a look and you'll see this is above MH and he is equally dumbfounded by the policy.

How long does it take people to realise, you're in bloody China and CX is not a western airline where flight operations has a dominant role. Remember the people calling the shots have virtually no concept of logic.

There's even a notice from staff travel / benefits center saying with immediate effect boarding gate closes at STD -10 so clearly a knee jerk reaction has come from way up, you know those skilled know it alls that don't have to be held responsible for the decisions they make.

So OP you may want to redirect your post as MH is the messenger.

27th Sep 2015, 17:04
Ladies and Gentleman-

While MH may agree this is a fruitless endeavor, he is absolutely NOT on the side of the pilots. He's not your mate, nor your confidant. He is a manager that will only advance his career by doing what is best for the company and ultimately himself.

Wake up boys and girls! MH is not going to fix or help any of us just as AT won't either. You want help? Help yourself by maintaining focus on our goal.

27th Sep 2015, 18:08
I think folks are getting too wrapped up in this. Who cares ? When they care again we care again.

Show up when you're supposed to, step when ready, do things like you always have done and ignore any nastygrams. Calm thr girls down if they feel nervous and too keen and tell them it's all good. It's obvious CC is highlighting all the shortcomings so stay at it. Don't feel compelled to make it work, but don't be a slacker either. Do your job, only your job, don't worry about what others with clipboards think of it and as the Eagles song goes 'Take it easy.'

27th Sep 2015, 18:09
MH could benefit from a CSW (Conventions of Service Writing) course. Yes, that's a course that teaches you how to spell it out for your subordinates. The last correspondence from him was too subtle for most viewers.

Can't you read between the lines?

27th Sep 2015, 18:13
Right on, Shep!

27th Sep 2015, 18:19
All this subtlety is getting on my wick though, why are we always told to smile, grin and bear it. What we need is our superiors to step up to the plate and put a stop to this ridiculous blame game directed at FOP. Smiling and revelling in smug satisfaction that we managed to read between the lines in regards to a memo is not going to stop the rot and solve the problem. This idiocy needs to be cut off at the pass. Lets not be the fall guys for corporate back slapping and useless initiatives that espouse efficiency but in reality signify just more useless hot air!

27th Sep 2015, 20:23
Well, at least this will put the final nail in the coffin of the "Parade of Hand Shakes" before we leave. That ridiculous ritual takes at least a minute out of our day! Truly, this email demonstrates the utter failure of this airlines management. I do think it is MH handing this down from above with a 'roll of his eyes' from himself. Are ANY of you going to do ANYTHING differently? I know i'm not. I'll go when i'm damn well ready. When I KNOW the paperwork is acceptable, and i've settled ANY issue pertaining to the coming flight. If you rush, and screw up, are they going to cut you some slack because you were prioritising OTP...?? hahaha. Sure...good luck with that one. Keep the pressure ON. In fact, I am now going to go even FURTHER out of my way to slow things down in ANY legitimate way I can. I suggest the rest of you commit to the same.

27th Sep 2015, 23:29
Let me see if I understand this:

ISD instructs ISMs to leave CX City at STD - 60, with or without the pilots; pilots are then left behind; so MH asks ISD to amend their instruction so that ISMs wait for the pilots.

Ha ha ha.....did those ISMs that actually did leave CX City before the pilots boarded the bus think that their flight would depart on time without the pilots??

Gotta laugh.....

27th Sep 2015, 23:50
From now, for my china flight, I'm going to call ready only once the LS arrives. Then and only then will we enter the que for departure!:ok:

It is incredible on how badly the wheels have fallen off the bus!:ugh:

28th Sep 2015, 01:33
So when they have to do an AoD test at dispatch will the delay be blamed on the Captain as well?

Captain Dart
28th Sep 2015, 01:56
Thanks to this ridiculous load sheet procedure: late load sheet which delayed push, then a runway change just as we were about to line up for takeoff. Oh dear, how sad...

28th Sep 2015, 05:01

Progress Wanchai
28th Sep 2015, 05:29
Whilst not being part of the MH fan club, I do believe MH is a closet supporter of the current AoA industrial action and its agenda. The email is a piece of subtle genius.

Talking of literary skills, the rumor is that Ivan the terrible has put down pen and paper from his great fairytale "The next chapter", to discover a train wreck outside his window.
There's a few directors who have their heads on the blocks. They've grabbed the nearest GM to go down with them in true sociopathic style where it's everybody's fault but their own. "Leaders" lacking empathy in thier death throes are amusing to observe (from afar).

The wheels have finally fallen off. Let's hope things change before the wings do too.
November is 12 months since the 777 roster went silly. Scheduling is quietly making noises as to the number of crew they can't fully utilize in nov due to 900 hours. Cx has been lobbying CAD to increase this to 1,000 like a few other jurisdictions, but CAD no longer take risks on cx's behalf. The current AFTL's were a 5 year project anyway.

Take the GMO's advise. Get the popcorn, sit back, relax and smile.

28th Sep 2015, 05:36
Yes call ready when you really are, not before.

( unless heading home :O )

28th Sep 2015, 06:59
Thanks Mark for removing the last chance to show my crew I'm not a bad bloke. At least I used to be able to look someone in the eye (not all but some) & shake their hand before I worked with them all night.

Finally after all these years of trying the cabin crew will no longer even have to say "hello" to the cockpit crew, let alone talk to them. They may as well be on another plane, working for another airline. Still I guess the 2 mins saved is worth something to someone in an office somewhere.

I can see it now, we will just get on the bus, smile at the back three rows, (most of which will be heads down looking at a screen anyway) sit down promptly & quietly in the front seats & say nothing to the cabin crew, EVER. Initially the Captain will do a quick welcome speech but that will be tossed aside before too long, due to lack of interest & we'll just pretend we are all part of the same crew.

We'll get spend the next 12 hours on one side of the door & they will be on the other, just like in a Prison. We will never even meet unless I get offered a meal, which will be even less likely now. When we block on at the other end, the cabin crew will already be on their way home or well on their way to the hotel bus. Thanks for the flight guys !

I'm sure this will do wonders for the already terrible resentful relationship we have with so many of our crew.

What a terrible, faceless, greedy company I work for !

28th Sep 2015, 07:44
If just 10% of crew tell the ISM "we'll be over in a couple of minutes" how many buses will go without the flight crew?

More chaos.

Makes the freighter fleet look more attractive by the day.

28th Sep 2015, 08:34
Well done Mark

Before this I might have rushed a little at dispatch in an attempt to be on the bus at approximately the right time

From today I'm not making a move towards the bus until I'm totally done with the pre flight preparation. I will not be making the ready call to ATC until the loadsheet has been acknowledged,

The minion watching my preparations should be really busy filing reports . I think I'm going to have sore facial muscles with all the smiling that I will be doing

However if MH was made to write this letter but disagreed totally with the concept, he must have known the visceral reaction his letter would produce. Thus almost guaranteeing that OTP would go one way
DOWN DOWN DOWN !!! Very sneaky indeed

28th Sep 2015, 13:05
PPSept--that wasn't my take on the letter; i.e. do NOT hurry anything up. Conduct a thorough review of the paperwork just as we normally do, do a thorough preflight and preflight prep just like we normally do.

And it wouldn't matter--as professionals and as licensed professionals this is required of us anyway. Other than skipping the two or three minutes of shaking hands it's bizness as usual. If things are that tight that something we've been doing for years is all of a sudden important to shave a few seconds off it's probably time to take a step back.

Like I said, show up when you're supposed to, do what you've always done, and take it eaaaaaasy. This isn't our concern for our part. Just a few minions running around with pens and paper. Let them do their thing; who cares what they write down or who's to blame for what. Just pretend there's an 'ignore' button like on the internet.

If anything, it's probably time to be a bit MORE thorough in checking things over. When folks get rushed and tired they make mistakes. We have the experience and judgment to know this and avoid external pressures that can make things unsafe. As well as the will, character, and responsibility not to allow a dangerous situation to continue to develop. Not everyone is blessed with this perspective and it's possible others might get suckered in and miss something on the paperwork, in cabin prep, or in fixing the jet.

So the only net effect is maybe have a little closer look at things and take a little extra time to make sure things are right.

fire wall
28th Sep 2015, 23:30
The subtlety in Mark's message was too much for you meatheads to decipher. Personally I lay the blame squarely at the recruitment Department because I just cannot figure out how a collective bunch of myopic lemmings managed to pass the IQ test.

29th Sep 2015, 00:29
Aint that the truth...

Michael Hunt
29th Sep 2015, 01:08
I think everyone got the subtlety just fine.
I think the main concern is that after being presented with this drivel and asked to disseminate to the flight crew MH decided to do so then took to yammer where he performed the "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" instead of doing the right thing and just saying NO! from the get go.
That is part of his job description.

29th Sep 2015, 01:29
Dead right mike hunt... The boys take the queens shilling and irony or not they bat for the other side. We will continue to do the job as professional crew and let the air heads with zero imagination or management skills quibble over OTP and why they dont achieve it. The new loadsheet process is a major culprit.
'We' dont achieve alot these days actually ...reserve coverage, stable rosters, training, customer satisfaction, staff on side,annual leave awarded in the year it's due, positive media coverage, internal communication between depatments, legal success over labour litigation, ability to keep a contractual promise, and im assuming its all the pilot's fault of course!
Let's just write another purile missive and kick the already battle weary crews in the guts.
Oh yes and a hearty slap on the back from ourselves for the " liberian airline managers of the year award" for exceptional largess!!
Now THAT is tongue in cheek!:eek:

29th Sep 2015, 02:57
I was quite annoyed at first too, but

Just like in a marriage, you've gotta pick you battles.
I think Mark has to do the same in his position, he can't just say no every time, as long as he does it with truly important things.
He already said not to worry about it, ops normal, and he'd have our backs.

No need to get bent out of shape...

29th Sep 2015, 03:09
Marks humour is just too subtle for most of us, but be in no doubt...it was meant as humour. He is telling us all we need to know about his opinion of the 9th floor. I'm happy to take his 'read between the lines' advice. Watch the muther burn...

29th Sep 2015, 04:47
I agree with all the sentiments expressed here, having felt pretty angry when the letter first came out but then seeing that MH is doing a delicate dance between communicating his real thoughts to us and being seen to do the right thing by those above.

But also, if anyone reports the crew for causing a delay and someone 'important' wanted to investigate a particular flight, would the minion's report not lead them to the CAR which would then tell the real story? In reality who reads the CARs or any other report anyway?

So things are exactly as they've always been.

29th Sep 2015, 06:03
I just cannot figure out how a collective bunch of myopic lemmings managed to pass the IQ test.

Before you judge others you should really assess your IQ first.

There is no subtlety in any official notice from management. He might not agree with the idea and may have alluded to that fact reading between the lines, but the notice is out. If someone higher than MH wants to crucify you for not following the directives in the notice, you can't exactly go and hide behind MH with the delusional notion that he's going to protect you, because I can assure he won't.

Yonosoy Marinero
29th Sep 2015, 06:10
would the minion's report not lead them to the CAR which would then tell the real story?

Any GH delay on the CAR will bounce back to the crew as they will now blame late pax boarding as consequential to aircrew late on board due late departure from Kitty City.

The ground staff always blames the flight crew for any delays. Now CX is giving them the means to make it official.

You can endear yourself to MH's cute little political dance all you want, but at the end of the day, names will be taken, lists will be made, and when tea/no biccies time comes, make no mistake as to which way he'll weathervane...

29th Sep 2015, 09:05
Flap 10. Grow a pair. How exactly can they 'crucify' you? I am the Captain, and I will GO when i'm READY. I have a RESPONSIBILITY (legal) to carefully, thoroughly and judgmentally review the paperwork and then make decisions regarding the flight planning. NO manager can interfere with that. That is what MH is saying to us. You seem pretty scared and intimidated. Perhaps you should see the Dr and get a few weeks off... You too Marinero. Pathetic.

29th Sep 2015, 09:29
Why is it that I only see this chest thumping bravado on pprune. After two decades here I have yet to see the same attitude displayed in the real world by anyone. :ugh::ugh:

29th Sep 2015, 10:18
Obviously you're not on Yammer :D

29th Sep 2015, 11:10
OH NO Yonosoy.....not another LIST !

Good heavens.

I guess that'll just have to be tagged on to the all the other LISTS folks might have me on somewhere...CIA, MSS, FSS, KGB, DHS, CBP, FEMA, MI6, SHISH, ASIO, BND, SSD, NZSIS, NJC, and CISEN.

As far as getting 'called in' might I suggest some solace in the following line to relieve you of your perennial state of worry:

"I guess I'm just slow."

See, now THAT wasn't so hard was it ?

Progress Wanchai
29th Sep 2015, 17:41
After having a quiet chuckle at MH's email, I don't know whether to laugh or despair at some of the reaction to it. What I do think is some of you need to brush up on John Warham's books.

You work in Asia for an Asian airline that Swire have a management contract for.
Everything is noted, recorded and filed. Always has been. Always will be.

There are 3 rules that everyone in Asia abides by;
1. Cover your ass.
2. Don't lose face.
3. Dob in a colleague. (See rule 1)

The pushback/arrival time has always been recorded seperately and independently by the;
Flight crew
Ground staff
With a supporting report if they feel it's necessary. I don't tell the ground staff what delay code I use. Nor the ISM. Nor the engineer.
They use whatever code and write whatever report they like. As do I. It's been this way since Adam was a kid.

The ground staff and ISD can amend policy as they see fit providing it has no impact on FOP, as is the case this time. This isn't a NTC or OMPA amendment. It's an email. Delete it if you're that paranoid. However, many of us appreciated the subtle message that the silo empires that make up cx are infighting and the tacit pat on the back for our current industrial campaign.

29th Sep 2015, 17:55
Perhaps this is all a big ploy to see if the ACARS off blocks time matches the time the HAS guy says the plane moved. We all knew something was coming in this regard.

Progress Wanchai
29th Sep 2015, 18:18
If the park brake is released significantly prior to aircraft movement then no, the CAR won't correlate with the ISM report or the ground staff report.
This has always been the case. Nothing new here.

30th Sep 2015, 12:56
I don't know what's worse? The holier than thou arrogant morons who come here proclaiming that they can read between the lines and can see the subtlety in MH's letter, or those that actually believe that MH's "Nod and Wink" method makes him "a good guy".

When are you fools going to learn that NO ONE on the third floor is your friend. The Jellyfish is not your friend, the 777 CP that the Boeing boys rave about is not your friend, the "he isn't so bad" GH is not your friend.

A bunch of C&T wrote a letter to management stating their concerns. You think our fleet managers would ever do the same? The moment they take a job in the fleet office, they raise their hand and vow to tow the company line, losing friends and respect from their colleagues is the sacrifice they make.

The fact that MH doesn't believe a word in his email is neither here nor there. Any credibility I had left for him was lost the moment he tried to defend himself on Yammer. He should have just shut his mouth. No one has a gun to his head. No one in the fleet office has a gun to their head. They chose the management path and they deserve the backlash that comes with it.


30th Sep 2015, 14:25
Agree 100%! I'm sick of the smug types that claim they can read between the lines in the email/yammer response but I would ask them, do you think anything is actually going to change even though you naively think he's on our side? It's like everything in this place, it's style over substance.

30th Sep 2015, 15:28
I'm far too dense to read behind the lines unless it's really really obvious.

Or funny.

But that's me.

Then again, I've never worried much about letters, articles, or things teachers might put in my "permanent record." At the end of the day if the radio is playing something I don't like I can usually find the off switch. And then I'm happy again.

30th Sep 2015, 20:32
100% agree with betpump5. Well written and worth a second read IMO.

If you disagree with anything he wrote, I might go so far as to label you naive.

For those of you on Yammer, I strongly suggest you cease and desist. The notion of labour groups discussing industrial and other matters on a Company forum with middle management is beyond ridiculous. Do you think your colleagues at other airlines in Europe, Antipodia, or North America yammer on Company forums in place of their elected representation? Only in Hong Kong would you witness such absurdity from Western pilots. I can hardly believe how retarded we are. So pathetic. WAKE UP!!!

30th Sep 2015, 23:32
I don't know what's worse? The holier than thou arrogant morons who come here proclaiming that they can read between the lines and can see the subtlety in MH's letter, or those that actually believe that MH's "Nod and Wink" method makes him "a good guy".

When are you fools going to learn that NO ONE on the third floor is your friend. The Jellyfish is not your friend, the 777 CP that the Boeing boys rave about is not your friend, the "he isn't so bad" GH is not your friend.

A bunch of C&T wrote a letter to management stating their concerns. You think our fleet managers would ever do the same? The moment they take a job in the fleet office, they raise their hand and vow to tow the company line, losing friends and respect from their colleagues is the sacrifice they make.

The fact that MH doesn't believe a word in his email is neither here nor there. Any credibility I had left for him was lost the moment he tried to defend himself on Yammer. He should have just shut his mouth. No one has a gun to his head. No one in the fleet office has a gun to their head. They chose the management path and they deserve the backlash that comes with it.

Can we sticky this for the CX pilot group?

So typical of a pilot group who will completely lose the big picture and crash straight into a mountain, as long he's got the mouth music down 1/2 second faster than the guy next to him. Pathetic.

Progress Wanchai
1st Oct 2015, 02:06
"We want thinking pilots" is given the same priority as "We put safety first".

1st Oct 2015, 03:58
But, PPSept, we're doing it for the environment.

Except when we tanker fuel, of course. Then we don't care.

White None
3rd Oct 2015, 01:40
Sigh .... There should be a mandatory, pre-PPRUNE membership, online course and perhaps some post piss poor posting practice sessions to teach and maintain currency on the gentle art of Wit, Irony, Banter and occasional Sarcasm to the great unwashed. Then we could start on Gramma and schpelling - Hic.

Anyway... I got you Kirk

7th Oct 2015, 12:39
MH? Maybe think about who sits in the office and who flies the planes. Please be guided accordingly.