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15th Sep 2015, 08:23
Apologies if this has been done to death, couldn't find anything through the search...

I am interested to see what the general opinion is on doing TR's on turbine machines. I would like to add a couple of machines to my licence and not sure would the best route would be:

Machines I am considering
R66 (although this may not happen)

Are there any significant benefits of one machine over another in that list (excluding the R66)?


15th Sep 2015, 08:37
It depends what you have access to.

15th Sep 2015, 08:39

15th Sep 2015, 08:40
Well all of those in terms of doing a TR and access to AS350, EC120 and MD500 for future flying. I guess I was coming at it from a, what would be the most useful TR to add to a licence? Or are these all pretty much the same in terms of cost, capability etc

whoknows idont
15th Sep 2015, 08:44
Are there any significant benefits of one machine over another in that list (excluding the R66)?


15th Sep 2015, 08:55
and those would be... :ok:

15th Sep 2015, 10:00
you need to tell us more and what your aim is

350 expensive to SFH and not common to find, but good for commercial work
206 always useful as there are a lot about to sfh
500 if you want to have fun, probably the cheapest in terms of cost v miles done
EC120 wouldn't bother with as very few about
480 not that many same performance as a 206
341 fun to fly but expensive as you can't hire an ex mil one
R66 no comment

whoknows idont
15th Sep 2015, 10:04
Overall the most capable out of your list would probably be the 350. Nobody can judge what would be the most useful for you if you don't tell us what you are planning to do with your new rating. Why exactly would you "like to add a couple of machines" to your licence and what kind of licence would that be? Have you done any research at all or are you just listing a couple common SET types?

15th Sep 2015, 11:49
Aussie CPL, converting to UK CPL and wanted to add at least one useful turbine to my licence (currently all R22 & 300c). sfh availability is important. Although I will probably not being looking to do commercial work in any of them, of course that might change.

John R81
15th Sep 2015, 12:31

H500 says "few 120s about" - on my field there are more 120s than 500s so it depends where you will fly from.

Your post suggests to me that you have already researched which machines would be available to you, so it is down to the performance that you want rather than availability.

Of the machines you cite, the 120 has the best cabin / comfort (my opinion) but paylod is limited; the 500 has great performance but worst cabin / comfort; the 206 is in between (or is L4 a possibility?). The AS350 has been around for so long that cabin / comfort depends on which model / what fit. Performance is good but flying hr cost is higher.

If you want CPL work then I assume you have looked at the outfits you might fly for, and what machines they have.

whoknows idont
15th Sep 2015, 12:37
Useful to do what exactly? Costs could probably be 350>120>206>500, depending on what you do with it. It really comes down to what you want to do and what your funds are. First you should survey availability and costs.

15th Sep 2015, 12:37
Just getting some opinions really, I like the 120 and 350, see those as good options to take some friends in comfort etc, 500 would be nice as I like the performance and handling but sfh costs will drive my decision tbh

whoknows idont
15th Sep 2015, 13:09
If you want to take friends in comfort and are looking for somewhat reasonable costs you probably want the 206.

15th Sep 2015, 13:44
Go with B206, your wasting your time with the rest.

John R81
16th Sep 2015, 08:17

Get on the phone. Check out the SFH options and prices available within the distance you are prepared to drive tot he airfield. Then you can publish the results of your research here.