View Full Version : Spitfire down in Kent

7th Sep 2015, 11:29
A couple of hours ago.
According to witnesses the engine started spluttering, pilot executed a forced landing in a field. Near Woodchurch.
Pilot ok.

Pictures on Kent On Line.

Pontius Navigator
7th Sep 2015, 11:35
Sad but that rather justifies the insurance brokers with the premium for overflight of London.

Is that a two-seater, I can't quite make if out?

7th Sep 2015, 11:39
It looks like the 2 seater NL-R?

Above The Clouds
7th Sep 2015, 11:40
Good to hear there are no injuries, it is the two seat German one D-FMKN.

Up for sale http://www.platinumfighters.com/#!spitfire-mj772/cuwc

7th Sep 2015, 11:45
Looks like a textbook forced landing, glad pilot OK. Looks like a Tr 9 from the photo. Any idea which one?

Pontius Navigator
7th Sep 2015, 11:49
Google is yr friend
Google (http://www.google.co.uk/#q=spitfire+d-fmkn)

It had an undercarriage malfunction 3 years ago too.

Above The Clouds
7th Sep 2015, 11:56
@ Wander00 just follow the link in my post and it has the full history of the aircraft.

7th Sep 2015, 12:40
Very glad to hear that there were no injuries ...


Image Credit : @Liztrispirit

Sadly I doubt she will be a Goodwood next week ...

7th Sep 2015, 12:54
Hmm, a certain irony there methinks - German" Spitfire in BoB Commemoration! Maybe there ought to be an Me 109out in front, and the Spit and Hurri pilots going"Dagga, daga" on the R/T......hat, coat...........
PS - ATC - many thanks

7th Sep 2015, 12:55
Thanks PN ... Amendment made :ok:

A bit of additional historic info ...

RAF Woodchurch


7th Sep 2015, 13:50
Port wing torn off.


Pilot rumoured to have been Rob Davies who had to bail out of the P-51 at Duxford a couple of years back....poor Rob must have been thinking oh no, not again :ooh:

7th Sep 2015, 13:56
Port wing torn off.
That's what speed tape was made for ;)


Above The Clouds
7th Sep 2015, 14:09
Port wing torn off

I don't think it was torn but removed for transport by road, this picture in a German newspaper shows it intact.


7th Sep 2015, 14:15
Above the Clouds - Is that a picture from its earlier wheels up landing in Germany perhaps? That look like grass, the Kentish field shown in the pictures elsewhere looked to be stubble.


7th Sep 2015, 14:22
That's the earlier incident.
Today was indeed in a field recently combined.
And the port wing was removed at the root.
Expensive and lengthy repair...

Above The Clouds
7th Sep 2015, 14:30
Is that a picture from its earlier wheels up landing in Germany perhaps? That look like grass, the Kentish field shown in the pictures elsewhere looked to be stubble.

biscuit74 I think you are correct, its had rather a run of bad luck in recent years.

7th Sep 2015, 14:42
A not entirely unknown problem for German owned aluminium.
There's still quite a bit of it in the ground here in Kent.

just another jocky
7th Sep 2015, 15:27
I must admit I didn't think Kent had such lovely hills. :}

Glad the pilot is ok. The plane can be fixed, shame though it is to see it like that.

7th Sep 2015, 15:33
That will buff out, no problem.

Glad all OK and it's not a write off.

7th Sep 2015, 16:22
Zee Jermanz don't know how to properly fix British hardware.
Or maybe they just sabotaged an enemy plane...:E

Thomas coupling
7th Sep 2015, 18:09
third forced landing during its lifetime after the war.
Don't think it'll get its asking price now (3.5 mil) :eek:

7th Sep 2015, 22:09
Vorsprung Durch Feckedit

7th Sep 2015, 22:19

7th Sep 2015, 22:50
How apposite