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View Full Version : 206 Down in Sept Iles Quebec 2 fatalities

Viper 7
3rd Sep 2015, 18:24
Quebecers identified as 2 killed in Sept-Īles helicopter crash - Montreal - CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/victims-identified-helicopter-crash-quebec-1.3214180)

Crashed shortly after takeoff, few details.


Viper 7
3rd Sep 2015, 18:34
Reports say pilot and four pax on board, privately owned aircraft.

4th Sep 2015, 19:23
Canadian registry says registered to "Gestion Pragy Society"... no other details... condolences to family... :(

5th Sep 2015, 01:29
Not to sure if this is going to work but here is a video of the location of the crash and surrounding area.


http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv196/jacdor/th_11920750_837572156340002_1794597346_n_zpspdz81kzp.mp4 (http://i683.photobucket.com/albums/vv196/jacdor/11920750_837572156340002_1794597346_n_zpspdz81kzp.mp4)

5th Sep 2015, 07:03
Looks like a rollover type of accident - all the relevant components are in close proximity, main and TR blades are all there.

Arnie Madsen
5th Sep 2015, 11:08
The Transportation Safety Board of Canada Investigators have interviewed several witnesses, including the pilot.

The TSB says the chopper was trying to land by the side of a river when it lost control about ten meters (33 feet) off the ground

Sept-Īles helicopter crash: Transport Safety Board talks to witnesses - Montreal - CBC News (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/sept-%C3%AEles-helicopter-crash-transport-safety-board-talks-to-witnesses-1.3216347)

5th Sep 2015, 12:45
That volume of fast moving water will drag a lot of air with it. The last few metres above ground could have hidden an unexpected hazard.


5th Sep 2015, 18:29
It is possible the pilot became disorientated - trying to land on a non-moving surface (the land) when you are looking at a fast moving surface (the river) can really screw with your perception of movement.

6th Sep 2015, 14:54
Early report came out from talking to witnesses on the ground and the pilot himself. Seems like the Helicopter fell to the ground from about 20 to 30 feet.

Mechanical, VRS, SWP or just lost of control from the optical illusion created from the fast moving water on approach to landing may have caused this. Will find out later.