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3rd Sep 2015, 11:27
Squadron Leader Ian Hewitt has passed away.
I salute you sir.

Sqn Ldr Ian Hewitt - obituary - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11839614/Sqn-Ldr-Ian-Hewitt-obituary.html)

3rd Sep 2015, 17:16
Wasn't that the one that crash landed on the ice which melted letting it sink but not until the crew had "gone away" home runs

3rd Sep 2015, 18:10
There's a fairly comprehensive account here:

W1048 TL-S from 35 Squadron (http://www.archieraf.co.uk/archie/1048tls.html)

3rd Sep 2015, 18:54
I talked to Sgt Vic Stevens, the Flight Engineer when I was an Air cadet over 30 years ago when he did a presentation about his involvement in the raid and its aftermath at my ATC squadron (The HQ of which was a stones throw from his home). The most impressive part of his talk though was when he showed the young cadets his photo album from Stalag Luft III which had quite a few photos in it.