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1st Oct 2015, 19:52
Evening all,

Anyone attending Shamrock House on the 9th October?

Im heading down on the 9th, I guess I'll see you there

1st Oct 2015, 20:17
I am going on the 9th! :)

2nd Oct 2015, 09:28
I will be there on the 9th too, until then!:)

2nd Oct 2015, 22:58
Regarding the paperwork, do we need to take copies or the original versions of the academic transcripts?

3rd Oct 2015, 00:39
Regarding the paperwork, do we need to take copies or the original versions of the academic transcripts?

Copies, they keep them.

3rd Oct 2015, 08:16
Regarding the paperwork, do we need to take copies or the original versions of the academic transcripts?

Copies will suffice for the first assessment, originals will be needed during the next phases.

3rd Oct 2015, 08:24
Bring copies of all results etc. You will need to bring your passport with you, they take it off you in reception when you first arrive.

3rd Oct 2015, 09:12
Thanks mate. How did the assessment go? Don't go into detail to avoid giving anyone an unfair advantage.

Navy Navy
3rd Oct 2015, 22:11
Hope you're all satisfied with your performance in the assessment so far guys :ok:

A question for anyone whom has already attended; Have we seen many women at the assessments so far? Has it been a pretty even ratio so far do you think?

I've just noticed that in recent years there has always been an awful lot more men than women

Dave the pilot
4th Oct 2015, 12:27
@ Navy Navy

Why are you surprised? More men than women want to become pilots. Simple as that. I hope you're not suggesting they discriminate against men to balance the gender scales.

4th Oct 2015, 17:34
Whoever got through the assessment please do contact me for a reward. Once the candidates are selected not now.

Navy Navy
4th Oct 2015, 20:10
Not surprised, just curious as to see if many women have applied that's all

5th Oct 2015, 10:55
Good luck to all those doing their assessments this week! I've personally got mine tomorrow and I can't really help the nerves! :/ I know we can all do it!

5th Oct 2015, 14:49
EZY_FR, good luck with your assessment. It's important to believe that you can do it. Have faith! :ok:

6th Oct 2015, 21:18
Thanks. Without giving anything away, I am feeling 50:50 about how I did today. I can also confirm that the scheme will grant you an ATPL license, not the MPL as they originally intended.

7th Oct 2015, 15:09
so how did it go for you then Ezy?

7th Oct 2015, 18:29
Without giving anything away, I feel OK with all the tests bar one. I , like everyone else here, am desperate to find out how I've done.

8th Oct 2015, 23:30
For those that have sat the assessment so far, were you guys told what the situation was regarding thresholds for each test? I was told at my assessment day that they look at the big picture, rather than just simply rejecting you because you failed one of the tests. I sincerely hope this is the case as I don't feel comfortable with my efforts in the Numerical Reasoning paper :(.

9th Oct 2015, 04:30
Hi Ezy_fr, I was under the same impression from my assessment day. I felt the same way about the interview but I was reassured that they would look at the overall picture in their decisions

9th Oct 2015, 10:17
I didnt feel confident about my interview... :( I don't think I've ever used the word 'um' so much in a short space of time.

For all us aspiring pilots, remember that what ever the outcome is (good or bad); this is a huge learning curve. You may not even realise it. Gaining experience in these assessments will help you dramatically in getting a little bit closer to your dream, and if you really really want it; you WILL find a way to get there in the end. For some it will take longer than others but it is possible. Never get disheartened with the knock-backs. Good luck to everyone.

9th Oct 2015, 19:29
Ezy_Fr what do you think happened? Not just post exam anxiety no?

All done and dusted now, assessments have now concluded - how did everyone get on?

9th Oct 2015, 20:05
I think I've flunked the numerical reasoning paper, which is annoying as I feel really confident about my performance in the other tests (okay, maybe not the interview, but that's hard to tell a lot of the time).

10th Oct 2015, 00:46
I think I've flunked the numerical reasoning paper, which is annoying as I feel really confident about my performance in the other tests (okay, maybe not the interview, but that's hard to tell a lot of the time).

The same as FR. Tests were difficult I thought (Maths + physics and numerical). Interview also. Although most of us on my day had regrets about the interview. 16 per day times 10 days, 160 through to this stage. Interviewers were great though! Groupwork, well you never know.

Hoping next week will be the week. Fingers crossed. Everyone on my day were sound! Good luck everyone!

12th Oct 2015, 08:22
Whilst at the assessments, the one thing i did notice was that no one seemed to know the excact details surrounding the sponsorship? Did anyone find any information regarding this?

12th Oct 2015, 09:38
100% EI funded with a small allowance while in Jerez

12th Oct 2015, 10:06
Thanks, but do you know Terms and conditions of employment? tenure of mandated contract? Remuneration etc?


12th Oct 2015, 10:46
I doubt we would get those kinds of specifics until training bonds were being prepared to be signed.

13th Oct 2015, 10:10
To anyone who went through the process last year, how long did you have to wait before you heard the outcome of your assessment?

13th Oct 2015, 13:58
I had a look back through emails there - the final days of assessments last year was Friday 24th Oct

We received an invitation email then on the following Friday evening the 31st, so it was one week last year.

But who knows!

16th Oct 2015, 09:08
Email invitations to next round currently being sent....

Best of luck!

16th Oct 2015, 09:25
Email invitations to next round currently being sent....

Best of luck!

Grim. That's me a nervous wreck for the rest of the day and it's not even 1030! Haha

16th Oct 2015, 09:26
When did you receive your response?

16th Oct 2015, 09:38
Is this inside info or have you been invited back? If so, when are you going back to Dublin for round 2?

16th Oct 2015, 10:08
Received an invitation this morning.

I'm sure there will be more coming throughout the day as they process them.

16th Oct 2015, 10:12
Can I ask when you will be going back? a week or two weeks? or sooner?

16th Oct 2015, 10:33

Just received my invitation. As it came from Aer Lingus themselves, my gmail assumed it was a sales pitch and dropped it in to the junk mail so I would recommend you check there if you are still waiting.

16th Oct 2015, 10:51
has anyone else had an invitation? or a rejection?

16th Oct 2015, 10:54
I'm expecting to receive a PFO email now... I wasn't happy with the performance of one of my tests.

16th Oct 2015, 10:56
those of you who have had an invitation - how did you really feel about your performance on the day?

16th Oct 2015, 11:04
Yeah got an invitation

16th Oct 2015, 11:13
what time did you get yours UAQ805?

16th Oct 2015, 11:17

16th Oct 2015, 11:22
I'm still waiting on a result.

16th Oct 2015, 11:38
Got an invite early this morning. I'm a Gmail user and it went into my promotions folder. Check your inbox thoroughly.

16th Oct 2015, 11:43

16th Oct 2015, 12:31
Still nothing.... this is not good :( . Well done to you guys who have got through to the next stage :ok:

16th Oct 2015, 12:39
Have you heard anything EZY_FR? :sad:

16th Oct 2015, 13:11

It was about 9am

16th Oct 2015, 13:16
Still nothing. There is no point fretting over it yet.

16th Oct 2015, 13:18
@EZY_FR - you think we still have a chance?

16th Oct 2015, 13:20

You are certainly still in the game until you get the email saying otherwise.

People can cancel, new slots can open up. I wouldn't worry just yet.

No news is not bad news :ok:

16th Oct 2015, 13:21
As I said, there is no point worrying about it. If it's bad news, just take it on the chin and use the assessment as a learning experience.

16th Oct 2015, 13:36
Just out of curiosity, what dates have you guys been assigned?

16th Oct 2015, 13:38
We haven't yet - just an indication that it will be a date to be confirmed within 22nd - 30th October period back in Shamrock House.

16th Oct 2015, 13:40
Those of you have heard - when did you have your assessment? The first or the second week?

16th Oct 2015, 14:09

Calm down chief! A cursory look through previous Aer Lingus threads suggests they like to take their time with selections and invites. I know guys that found out months after interviews when it had gone quiet that they had been called back to Dublin, and equally guys given the green light months after it had all gone quiet.

Id suggest a spot of patience......screaming at people in capitals wont help you feel better!

16th Oct 2015, 14:19
The use of capital letters was not intended to suggest I was screaming. I apologies to all if I appeared to be screaming in my posts - and yes I should be more patient. Any kind of information is appreciated on this forum. Apologies for any offence caused.

16th Oct 2015, 15:34
Well done to those who have got emails, and fingers crossed for those who don't, I remember hearing AL were sending emails out after 1800 once.

Anyone got any ideas of numbers going through to the next stage?

16th Oct 2015, 17:18
Hi guys,

i applied for this position at the begining of october. Some of you did the same ? Had someone already been invited ?

thank you so much !

18th Oct 2015, 13:36
Has anyone found out when we will be given dates for the interview? Its cutting it fine for time off work!

18th Oct 2015, 15:33
I personally think the reason why they haven't allocated you time slots yet is because they have yet to decide on how many they want to interview.

18th Oct 2015, 16:21
I got a phone call late Friday evening asking to confirm a time slot for interview.

They will most likely ring anyone waiting to hear on Monday morning so keep your phone available.

Doesn't seem to be a psychometric assessment this year, did anyone hear otherwise?

18th Oct 2015, 16:46
I got a phone call late Friday evening asking to confirm a time slot for interview.

They will most likely ring anyone waiting to hear on Monday morning so keep your phone available.

Doesn't seem to be a psychometric assessment this year, did anyone hear otherwise?

Hello Sir,

Haven't you got an email before the phone call ? Or maybe something emse warning they were going to call you?

Thanks and have a nice evening 😊

18th Oct 2015, 18:17
Anyone else yet to hear anything back? Wondering if theyve sent out all the invitations to interview or if more are still to be sent out. Congrats to those who've heard so far.

18th Oct 2015, 18:52
I'm still waiting for my outcome. Speed_Alive_V1, what makes you believe that there are no psychometric assessments this year?

19th Oct 2015, 08:22
I believe there will be a psychometric test.

19th Oct 2015, 08:48
Did it say that in your email?

My email said nothing about it, and I asked on the call and they said no.

I'm curious are they using my last test as it isn't the kind of exam to change results.

19th Oct 2015, 08:50
They mentioned it in the assessment - I have not received an email.

19th Oct 2015, 10:26
Has anyone else received the email but no call?

19th Oct 2015, 10:51
Cessnaflyer87 - I've received the email but no call. Aer Lingus generally like to do their calling later on in the afternoon - well that's what I've found from experience so it will be soon enough I'd imagine.

19th Oct 2015, 16:26
Hi guys,

Do you know how long do they take to assess the applications?

Thanks and good luck for those who had been contacted ;-)

19th Oct 2015, 16:31
Still awaiting the 'yay' or 'nay' email. Anyone else not heard anything at all? Trying to stay optimistic...

19th Oct 2015, 16:37
Nothing here, and if interviews are due to start on Thursday, then I seriously doubt we'll get good news this time. As gutting as it is to believe that, especially after putting all that work into the prep, I know I have benefited one way or another, and it will undoubtedly help me with future applications. The ones that have made the cut this time, you all deserve to be in this amazing position. Keep your head high through this final phase and hopefully you'll make it all the way. I'll join you all in the skies shortly afterwards ;) !

19th Oct 2015, 19:47
Hi, I did the interview in dublin on the 8th, thought i got on 50:50, aced a few things and got on fairly crap in others, my first attempt at anything like this and have almost zero flying experience. Was amazed at the amount of people there who had done these interviews multiple times for different airlines and keep on trying. Heard nothing back yet and not holding out too much hope, would be an amazing opportunity to get though so best of luck to all who have progressed and you never know I might see you there!!

20th Oct 2015, 09:16
Nothing my end either.

20th Oct 2015, 09:42
Does anyone think they may be inviting people in batches? Past experience maybe? I think only around 4 people on this forum have confirmed that they have been invited back. Again, I am trying to be optimistic until the dreaded rejection comes through.

20th Oct 2015, 11:20
Hi Guys,

I was informed that this was purely an interview assesment and there would be no psychometric tests.... for those who were wondering.

20th Oct 2015, 11:41
Hi guys

I too am waiting for a response, I think I've given up hope though. Like some have said maybe it's a staggered process, however a big question for me is of the people on here with invites, was anybody in week two?

Congratulations to those who have got through. I just want an answer. I'm sure many will agree its a horrible feeling waiting for news, particularly as it looks to be bad.

Cheers guys

21st Oct 2015, 10:39
After speaking to someone from FTE, all those waiting to hear back will find out their result this week

21st Oct 2015, 10:45
After speaking to someone from FTE, all those waiting to hear back will find out their result this week

You mean if we don't get any reply this week, we won't be taken?!

21st Oct 2015, 11:08
EZY_FR - Did they give you any indication as to whether or not they will be inviting more people back?

21st Oct 2015, 11:21
No they didn't.

21st Oct 2015, 14:07
I just received my "thanks, but no thanks" email. I was sort of expecting it though to be honest. It was my first time applying for it and I felt a bit out of my depth when I got to Shamrock House and saw how much better prepared everyone else there was. Ah well, I'll learn my lesson and spend the next year putting myself in a better position for when the competition comes back around!

Best of luck to everyone else who got through to the second interview!

21st Oct 2015, 14:30
Got my email - unsuccessful. Absolutely gutted. Congratulations to all that made it.

21st Oct 2015, 14:38
Just received the PFO email. Sorta knew it was going to happen, but its still not nice to see. :( Best of luck to all those still in the game.

21st Oct 2015, 14:45
EZY_FR - Sorry to hear that mate. I can see you are keen to become a pilot. It is hard. I really wish they would give us feedback. How the heck are we supposed to do better next time when we don't really know where we need to improve? Don't lose hope. I know it's easier said than done but I am sure that many of the successful candidates have had several knock backs, and will go on to make fine pilots. I hope I can be one of those people one day. There will be other opportunities.

21st Oct 2015, 14:47
At least the agonising wait is over and we can move

21st Oct 2015, 14:51
Does this mean we were not chosen by Aer Lingus for the final interview, but we passed FTE's assessment?

21st Oct 2015, 14:52
They won't give us any feedback unfortunately, so don't know.

21st Oct 2015, 15:05
gutted, just received my knock back. at least there was no suspense as they were kind enough to put it in the email header! well done to those who were successful (not at all jealous :{ ).

the frustrating part is the feedback part, there must be some typed up notes somewhere that could be provided. maybe to stop the almost inevitable disagreement emails if the comments are on a personality trait. (results on the tests should be easy)

for me i know i went badly wrong on the interview part and was generally under prepared after only being asked for an interview 3 days before it happened!

ah well, i suppose there is no harm in starting to prepare now for next year if it happens

anybody on here from the first session from the 29th sept?

ps i hope i never see a 3 men standing next to each other in whatever orientation holding a square and a circle ever again :)

21st Oct 2015, 15:25
I was on the 29th

21st Oct 2015, 15:58
out of interest, when they gave feedback, what parts did they give it on? did they have a similar set up to this assessment day so gave all parts (maths/physics/aptitude/interview)?

21st Oct 2015, 16:06
now i think that type of feedback would be very useful.

21st Oct 2015, 16:32
I never had feedback from BA - they said they couldn't give it, again due to number of applicants. I got to the second stage (the assessment day). Did you request directly from them?

22nd Oct 2015, 11:17
Good luck to all those sitting the interviews this week and next! Be proud of who you are!

25th Oct 2015, 23:28
got the knock back aswell, best of luck to all who progressed. Back to the drawing board for me

28th Oct 2015, 01:04
How is everyone finding their interviews so far? Wishing you guys all the best! If you'd like me to give you guys a mock interview, send me a PM. :)

28th Oct 2015, 11:50
EZY_FR; I'm sorry to learn of your recent set back. I know you will agree that experience has won. I also know of a few most recent BA FPPs who got knocked back by aer lingus and Virgin cadet schemes but are now in or about to start training. Turn the paper!

31st Oct 2015, 12:19
Interviews have now finished up...

How did everyone get on? I've heard there was around 50-60 candidates invited for final interview

31st Oct 2015, 12:31
Interviews have now finished up...

How did everyone get on? I've heard there was around 50-60 candidates invited for final interview

Hi dude! I haven't even received an email about my application... Shall I drop it ?

Good day everybody

1st Nov 2015, 18:54
Hi dude! I haven't even received an email about my application... Shall I drop it ?

Good day everybody

I think the final assessment concluded on Friday, but check with FTE as they should be able to confirm this.

It's just a waiting game now....

1st Nov 2015, 22:31
How did the interviews go guys? Did the Airline give you any indicators as to when they will give you the outcome?

5th Nov 2015, 11:29
Just got my pfo. I reached the final interview stage with AL at head office. Good luck to everyone else still in the game.

6th Nov 2015, 17:27

sorry to hear you didn't make it through. I didn't make it through the previous FTE round in Shamrock.

Out of curiosity, what was the final stage interview like? what type of questions they asked and what depth of answer they required? I ask because in the time in between the interview and hearing that i had failed to make it through i was trying to read up on a hell of a lot of areas i hadn't done too much on previously and possibly quite morbidly :) am interested on how i may have fared given the approach i was using and the limited time i had.

Cheers dude and good luck with any future applications

25th Nov 2015, 14:53
So does anyone know of anyone to get through this or get to the end?

20th Mar 2016, 20:42
Anyone know if this scheme will open in 2017?

21st Mar 2016, 17:25
According to FTE, the scheme will reopen late this year.

21st Mar 2016, 22:00
Fingers crossed then

24th Apr 2016, 17:28
Dear Cadets/Pilots/Instructors,

This year I would like to apply for the Aer Lingus cadet programme. As you may know, the application is to be done through the Aer Lingus official website (unless I have missed this link on the FTE Jerez).

My question is, are the entry requirements the same as British Airways, easyJet, etc. because I have not been able to find them? Or do I get that asked when I send my application once the programme re-opens?

Thanks for your time.

26th Apr 2016, 15:43
It isn't clear cut how they compare to the FPP and the EZY MPL requirements, since they use Irish Leaving Certificates.

26th Apr 2016, 16:21
Good afternoon sir,

Thanks for your reply. I guess I will just have to assume that the cadet programme requires the equivalent of A levels and GCSEs as shown in the Qualification Equivalence Table (http://www.britishairways.com/careers/futurepilot/aboutYou.shtml) on the BA FPP website (assuming Aer Lingus require similar qualifications as British Airways).

Have a good day!

28th Apr 2016, 11:45
Aer Lingus requirements are very low and nothing in comparison to the EZY mpl and certainly nowhere near as high as BA's. For the maths they require a grade C at Irish leaving cert ordinary level, irish ordinary leaving cert maths isn't even considered as equivalent to GCSE level maths.

18th May 2016, 20:23
Majority of Cadets have Degree's, most of them are generally maths based subjects.
You won't get the Cadetship just on your leaving cert results. Need a lot of experience and generally being the right person :) Apply, apply yourself and don't ever give up!

23rd Aug 2016, 19:42
Hi all,

Good luck to everyone who has applied, can anyone recall the dates stated for the final interview round?


23rd Aug 2016, 20:43
Resurrected the 2016 thread Jumpseat, sure you're not looking for the 2017?

23rd Aug 2016, 21:14
Awh, bit late for the 2016, time to jump to the 2017 thread!