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View Full Version : Air Mauritius recruitment of pilots raises questions

21st Aug 2015, 05:24
Pilot selections that were conducted for the 2013-2014 batch for candidates without any prior flying experience to the detriment of local mauritians who already had a minimum CPL raises doubt. (Some Failed the 1st stage but still got through and selected for training)..

The selected cadets names seem to have a link to the old government regime. Its shocking!!

Further investigations will soon be underway or perhaps freeze this whole recruitment process. :D

In addition to this, 11 SA pilots were recruited this year for the company, HOW? WHEN? WHO? :eek: (Discriminating against qualify local Mauritian pilots), (Mafias are earning so much commission!!)

Article: Article: MK accusée de favoriser des pilotes sud-africains: l?EOC sollicitée | lexpress.mu (http://www.lexpress.mu/article/266849/mk-accusee-favoriser-pilotes-sud-africains-leoc-sollicitee)

21st Aug 2015, 10:25
I would not be surprised about some collusion in the hiring process but I'm really surprised about the south African supposed connexion... How did THAT happen??

26th Aug 2015, 11:37
So far on the list, b--b--jaun, b--choo and several bunch of corrupted idiots undergoing training in SA..:mad: How they got in raises concern?

27th Aug 2015, 12:46
Hello Mikezeronovember,

Where can we have a look at that list please?
By the way do you know if there will be a another cadet selection soon? Maybe next year?

28th Aug 2015, 10:36
Its confirmed:ok:! A copy need to be sent to ICAC and EOC soon regarding this 2013-2014 cadet selection names. Mk Mafias are shivering with fear.