View Full Version : Bristow Lagos fatal: condolence thread

unstable load
12th Aug 2015, 17:34
Sad news, indeed.

12th Aug 2015, 20:24
Sad day :sad:

Variable Load
12th Aug 2015, 21:20
A cr*p time for the offshore industry just got worse. :(

My thoughts are with those directly affected.

13th Aug 2015, 01:24
Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of all those involved in this terrible accident.

13th Aug 2015, 09:17
Oh no.:{

RIP to the dead.

This really could not have picked a worse time to happen to the offshore helicopter industry and to Bristow.:sad:

before landing check list
13th Aug 2015, 10:08
Is there ever a best time? I don't think so

13th Aug 2015, 12:21
Peter Bello was one of the kindest and most good hearted persons I've ever met. Words fall short of expressing my sorrow when I read the news that we've lost him...

13th Aug 2015, 12:45
Can't believe it, good friend good pilot and great family man! Going to be missed by all of those who had the pleasure of meeting you! Luv you Jay RIP!

gwelo shamwari
13th Aug 2015, 21:35
I have know Jay since our time at HAI in the early 2000's. I am deeply saddened to hear of this tragedy. My deepest condolences to his family and all the others that lost their loved ones...

14th Aug 2015, 21:18
On August 12, 2015, in Lagos Nigeria, the helicopter community lost two remarkable pilots. Jay Wyatt and Peter Bello. The impressive outpouring of unity and support that has followed their departure is a testament to their unique but shared character; and a reminder that their memories will forever live on in our hearts.

16th Aug 2015, 01:53
this business of flying in IMC condition on a VFR flight plan must stop immediately. There is no way that this would fly in any other part of the worldDid in Australia.

The human face. RIP

https://scontent.fadl1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11828698_10155958955525436_7208593236911789119_n.jpg?oh=5d91 7585a7b29e33e4e6496ce0043540&oe=567D9011