View Full Version : Training Question - Advice required

10th Aug 2015, 02:38
Hi All

Chose to post here over the Professional Pilot Training folder due to the fact I reside in Australia. Any advice would be much appreciated.

Background: I had to step away from my flight training in 2010 due to personal reasons - was a tough call but I've found myself into a great (office) job and have been content ever since. However, it's always been my intention to finish my flight training.

- 130 hrs TT (mix of modular and integrated training)
- Obtained my PPL circa 2007 and last few in 2010 (as part of my integrated training course at the time).
- All CPL theory subjects completed (2009/10)
- IREX completed (2010)

In short, what would I need to do in order to finish my training to CPL? Would I need to resit any of my CPL theory exams?

I will be touching base with a couple of flight schools and assessing my options, but would ideally like to take the modular route (not interested in full time training).

Thanks :cool:


10th Aug 2015, 05:06
There is no expiry on a completed set 7 exams.

So just flying as required, CASA may get you to resit airlaw and Human Factors now though.

Diesel Pilot
10th Aug 2015, 05:11

- 130 hrs TT (mix of modular and integrated training)

Sounds silly but did you do your training here or in the UK? Only that these terms aren't really used here.

My advice would be to realistic about what you want to get out of your CPL. I totally understand the burning desire to become a professional pilot, it's what drove me forwards whilst I was working for many years in an unrelated field.

If you're intending on making a living out of flying you need to be aware that it's a very competitive and often ruthless industry to break into. Don't expect to walk into a well paid job.

If you want to get the best of both worlds, train part time and maintain your current job, finish your licenses and network as much as possible to try and find a start somewhere that works. For example I know of several flight instructors who worked weekends only until they had enough experience and work to move into full time position. This isn't easy though as you effectively work 7 days a week.

As far as everything else goes, once you have passed an exam or exams the theory credit stands indefinitely, so you shouldn't have to resit anything. This will make life much easier for you as you only need to ficus on your flying.

You'll need to get your class one medical and ASIC sorted then it's just a question of finding a school and an instructor to get you back up to speed. If you want to use the PPL you'll need to do an AFR, but other than that don't necessarily expect to just pick up where you left off. Even with 130TT you will find you have got quite rusty and may need a fair bit of remedial work to get you back up to standard.

Shop around for a school and instructor that suits you. Don't let anyone bull**** you.

If you need any advice or want some recommendations if you are based in Perth shoot me a PM (I trained as an instructor here).

Good luck :ok:

10th Aug 2015, 05:30
Thanks for the info guys.

Diesel, for clarification I did indeed study/train here in Australia - perhaps should have specified that my training was a mix of part time and full time approaches. I'm well aware of the personal rqmnts involved in pursuing a career as a pilot and am not averse to any of it (remote locations, low pay etc). I'm expecting no easy ride or free ticket.

My main driver here is to finish what I started. I thoroughly enjoyed my training and want to see it through to CPL - will make a call on pursuing the career as I progress with the training, noting that I'm fairly comfortable lifestyle/job wise at the moment. That said, driving a desk isn't something I want to do for the rest of my life..

Currently based in Sydney but would consider any decent training options elsewhere.

10th Aug 2015, 10:26
G'day Atminimums....I was in a similar position to you - without the IREX, though. Got my PPL in 1990, and sat the CPL theory in 1992. Finally finished my CPL in October last year. There was no requirement for me to resit air law, and I didn't have to do the HUF exam either. From memory, I did around 20 hours of navs before my flight test.

10th Aug 2015, 22:59

Thanks for that. I didn't think it could possibly be that simple, but there you go!

I'll keep you updated on how I approach it.


11th Aug 2015, 02:45
No worries atminimums....best of luck with it! :ok: