View Full Version : How old are you??

Yosemite Sam
20th Sep 2000, 23:13
I'm quizzed at what the average age of we wannabe's is? Some mention that they have kids etc.

I'm 31 and only 10 hours into my PPL, but want to take it all the way....oooeeer!

What do you guys do for a living to fund this crazy habbit?

Let me know there are some older wannabe's out there. I'm feeling old!

20th Sep 2000, 23:39
I myself am a wannabe, military or commercial i don't know yet, but im 17 years old with 38 hours, 20 of which were awarded to me through the RAF Flying Scholarship Scheme.
Where do you do your flying anyway?

Full Monty
20th Sep 2000, 23:40
Howdee Yosemite Sam!

You're not that old - there are wannabes who are well into their 40s! As for me I have just turned 30 and will be starting at Cranfield on 27th October. I have sold two of my better investments to fund the training and have spare savings as well which I have thrown into the hat. I have a little bit leftover for a rainy day!

The key thing to remember at our age (i.e. over 30) is that we have to be more motivated than the youngsters. In my case I gave up quite a good (but very boring) job with no real prospects and decided to fulfull a childhood ambition. I am married but fortunately my wife works and we stay in subsidised accommodation.

Good luck!


Delta Wun-Wun
20th Sep 2000, 23:47
A mere youngster! Only kidding.....I am 35 three kids etc......20 hrs into PPL.If flying is what you want go for it......I would rather sit in me rocking chair at 80 yrs saying I tried.....than I could have been.On the finance front I have taken out a loan to finish PPL and pay for ground school ATPLs,borrowed a little extra to pay off credit cards....saving in interest as paid for PPL......Be honest with the wife....A lot of hard work and a lot of money with NO guarantee of work at the end....good luck.

Yosemite Sam
21st Sep 2000, 01:01
Thanks guys, quite encouraging. I have got the backing of the wife, so thats got to be a bonus.

I just look forward to getting my PPL under my belt and moving onwards and upwards.


Captain Mainwaring
21st Sep 2000, 01:46
You young whippersnappers!
I started my Cap 509 course at 38 and borrowed half of the dosh.I have been commercial flying for one and a half years and LOVE IT!!
However a word of caution http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif
I had to become an instructor for a year and a half and then got my first commercial job through a friend.
Younger lads/lasses on the couse did fare better than me but at low thirties my guess would be a good outcome :) As a former Beancounter i would strongly advise allowing for lean times after you have the License - allow for that instructor rating and consequent low pay through the off peak months and the occasional Warrior flight and of course the Multi IR renewal one year on if things don't go smoothly. One friend aged 23 who finished 2 years ago is still looking but did not stay current....fatal!!!
Conclusion...DO IT but be careful out there.

21st Sep 2000, 02:58
Yosemite Sam

Take your wife up for one of your lessons. It worked with me. My wife was hesitant about me flying until I took her flying over Dublin a few weeks back. However, I must admit, it has just dawned on her that I will be going solo soon.

Good luck with your future ambitions.

21st Sep 2000, 03:29
I am 31, did 10 years in the police, took some time out to fly as cabin crew , and have just got an H.S.B.C career development loan to fund my training.
I have 40 hours PPL and can't wait to get stuck in to the training.
I am married have 3 kids a large mortgage, but hey, if you dont try you'll never know.

21st Sep 2000, 03:30
well i feel like the baby of the group!23 here!



21st Sep 2000, 12:39
28 and just finishing off my PPL.

I have to work in the IT industry to fund my flying and spend many hours as slf. Its not fair

yet another wannabe

21st Sep 2000, 12:39
Physically I am 32, mentally probably about 12. :)

I have a wife and a baby daughter. My missus is very supportive and fortunately still works. I will be remortgaging the house soon to pay for my professional training.

21st Sep 2000, 13:18
I'm 35, wife and son. Worked as an IT contractor for too long... so hopefully will start in Jan and do the whole thing in one.

Here's hoping...........and good luck to the rest of ya!!!!!!!!

Girl Flyday
21st Sep 2000, 13:35
I'm 39... and so being realistic won't ever make it onto the big jets... but being paid to fly ANYTHING would beat bankrupting myself and staring at a computer screen all day!!!! So... I'll keep on trying!!! :)

(Money - or a severe lack of it - being my major problem! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif)

Unusual Attitude
21st Sep 2000, 13:51
Just Turned 26, PPL/Night 150hours now Studying ATPL's.

Giving up 10 year career in the oil industry in 2 weeks to pursue my training full time.
Hope to be finished and looking for work in April/May.

Scary thing to have to do but hopefully it will be the best decision I've ever made.



21st Sep 2000, 14:07
27 years old, 28 hours into my PPL, just over 1 hour solo. You can probably guess my profession.

21st Sep 2000, 14:42
I'm 27 i finished my licence (IR etc) when i was 25 (March 98), still looking for that first break!

21st Sep 2000, 14:45
29 years old, female, no ties except a house & cat. Coming to the end of my PPL, and won't be able to afford to keep it up as a hobby, so what else is there? In a dull Marketing job, and determined to stop all that and fly for the rest of my life commercially. Will do it somehow but god only knows how! More than likely that the house will be re-mortgaged for the cause! Scary, but can't imagine anything different.

21st Sep 2000, 14:47
I'm 27, PPL (60 hours) and still training. About to start ATPL distance (PPSC).

See you all at FL350

21st Sep 2000, 16:37
God I feel old. 44 years old medical professional hoping to start PPL next year. I suppose it's too late for a career in aviation. ROFL

Neil Ivanovich
21st Sep 2000, 17:00

My wife thinks I'm 'too old for these silly boy's dreams' but what does that matter when it comes from a lady who's idea of fun is shopping for underwear !!
If things seem under control, you're just not going fast enough. Mario Andretti


21st Sep 2000, 17:06
24 like a couple of other wannabees but i feel old!THERES 17YR OLD GUYS AND GIRLS WORKING HARD FOR FLYING JOBS.

21st Sep 2000, 17:22
Over 21 - 'nuff said. Three dogs. Ex RN; ex Police, now employee of HMG.

Not far off starting PPL.

Ride horses, motorcycles. Try anything.

Life is NOT a rehearsal - do it!

Me, sweat? I'm that cool, it's condensation.

21st Sep 2000, 17:28
A while back during a jump seat ride I was asked whether I was going commercial - I'd just got my PPL at the time. When I said I was too old the Captain told me of someone he knew who'd got his first airline job at the age of 54!!! So I think you lot are just young whippersnappers :) :) :)

21st Sep 2000, 17:33
25 years old, ppl 130 hours.

Start ATPL theory full time in Jan.

21st Sep 2000, 17:52
I'm 25, PPL with 60 hours and applying for every sponsorship going (hardly unique there!). Failing that I've got to find someway to pay for it all myself - won't be easy on my current engineer's salary!


Volo Ergo Sum

Brian Clough
21st Sep 2000, 18:51
I am 24 and may I say what an inspiration it is to read some of the testaments of the older wannabes.
I was an ATC lad then UAS but became very disillusioned at an impressionable time of my life with the RAF. I decided that there is another way - get a proper job like my
mates and may be settle down with wifey and get a PPL at the weekends. For a while it all went swimmingly. Now though - I'm 24 with a "good" job and I'm in a better position than a lot of people my age. But you
know what ? I'm SOOOOOOO BORED with it all !
Now of course I'm too old to go for RAF (not too bothered about the 'service' anyhow) but I'm still in the running for BA. I know theres shed loads of competition out there but that just makes me want to try harder. I'm also planning on bringing my PPL plans forward somewhat despite huge student debt and just purchasing my first house. Keep on trying everyone - especially you oldies ! Staring at a computer screen for the rest of your life is just not what its all about,
I've learnt that at 24 - I'm just glad I realised it this soon.

Flying Sheep
21st Sep 2000, 19:57
Age 32, PPL 85 hours. Just starting ATPL Phase 1 distance learning with OATS. Eternally optimistic!!!

21st Sep 2000, 20:21
22 (just)... makes me the real youngster around here! I have a PPL and 190h... working towards CAA IR at the moment.

I know of people who are much younger, but I'd say most WB's I've ever met are in the 24-30 age range.

21st Sep 2000, 22:18
Hi Im only 18 with my PPL just a few weeks away, 38h logged time.(got through the theory exams). Last year in high school. After that comes the army (I live in Finland).

insert chocks
21st Sep 2000, 22:46
ex-wannabe, 20 years old, just got first job on jets! Good luck everyone, its a hard slog but definately worth while!

I'd rather be up there than down here.

21st Sep 2000, 23:03
32 years old...got a good job at 19 and have made a great career out of it (Finance) but like so many more people, just want more from life...some people love being bored but most wannabes relish the almost impossible odds. I read a lot on this site about jet pilots being bored with the work most of the time but I dont really buy into this...I could be totally wrong of course but at least the road to boredom will be paved with much excitement.

I am married with no kids and a mortgage or two...my wife if amazingly supportive of me...commenced PPL recently so hope to have this completed incl. 45 hours by, say, mid summer 2001...I'm continually looking out for sponsorship opportunities, same as everyone else.

I cant see myself in my present job in 2/3 years time but also wonder if I have the guts to jump ship and do the Jerez or Oats thing. I'm lucky in that I wont have to borrow for the course so its really up to myself...sounds easy I know and I am very encouraged by most wannabes and professionals but to take that leap of faith is daunting!

21st Sep 2000, 23:21

19, PPL + Night and about 51 hours,


[This message has been edited by InTheAir (edited 21 September 2000).]

21st Sep 2000, 23:57
i am 35,captain on 767,10600 hrs,and still waiting to be a CHIEF PILOT

safe flying..........

22nd Sep 2000, 00:09
Aged 32 here; single; no attachments / dependants (except my local pub!!) i started PPL training 9 yrs ago then discovered Lucifers two partners in crime - women & alcohol!!

Now after many years of hard work & some family inheritance I have finally seen the light!! Who wants to sit in an office looking out at other office blocks, moaning about how dull the works is, how crap the pay is etc etc etc

I have resumed training; PPL is secured, ATPL Phase 1 is less than 6 weeks away thanks to the good folks at OATS.

Money is tight; motivation is the key!! To the girl who posted earlier (Gunjo?) - there is a maxim that I heard in one of my previous jobs - D.A.J.F.D.I - Dont Argue Just f@$%ing Do It

See you all in the crew lounge or on some beach down route!! As Del Boy used to say to Rodney - This time next year we will be Airline Pilots!!!

22nd Sep 2000, 01:01
I started a 509 course at 31 yrs leaving a very good job to do so. finished, waited 4 months got my break and enjoyed the worlds best job for the last 15 months

Go for it .... Never give up the dream !!!

Fester Adams
22nd Sep 2000, 02:19
39 http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif
No comment.....

22nd Sep 2000, 02:34
20 years old at the begining of the month and 38 hours into my PPL:-)

Oh yes one day i will be flying a speedbird:-)


Paul Halpin
22nd Sep 2000, 02:35
I'm 39 and have a reasonably successful business but have made the decision to go for my JAA CPL/IR frozen ATPL starting with my PPL in November. I'm heartened by all the replies here, since all my family and friends are bamboozelled by my decision. My wife is completely behind me which is the most important thing. I've got three boys, 16, 14 and 11 all the responsibilities that come with a growing family, but hey, I'm like the other guy who said he didn't want to end up at 80 regretting what he could have achieved! Up to now I've only had half dozen hrs in a PA28 but got the 'bug' I'm going to do something I should have done straight out of college! Would love to hear from any guys or gals who are just starting out like me or indeed any pro's out there with advice. Came upon this site by accident and it's great. So Yosemite sam your not alone in your quest!

22nd Sep 2000, 03:04
1. I got my PPL at 26, went USA for 2 years-ish.
2. Came back to UK, did my UK CPL at 28-ish -3. BANG (recession, Australians coming here after their pilot strike, taking all jobs in UK (bastards) etc etc.
4. 38-ish heard about JAA, did UK ATPL to avoid JAA, got job at 39 on the biggest, sexiest Turbo-prop there is.
5. 39-ish Working on it from there.

22nd Sep 2000, 12:38
I'm 23, with 185 hours and a PPL/Night/IMC/Multi and UK ATPLs all passed. Doing my CPL (R)/IR bit at the moment. Working in Operations and just waiting till the break appears......

It doesn't matter what age you are, go for it!!

Duff, Duff, that Wonderful stuff. Ummmmm Doughnuts

Flying Clog
22nd Sep 2000, 21:28
Another young whipper-snapper:

22 in two weeks, couple of thousand hours, FAA CPL, CAA ATPL, looking for UK airline job!

Steady on old chap!

22nd Sep 2000, 22:59
If you want it, do it Sam.

I'm 42, zero experience, taking the GAPAN assesment day at RAF Cranwell next week, deciding best way forward from there.

I'm married, my lovely wife totally supports me trying, no kids, and almost no mortgage.
Worked in the IT industry for far too long, I need a change.
I love flying as a pax, now I want to do it from the sharp end.

I know it won't be easy because of my age, but nothing you ever really want is :)

23rd Sep 2000, 01:15
27 years old. Live out of my suitcase.
I fly 727/737's as the CoHO. Overpaid and bored out of my mind...Still I would not change to another job.


23rd Sep 2000, 05:54
I'm 22 and have just finished at Cranfield. The university, that is, with a BSc in Environment Management. Wahey! :)

I have 1hr TT, which was a flight in a bulldog with the chief test pilot at Cranfield, top man, had a great time. My boredom at uni and that flight have convinced me that I want to fly for a living. Still trying to get in the RAF (not as pilot though), failing that will get a job, put lots of money away and then go for my licences about 28. Erm make that mid-thirties, won't be able to afford it any earlier as I pissed my inheritance up the wall while at uni. :)

Good luck chaps.

23rd Sep 2000, 06:10
I'm 28, ATPL, 3800hrs, right seat on the 767 and wannabe on the left seat. Happily married and one liitle boy :)

23rd Sep 2000, 06:16
The good part..35, 2000hrs, married, two stepdaughters, living in the USA, currently in training to fly the turboblimp hauling boxes.

The bad part..started flying in 1989, been through financial hell, lived in some pretty grotty and strange places at times, lived out of my car (also grotty and strange!).

Outlook..hope to be flying a bigger Transport Category airplane in less than 11 years from now!

23rd Sep 2000, 12:34

I`m 19 and have a PPL(A) with nearly 100hrs-went solo at 17 and looking to go further.

Richard Woods

23rd Sep 2000, 13:57
I'm 30 and 17 hrs 23 mins into a PPL. ( I'm an engineer, does it show? :))

Same reason as everyone else. If I have to have a dull job, let it at least be a place where I can enjoy the view...

23rd Sep 2000, 14:05
Cranky old -400 pilot. Over 10000 hrs.

Training captain, but still waiting for the chief pilot to die.



Make my day and be my second officer.....

dallas dude
23rd Sep 2000, 21:09
Before you do anything, go get a first class medical.

If you feel time is not on your side and you're single, sell everything you own and
come to the US. You can earn a PPL within a month, have your I/R at 125 hrs and a commercial license at 250 hrs. Then take your
Instructor rating, and Multi, and hour build like hell (legally please). It's going to cost around $25000 give or take. By the end of 12 months you should have around 350-400 hrs.

While you've been doing this, instead of hanging out at "Cheers", study towards the Euro license. (If you can find a local that's worth shacking up with this may not be necessary ie green card. You may be able to stay and find a job here).

Get all the info you need on converting your license BEFORE you spend a penny. Check with CAA and local Colleges etc.
When you go home you should have all your ducks in a row and take your writtens, then your flight tests (with appropriate training) for I/R and CPL.
If you're married, outline your dream and convince your better half that doing it piecemeal will be more expensive (constantly going over the same stuff due to lack of consistency) and will take MUCH longer. Remind them neither of you is getting any younger!
I basically did the above, got my UK ATP,
found and married a yank (in London!), moved back over to US and now fly for a major.
It ain't cheap but it's worth it. It can be done. I realise I was very lucky but then, sometimes you make your own luck.
Most importantly never give up. We're all gonna be dead an awful long time!

ps One of the guys in my class was 47 yrs young!

Artificial Horizon
23rd Sep 2000, 22:09
23, NZ CPL 250tt and currently just finishing my JAR CPL/FI and then IR on an airline sponsorship :)

24th Sep 2000, 06:57
27, 2300 hours, FAA CPL-IR, Indian CPL-IR and now working on JAA CPL-IR ATPL(F)
Currently running a flying school in FL and hoping to stay in flight training :)

My mascot is a bumblebee. Because of its tiny wings and heavy body, aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know that, so it flies anyway.

Flying Farmer
24th Sep 2000, 11:25
38, married, 2 kids,downgraded house, starting Modular CPL/IR frozen ATPL course at SFT Oct 9. Not gonna be easy but it sure beats Agriculture at this time.
Sitting in your armchair at 75 you don't want to be thinking 'if only'

24th Sep 2000, 11:32
I am 14, presently I have 4 hours and I hope to begin the PPL course when I am 15.

24th Sep 2000, 12:04
33 years old, married one kid, another on the way, finished CPL/IR frozen ATPL approved course at UK school in May, still seeking first job. Spent all my ( and my wife's ) savings, remortgaged the house, sold the car, borrowed etc.

Desperately trying to get a job before going down the instructor route (if we can live off the pay?!!). Did well at the flight training and had a successful career (which I left for good in 1998) to add to the cv,but noone from my course seems to be getting a job. Getting a little tired of hearing people say "just do it!". My advise would be to look before you leap - it's serious stuff if you've family and/or you literally run out of money.

Of course, if I get offered a job next week I'll be saying - "just go for it"!!

Louis Euan
24th Sep 2000, 12:59
26 and only just starting 3.5 hours wow!!!
I have just got an aptitude test with BA on the 7th Nov.

Charlie Hotel
24th Sep 2000, 21:47
I'm 19, have been flying since 14, have a PPL with 115 hours and just starting my night rating. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

Captain Mainwaring
24th Sep 2000, 22:50
A thought !
If you have read all the above you will know the soul-searching,committment and going-without that lots of pilots currently qualified and wannabees have gone through or are prepared to go through to realise that dream.
It's why pilots have a sense of humour and are suppotive of other pilots and wannabees.
Makes me proud to know you all.

25th Sep 2000, 00:19
Interesting stuff


(FATPL) F.I. problem is not age but hours, unless you are very lucky the real problem will be lack of hours

you will need at least 1000 tt to get a job

However I would not change things.

Be warned, this flying caper will push you to the limits.

Have both eyes open, if you still fancy what you see then dive in


25th Sep 2000, 01:33
27, PPL/IMC/Night, and waiting on the Class 1

This has to be the most enjoyable battle I've ever fought, and I will win, as we all will.

Good Luck all!

vee one
25th Sep 2000, 02:36
30 years young, 250TT, BCPL(A) and soon going for FIC.

jet jones
25th Sep 2000, 16:55
Ummmm 26 currently doing bean counter exams to raise serious cash. Considering joining army as a choppper pilot. Will commence PPL next year in somewhere exotic like SA or usa.
Then try to get a part sponsor or go it alone if I have all the dosh then..Failing that, go modular.

live to fly

Shanwick Shanwick
26th Sep 2000, 03:16
I'm 28, 6500TT and wannabe a lawyer, broker, estate agent, train driver, corner shop owner or anything else that pays better than this industry!

Salaries, benefits, terms and conditions are all steadily being eroded and it ain't going to get any better. Particularly in the UK where supply by far outweighs demand.


26th Sep 2000, 23:11
I'm 15, have got about 1hr with RAF.
Hope to be flying jets in about 3/4 years!

Back to the top...

27th Sep 2000, 02:05
Just got in from pub and saw all of this.

41 CPL/IR 380Hrs TT. Studying for upgrade from CPL Navs to ATPL Navs. Single, broke, and seriously bored with I.T. and computers ............

Every time I fly I realise it is worth it!

Power to you all, especially my age group!

VNE or nothing

28th Sep 2000, 15:59
21 years old
Final Year BEng in Aero Engineering
40 hours TT from UAS flying
Sponsored by RAF

28th Sep 2000, 16:32
26 years old.
14 hrs towards PPL.
Class One.
Let me at 'em, Uncle Scooby!

28th Sep 2000, 16:35
29 yrs old, married 6 yrs, couple of degrees...

6 weeks to go till I start Cadet Scheme at OATS.

Been waiting since 1993...

28th Sep 2000, 18:01
22 years old
15 hours towards PPL
Class 1 medical
Graduated from Uni last year and now working in telecomms which is funding my flying lessons and paying back the student loans.
Currently doing the sponsorship application forms and off to BA aptitudes next month.


28th Sep 2000, 18:47
Hey SHANWICK SHANWICK,we all love money,question is do you love flying?

if not,get a life......

28th Sep 2000, 21:36
39 and a bit. All the bells and whistles but still looking for first real "job".

Would do it all again, again, & again (except Fail the IRT).

Good luck to us all!

28th Sep 2000, 22:21
So most appear to be 20-45.

Anybody out there 45-90? Or is flying only for 'youngsters'?


29th Sep 2000, 04:54
25: UK PPL
29: Recession hit/1,600 Aussies went on strike and 400 arrived here and took all available jobs etc etc. (We couldn't go there). Dont'ya just love our colonial brethren?
38: UK (F) ATPL
39: First REAL job on big sexy aeroplane
40 (nearly): Bloody luvvin' it
ADVICE: Bash on regardless

29th Sep 2000, 14:41

That maxim is so bloody right and goes for every Wannabe, if a little easier said than done!
Mind you, I could do with that family inheritance to help me a long a bit (not that I'm wishing anybody early departures. Perhaps a Lottery win instead!).

Anyway, just in the process of changing job to marketing for a small regional airline - getting in the right direction at least! Perhaps avenues will open up this way - who knows?! However, in the meantime you can guarantee that I'll be trying for every bloody sponsorship opportunity in the world, as with everyone else!

Good luck in whatever you're endeavouring to do!

29th Sep 2000, 15:58


29th Sep 2000, 16:34
Since this has become a forum for mini-CVs, here goes...

27 years old, JAR PPL/IMC 100hrs TT

ATPL Nav exams next week.

MA and MEng degrees from Cambridge University.

Five boring years in IT, currently a freelance contractor salting away my (luckily) high earnings for the CPL/IR course. Busy proving that money does not buy happiness. Lived in Hong Kong, UK, Netherlands and South Africa.

It's ATPL or bust and to hell with everything else. I will go mad if I don't get there.

29th Sep 2000, 19:25
44 and aging. PPl nearly done, instructor says 'Go for it!', he was approached by UK airline at 54 and turned them down as didn't want to do extra study. If you want it enough you're young enough ( is this self-delusion?)

Purple Yetti
29th Sep 2000, 21:11
Aged 21 (....and 5 months!)
2000 hrs (ish. about 1000 hvy)
FO at the mo.

To everyone hoping to get into the business, regardless of age, good luck! Its well worth it!

30th Sep 2000, 07:45
33 hrs ?
2600 years old !?
+ great family

Will not regret dumping people from a noisy/oily/snagy/dirty/etc... Beech 18, as a new full time flying job is comming out with some $$$$$$$$$$. But $$$$$$$$$$ is never enought $$$$$$$$$$.

30th Sep 2000, 08:25
I am 24. Around 900 hrs. Comm,inst sing/twin, instrucor.
Started flying when I was 22.

[email protected]

Wee Weasley Welshman
30th Sep 2000, 14:01
25, 1,400hrs - available for Barmitzvars, Weddings and Birthdays.

30th Sep 2000, 21:46

500 on the water! Ya gotta come to Canada and get wet.

1st Oct 2000, 01:37
Well Yosemite Sam: I'm 1 month into my 32nd year and like others, it’s been a long, hard road – and it never seems to end sometimes!

It's got to be said at this stage: I personally remained single 'cause I wanted my career first; I really admire the guys here who are older than WE are and have a wife +kids +mortgage +dog etc -- if they can find a way of doing it in those circumstances, anyone can!

Some mention that they don't want to get to 70-80 yrs-old and regret never having tried: one of my brothers is 40, has 200+ hours, lives in a £500K house with wifey and 2 kids but does nothing but whinge that he'd rather be flying for a living.

I’m glad I WON’T to be in his position in 8 years time, let alone when I'm 70-80! And Shanwick Shanwick: I don’t know about a flight deck, you should be in a bloody plant pot! There’s more than a few here who’ll swap places with you! Why did you become a pilot? Did daddy have too much money to spend? Have a bag of chips and get an early night pal. :)

Me? It started from a Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1978, looking down on a Laker Skytrain, a British Airtours 707, an Air France Caravelle and a British Airways Trident from the terraces of Manchester airport. (Bet that'll take a few of you back!) :)

Ended up in the Air Cadets as soon as I was old enough and, before I knew it, was airborne in a gloomy December sky in the back of an RAF Chipmunk. And yes, I can still also smell that mixture of Av gas, rubber and hydraulic oil! :) Got my RAF gliding certificate just after I was 16 but then fatally give up studying and pursued another career for 2 years.

Went back to studying then, out of the blue, applied and got short listed for a Britannia sponsorship -- then the recession hit and it was withdrawn. Went to university. Applied to RAF who told me I'd be JUST over the age limit for flying when I finished my BSc and wouldn't take me without it. After uni ended up applying to everybody who was offering a commercial sponsorship but, despite walking all the aptitude tests, like so many others still didn't get to the latter stages of selection. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif Ended up on self funding route.

How do we fund it? Like lots of others here, I ended up in the I.T. industry ('cause I knew I could earn above average doe for flying in this). Then, with some experience in I.T., started my own business ('cause I knew I could earn even MORE doe for flying doing this and therefore get there quicker). I also somehow manage to squeeze in 9 hours or more a week of teaching I.T. in an F/E college to boost my flying funds (not to mention university debt repayments!) even further.

Because of the expense, restrictions and irregularity here, I aim to finish off everything in one go State side next year like dallas dude. (If I end up meeting some buxom, squawking, Yankee wench while I'm over all the better!) :)

Just keep focused on your end goal and if anybody tries to put obstacles in front of you, make sure you tell 'em to make 'em big -- VERY BIG: it'll cause THEM a damn site more effort than it will for you to step over them if you’re determined enough. Remember: people without a passion and a dream in life will NEVER see yours.

If you don't take a chance and go for something you really want, you'll end up nowhere and unhappy like so many others I see. Like dallas dude said: “We’re all gonna be dead an awful long time!”

Go fly, be happy. ;)

1st Oct 2000, 03:22
Haveing looked through all the replys I believe there is hope for you all yet. Though I must say though that it make me feel a little ancient. I start flying at 48 and had my PPL and IMC by 49.
Stated studying for CPL ground school and completed the exams at 50 and have since been to USA for 55 hours to get on to course for CPL which I completed this year in May and have just completed the Flying Instructors course in August and st 51 its got to be one of the greatest achievements one can strive to.
So nothing is impossible if you want it enough and are prepared to put in the effort.

Good luck to all, hope to be training some of you in the future.

Pilot Paul
1st Oct 2000, 03:23
38, 175 hours PPL/IMC/Night, half-way through JAA ATPLs (7/7 so far!), wife, big mortgage (**** !), 2 kids (private school - ouch!), giving up successful own business to realise the dream before its too late - its gonna be tough as the money I'd stashed is already running out, so I'll probably have to be an IT prostitute a while longer (even though it bores me to tears these days).....gotta do this or die trying!!!

1st Oct 2000, 13:00
I used to be 39 nearly two years ago now.

I have the near vision of a 43 year old but the long vision is still 6/4 in both.

I feel 17 look 30ish and wish I was 22 so I could re-apply to BA,RAF,EI et al knowing what I knbow now. And ask out that beautiful 22 year old blonde engineer I just met.
Yes it is possible for engineers to be beautiful.

Rusty Cessna
26th Oct 2000, 01:58
Well im 16, went solo at 16, made the local T.V news (quite proud of that!) and have around 55TT.

Been flying since I was 13 and hope to get PPL on 17th birthday, done lots of work experience and currently getting interviewed for flying scholarships, have lots of contacts and doing good a-levels got good GCSE's.

Its going be a hard long slog, but im in for the whole ride!

;) :) ;)

26th Oct 2000, 07:26
Im 23, just passed up a "great" career as an architect after uni for the BA CEP, through to final board at the mo so I hope to god I make all the way!

Good luck to all the others, I'll sure as hell keep trying till I make it one way or the other, a ride on the jump seat removes any doubts you may gather over time!

26th Oct 2000, 13:35
18 years old, 49 hrs, PPL
Currently doing Aeromechanical Systems Engineering degree at Cranfield Uni.

Want to be a BA left-seat pilot!!!

Pin Head
27th Oct 2000, 23:35
23 yrs old, 1400hrs.

Off to the sim later this month on a nice modern turboprop.

Come on!!!!!!!!

PS hint of advice for a wanabee, go and get a instructors rating to show the CP that you can fly, it WILL get you a job.

Mr. Fussy
28th Oct 2000, 01:16
18 years old, started flying at 11 with a trial lesson. Current PPL with 100hrsTT, sponsored by the RAF in 99' on a flying scholarship, completed gliding scholarship with the ATC, lots of airline work experience, currently going through airline sponsorship selection.

If no sponsor, am going to start self sponsored route in January.

good luck to all with the ambition and drive to make it.

[This message has been edited by Mr. Fussy (edited 27 October 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Mr. Fussy (edited 27 October 2000).]

28th Oct 2000, 13:04
20, 2300TT, FAA commercial, Instructor, Frozen JAA ATPL, still doing minor bizjet and instructing in the US, dont want to go back to the UK.(yeah, i know im crazy)

lone eagle
28th Oct 2000, 13:53
20 years old 150 TT night rating going to Oxford in june to study for ATPL. :) :) :)

28th Oct 2000, 14:07
43yo,just about to do PPL skill test,champing at the bit to dive into instruments.See profile to discover funding,but I am looking to go as far as is
possible and practical.
Immediately ,looking to split my time maybe as an instructor and the day job,but I enjoy the mental challenge of the theory again(!) so hope to climb the ratings ladder to maybe a CPL.

28th Oct 2000, 19:38
21 years old, PPL and Night, 65 hrs, in final year of Aero Eng degree, recently applied to BA (like everyone else..)

Happy flying!

28th Oct 2000, 19:57
33 years old
300 hours
ATPLs passed with Perf A
Presently halfway through a CPL/IR Upgrade.

I'm on unpaid leave at present - have two jobs, both reasonably paid but very time consuming.

Very supportive wife who also works and earns a reasonable wage. No kids but two cats, they're enough of a handful!!!

28th Oct 2000, 21:07
Here goes:
I'm 23 and did my first solo about two weeks ago after just under 10 hours.
Looking for ways of financing an ATPL (hello HSBC!) and going off somewhere to train to fly big aeroplanes with jets on them!

Good luck to all other wannabes, I'm sure we'll get there.

And up we go!

28th Oct 2000, 21:50
hey there
22 with 400 hrs
and just can't stop thinking of aviation. :)
soooo looks like we are from all over the place and all ages.
thats cool :)

30th Oct 2000, 23:42
WOW.....I'm impressed!

When I started my long trek down the aviation route it seemed to never end. I say to you all..........keep going - it really is worth it. :-)

I started my PPL at 22 years - BCPL at 24, CPL at 25, ATPL at 27. - All self sponsored. Total cost about £25,000.00 Sterling. Para dropping, tug pilot, eye in the sky, aerial photo, PA, beg, steal, borrow! Just to fly?.........Yes.

Got my Command on 747 Classic this year.......what a fab job.

So keep going, fly safe and when you get your first job you will look back and be years older!

Coanda. (Effective aerodynamics)

31st Oct 2000, 03:40
I started the same age as you.
I am now 36 and just found my first commercial job flying a Chieftain for a freight run. Mind you I did not do it on a regular basis due to lack of funds.
But got there eventually but only up to CPL/ME/IR. Still going for my ATPL. Was thinking of doing an instructors course but was lucky enough to find a freight run job without it. I had to borrow a lot.

10th Apr 2001, 15:13
I thought I'd resurrect this thread, if only to make myself feel a little old.

Me?? 29 years - Intensive PPL booked for June in the US. :)

I aim to leave my current job next April, when I should be in a position to start the complex training.


Half man, Half jalfrezi.

Perfect PFL
10th Apr 2001, 15:59
Haven't had time to read the rest of the thread, but I'll respond anyway.

I'm 23, with PPL(A) 150hours.

Started off with gliding when I was young, got about 90 hours in there. Then joined UAS while at Uni, got another 100ish there. Then did PPL in about 5 hours, and with a few hours since when I can afford it.

Currently work in R&D in the aviation industry, and have been applying for airline sponsorships for about 3 years, still keep trying. :)

Good to hear of others experiences.

Capt Wannabee
10th Apr 2001, 16:08
23 PPL - 65hrs.

Planinng on working in Telecomms for next 3 /4 years while building up hours, distance studying and maybe even paying off my student debts.
Also waiting for either the big lottery win, rich relative to pop off or the magical sponsorship to get CPL sooner.

[This message has been edited by Capt Wannabee (edited 10 April 2001).]

10th Apr 2001, 16:33
Started in 1993 (28)
Job starting 2001 (36)

Dont anyone give up.

At times I thought that I just can't get there but, after lots of silver linings I eventually made it.

10th Apr 2001, 16:51
I'm 31,engineer by profession, quit my job as project manager for a construction company to go in pursuit of my dream : flying.
I hold frozen ATPL (The Netherlands) and Class 1 Medical and i'm about to spend a fortune for the practical course.



10th Apr 2001, 17:23
Hi being my first post, i am 19 years old have my PPL and 65 hours TT.

10th Apr 2001, 19:06
hi i'm 30 390TT still looking for a job!!!!!

10th Apr 2001, 19:26
36 with 240 hrs total, CPL/IR & frozen ATPL (Swiss). Hired by Crossair as F/O. Will start in June. Can't wait !

Hope to hear you guys somewhere in the air sometimes !



old optimist
10th Apr 2001, 19:26
Well, you youngsters, beat this for optimism: I'm 49, had a PPL since 1972 but only got 300 hours - long absences from flying due to family, work and "lack of healthy selfishness" - used to be a tug-pilot and gliding instructor, gold badge and 700 hours, did a couple of competitons in the '70s but haven't flown a glider since 1992. Got a Class 1 medical in 1980 with a view to flying commercially and have maintained it by renewing each time I renewed the PPL medical, keeping the dream alive....In 1999 I was faced with possible redundancy so thought "it's now or never" and so I tried to get through the ATPLs before the JAR system came in....nearly did, but failed to get the partial pass by gnat's whisker TWICE in December 99 with a frantic re-sit when I discovered I'd failed the first time (£££ and effort)....BUT... have now (March 01) FINALLY got through all the UK CPL exams (Nav and Tech)and am booked to start the flying, this weekend, for the JAR CPL (Restricted) licence. Aiming for an instructor rating and eventually an IR and a bit of air taxi work, who knows? I've worked as an engineer for 30 years, looking up wistfully at aeroplanes and now I'm finally doing something about it! Message is...LIVE YOUR DREAM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

[This message has been edited by old optimist (edited 10 April 2001).]

Token Bird
10th Apr 2001, 19:41
24 years old, married, program computers for a living.

30 hrs TT. Still young enough for sponsorships, no luck yet but if I fail to nail it before I've built up 150 hours, then it'll be a downgrade of the house to pay for the modular training (the husband is of course 100% behind me on that one :)). Will probably sod the IR for now and go FI route. Then I can help other wannabes.

T'Bird ;)

10th Apr 2001, 20:38
25, ATPL 2700hrs. B757 SFO, QFI, Examiner.
Loving life and work!! ;)


10th Apr 2001, 21:07
29 and just beginning

Ex scuba diving instructor (4 years around the world!) now in television advertising sales but about to beginning begging with the bank for my final career plan!!

Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners.

10th Apr 2001, 21:27
my turn!
i m between 25-35,
between 1500-2000h.
ATP pilot(no frozen, a true ATP pilot) :).I was looking for a job and i will be looking for a job.
I'm the cream of the crabe! ;)

Teenyweeny ATC Cdt Cpl
10th Apr 2001, 22:25
Haven't read the rest of the thread, but hereby proclaim myself...

The Youngest Person on the Forum!

16, about 20HrsTT, go of on Thursday to do my Gliding Scholarship with the ATC.

10th Apr 2001, 23:57
19 - only a glider pilot at the moment but Loganair Twin Otter G-BVVK has my name on it as far as I'm concerned (if it hasn't been written off hitting a sheep on the beach on Barra by the time I qualify) ;)
The BA form goes off again soon!

You start off with an empty bag of experience and a full bag of luck. The trick is to fill the bag of experience before you empty the bag of luck.

lone eagle
11th Apr 2001, 00:00
I'm 20 years of age with PPL 150 TT and starting my ATPL in June.

Up Front
11th Apr 2001, 00:06
Once again ronchonner is in on the act. And I mean the act. He thinks he is somewhere between the age of 25 and 35. That will look good on a CV. If your ATPL with 2000hrs then how come you are looking for a job.
Stop inflating your own ego and give everyone a break.

Flying Clog
11th Apr 2001, 00:56
22 years old. 2300 hours, 700 multiengine, 200 turboprop/multicrew. UK airline first officer

Very young indeed, but hey, what can I do about it!

And I'm proud to have done it all myself (not a space cadet!), the 50k I owe the bank makes me a bit sick though!

[This message has been edited by Flying Clog (edited 10 April 2001).]

flying bluebird
11th Apr 2001, 01:30
31 years of age


Spent 10 years in the insurance industry
(yawn) whilst saving up for the licences etc

chucked that game in to go instructing full

11th Apr 2001, 02:22
35yrs, starting OATS in August '01.
2 Kids one 4yrs and one 1.5 years. Been in California for the past 3 years working in biotech and doing all the FAA licences. Got about 400TT with 20 ME, plus HP & complex. Jumpin ship in July, gonna put my head down and go for it.
Stuff about the class 1 medical..real good advice, was there at xmas this year. Very thoro', older you get, the less likely to pass! Also they do cholesterol testing..if you are on any type of meds, they require your pre-medication blood work, so if ya can take it with you, this will expedite the process.
Anyone starting Oats 650 in August?

11th Apr 2001, 02:33
19 years young, 46 hrs PPL, grudgingly studying for a law degree at Oxford Brookes University.

Capt L
11th Apr 2001, 10:33
Nearly 23, nearly 200hrs, nearly CPL ;) :) ;)

Blue Skies and Soft Landings :)

Wee Weasley Welshman
11th Apr 2001, 11:28


Turned and Slipped
11th Apr 2001, 11:31
Just a Sprog of 22, PPL/IMC, Class 1 Medical and about 100hrs.

Currently working in Airline Maintenance Programmes.

11th Apr 2001, 16:22
22 years old, CAP509 grad in Jan 2000, Fzn ATPL, 280hours, searching for that elusive first commercial job


11th Apr 2001, 20:34
18 and Studying for a degree in Computer Science at Edinburgh Univercity.

Patsy 001
11th Apr 2001, 20:57
23 and a goddam bean counter!

11th Apr 2001, 21:38
22 coming to the end of my degree in 5 weeks

Yippeeeeeeeeeee that is if I get it lol, don't do economics people it is so dull!!! and the maths oh my god (WAY ABOVE A LEVEL STANDARD http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif((( )

Going on the sponsorship route, if I don;t get it, work every minute I possible can route to get money together,whilst not spending much, then probs sponsorship route again the following year and then hopefully will have enough money (if don;t get it), if I include loans, bank robberies, major tax fraud(ps this is a joke if any tax officer is reading <g> ).


[This message has been edited by Sagey (edited 11 April 2001).]

11th Apr 2001, 22:10
30 years old but with a lot of motivation and commitment to give it a shot!

Only about 20 mins in a trial flight which was only the first ... :)

Hopping to complete PPL by this summer, start ATPL training shortly after, finish the PhD, get a FI rating, get ATPL and finally a deserved airline job !

Good luck everyone!


Voodoo 3
11th Apr 2001, 22:20
Started flying at 18. PPL then CPL/IR followed. Got a FI(R) to help find a job. Became a QFI after instructing for a while. Now flying 737 NG. 24 in June.

AV8 consultants
12th Apr 2001, 03:48
39 in three months.
630 hours MECIR , Instructor
Bsc Aviation , Teaching diploma

12th Apr 2001, 04:10
I'm 18 and have my CPL, MEIR with about 400hrs TT, working as a pilot now and just like some of you working towards the airlines.

12th Apr 2001, 12:25
I am 25 (very nearly 26! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif ) 115tt inc PPL in the middle of IMC training. Start ATPLs in May. Luckily no kids etc to think about! :)

12th Apr 2001, 14:36
Old enough not to remember whether I've contributed to this thread already, and too lazy to look, so here goes (again?)

28 years old PPL/IMC/Nt 190TT 7/7 ATPL passes so far, CPL/IR starts in June.

ickle black box
12th Apr 2001, 15:32
23 1/2. Decent job in IT, but desperatly want to fly instead. 88 hours, and trying to decide wether to do an IMC, or hours or atpl distance learning.

ickle ;)

Call the tower
12th Apr 2001, 15:50
Well maybe I am the youngest here at 18 yrs old with 90 hours total. And of course hold a PLL got that @ 50 hours!


Rote 8
12th Apr 2001, 15:51
25 Nearly finished PPL Approx 53 hrs. Spent far too long doing my PPL due to lack of cash and time spent working in the US. Saving up now for my Class 1. My optician thinks I will be OK but I am a bit marginal. Annoyed that I can not apply for BA CEP scheme even if I do manage to get a Class 1.
Probably going to have to fully self sponsor.

Best of luck to all of you(except those funded by your dad - You have already got all the luck you need)


12th Apr 2001, 16:07
34, PPL, IMC and Multi this summer. Distance learning for ATPL's and then an instructors rating, me thinks.....

15th Apr 2001, 22:26
I'm an 18 year old student currently studying for a degree in Computing.

I have 1 hour on my flying log coz I cannot afford to take it any further.

I have been rejected by BA once, last october, so I'll be trying again later this year.

16th Apr 2001, 03:02
Hmmm, this is a very interesting (if a little depressing at times) thread.

32 - Company Director (since I was 19 ..my company)
My job roles - accountant, payroll dolly, coffee maker, cleaner AND chief bottle washer = 100+ hours per week...OH and I have to find the work for 20 people!!...PLEASE let me be a pilot.

From a business background, one thing jumps out at me. Having read several threads and postings on pprune, you guys have spent literally millions of pounds (or several million dollars)to follow your dream i.e. PPL CPL ATPL(frozen!!) IR etc etc. Commercial sense tells me there MUST be a better way to make this dream come true. COMBINED, YOU COULD HAVE BOUGHT A SMALL AIRLINE WITH THIS MONEY!!.

OATS CABAIR etc. etc. methinks they got the dry side of the bed!! fly and get wannabes to pay.

Who would you like to be your boss? Stavros, or a community of pilots?

A bit long-winded but something is stirring in my noggin..not sure what yet.


16th Apr 2001, 05:17
28 years old, wife, 2 kids, fabulous job as operations controller with major international airline. 220 hours, ppl, night, twin, multi.........given up my life as i know it to commence atpl full time groundschool course soon. Hopefully all will come good and i can sit at 37000feet dumb fat and happy, moaning about my curled sandwiches within a year!

16th Apr 2001, 18:59
21 Yrs Old, 900hrs. Been flying as a Turboprop F/O for about a year now and loving it!

16th Apr 2001, 22:58
17 yrs old, PPL, 60 hrs TT, studying A-Levels. Plan A: Sponsorship route. Plan B: Win Lottery to pay for training. Plan C: Rob bank.

16th Apr 2001, 23:37
23 with PPL and 56hrs. (Not including ATC flying)

Doing finals in Avionics so will be out in the big wide world come July.

Brest Bonjour
16th Apr 2001, 23:38
26, 1500hrs, 1250hrs on 757/767.

17th Apr 2001, 03:27
26 shortly, expired PPL, trying to figure way of getting CPL/Frozen ATP.

Work in Ops

17th Apr 2001, 10:41
Quite an interesting post when read from Australia. I have heard a lot about how low min hour requirements are in US,UK etc but found some posts amazing!
To put some of the posts in perspective I'm 22, have 2900hrs, ATPL, Senior Grade 1 Instructor and completing a degree in Human Factors part-time. The largest aircraft I fly is a Chieftain. With this experience in Australia it is still extremely competitive for jobs. Not trying to whinge I just thought it an interesting comparison.

17th Apr 2001, 17:09
Well I am female and 30 years old :-( I have 66 hours with an FAA PPL and I am in the process of trying to sell my house, my cars...my life to pay for my ATPL.
The house is just not moving, and it is sooooo fustrating. I am hoping to attend either July or Octobers ATPL groundschool at ATA in Coventry. At the moment I have to suffer my IT job and just will the day that I can tell them where to stuff it to come along sooner rather than later!!!
Can't wait!!! :)

Eff Oh
8th May 2001, 04:14
22 Years old. UK Charter Airline (B757) 1100hrs TT. Previously SAAB SF340. Loved it!! Still loving it! :) :)
Eff Oh :)

8th May 2001, 06:04
20 yrs, 700 HRS.

Wishing I had flown turboprops or turbojetsfor the last year.

combi pilot
8th May 2001, 18:26
23 yrs, 10 hours into PPL, still struggling thru final year of university..hope to complete CPL with ME/CIR by end of next year..woohoo...

8th May 2001, 21:02
Just re read my post on page 4

Actually I am beginning to wonder if it really was worthwhile. I can now teach multi/ir.......but there are no jobs around. If I carry on teaching PPL stuff then I will not be able to survive any more. The airlines tell me I AM too old!

I am seriously thinking of chucking it all in and getting a real job. I have had over a year now of cr*p pay and the novelty is wearing off.

There are too many wannabees chasing too few jobs, what chance does an old geezer have when compared to the youngsters?

I have spent more money over the last two years than I can possibly recover in the next five.

I don't wish to sound dramatic but think VERY VERY carefully if you really do want to fly for a living.

Yep, I have achieved a lifetime ambition....a CPL/IR......so what!!!???

JWF http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/frown.gif

[This message has been edited by juswonnafly (edited 08 May 2001).]

9th May 2001, 04:18
25, 26 this August. Finishing off a B.Sc(Physics)@ the University of Canterbury (NZCH) this year. Have a total 30 hrs, but my last flight was Nov98 ;-( Plan to study B.Av@Massey next year. Would like to instruct&then fly commercially around the South Pacific :-) ! Want to be working as a pilot before I'm 30, so watch out!

In vino veritas!!


wunala dreaming
10th May 2001, 01:19
26 now, finished MSc (Rural Electrification) last year, have a good job with a European waste management company BUT I DON'T WANT IT!!!

Now that the student poverty days are over, I want them back again to begin busting my a** for a frozen ATPL.

Why didn't I think of this years ago??!!

I like this idea of a bank robbery that someone had..."look, officer, I NEED this cash for pilot's license, see, and I know this bank has LOADS of it like, so..."

Let off with a warning. Ciao,

10th May 2001, 04:25
I am so delighted to not be alone on this site, I thought my age would cause me problems getting on in the business, but listening to you lot, HAPPY DAYS, just go for it and worry later.

Reeves 31 year young !!!!!!

10th May 2001, 09:50
It's so comforting to see there are many who is equal age (31) if not older wanting a career change! I assume most of you are in UK. I'm from Hong Kong and aviation community here is VERY limited. Have thought about training overseas but that would mean more money. Saving up and finding new ways to get more money for training right now.

Meanwhile, continue playing Flight Sim 2000 until 2 am but DAMN, the wife sure gets p*ssed.


village flyer
10th May 2001, 11:43
24, no baggage no sproggs (me thinks) and half way through the PPL, pasionate about nothing else but flyng, oh and scuba diving, oh and the odd session.
Currently self employed but about to commence a decent salary job for an engineering practice.

My final goal is ultimatley the left hand seat, but would desperatly like to instruct some time before.
Had intended to be a self sponsored ab-initio student but have chosen the modular route.

10th May 2001, 11:51
18yrs, female - just got about 38hrs on my PPL - 20 from the RAF flying scholarship

10th May 2001, 14:41
26 years.....CPL/IR.....no work.....

oh well.......


yak jockey
5th Dec 2003, 16:23
Hi All,
Im 38 1000 hrs PPL/IR Display pilot, biting the bullet to do and finish atp before 40. Self employed, 24 worries around my neck weekly family business. Going to kick it all in and go for an aviation career. Have a potential job offer if i get through. Scared ****less im making the wrong decision, but logic has gone out the window for passion of flying. Have tried to reason with my self, however all roads end up at flying. I'll never know unless i do it

Yak Jockey

Charlie Zulu
5th Dec 2003, 17:28
Hi All,

Must have missed this thread the first time around, but seeing as though its been resurected...

26 yrs old, no wife and no children, but I do have an FAA CPL/IR, JAA PPL/IMC/Night and just over 500 hours in my logbook.

Looking to gain the JAA CPL/IR within the next two years.

Hopefully then I'll be able to get away from starring at a computer screen each and every working day.

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu.

High Wing Drifter
5th Dec 2003, 18:17
I'm 36 :}
Married with three kids :cool:
80hrs PPL :O
ATPL Mod1 exams in Feb :uhoh:

Northern Highflyer
5th Dec 2003, 20:39
Nice to see nothing changes.

It would be nice to know what happened to all those wannabes from 3 years ago, so if any are around who remember this, let us know what happened.

As for me, 33 single (but open to offers ;) ), no kids, Mod 1 exams in March or April 2004. Just over 100 hours and doing IMC and night over the winter.

Tried to sell my body to pay for it but only made enough to buy a paperclip, so it's a remortgage and a loan for me.

6th Dec 2003, 00:37
20 years old, 9 hours in gliders, no hours yet into PPL, but that`ll change in January. Have passed PPL exams in Comms, Human Performance, and next week have exams in planning and Air Law.

6th Dec 2003, 06:07
I'm 36 you Know!:}

I have 150 hours, class 1 med, and half way through night rating.
I have first set of ATPL theory exams in February, and basically will stick at it until I lose my nerve.

Yours, gibbering and toothless in a pool of wee


6th Dec 2003, 06:43
I am 34, though I now actually have to stop and think about my age before saying i...t..funny how that suddenly starts to happen......

Oh yeah.... FAA ATPL and JAR CPL/IR

7th Dec 2003, 06:01
Im 16! With a completely blank sheet as far as hours go! But would like to get a PPL and then take things from there!

7th Dec 2003, 06:21
When this topic started I was 34 and just starting, half way through OATS and about 100 hours total no license.
Now Im just 38 and FULL ATPL 2200hrs B737 (100 thru 900)rated...cant be bad! :ok:

7th Dec 2003, 06:54
22 years young
40hours in gliders

still tryin to get that damn class 1 (CVD here :sad: )

8th Dec 2003, 01:28
I am just starting commercials - I have 63 hours helicopter and 32 hours fixed wing. I am 30 tomorrow!!

10th Dec 2003, 19:16
35 years old, PPL, 200 hrs, frame 7 of the BGS module 1!

Hate the gilded cage of IT I've trapped myself in for the last 15 years. Been flying since 17, and the always had the dream of flying my own aeroplane which came true 3 yrs ago when I bought my beloved Yak. Now the £$%^&*d's are making it so hard/expensive to fly that I reckon the only way I can carry on the flying I love is to go commercial, and put the yak in my garden as an ornament.

35 is old in pilot years, but luckily I'd be more than happy to buzz about the UK in TP's. Whatever I can get really.

QNH 1013
11th Dec 2003, 22:34

Only 40 ? I can beat that as I'm 53 and will be 54 on CPL issue. Does that mean I've won the contest, or is there anyone older than me still training? Just three more writtens, plus CPL to do, (IR already in the bag). Oh, and I've already got the job offer subject to passing everything by Easter, so I'm under a bit of pressure.

Never give up !

12th Dec 2003, 09:06
27 years old live in Canada 250hrs CPL multi and IR. Finished in July have been pounding the pavement talking to everybody possible. No luck with a job yet, and everyone that does hire over here will make you work on the ramp fueling planes and unloading baggage for 1 year first. Alot of sacrifice and more to come but hopefully worth it in the end.

12th Dec 2003, 19:21
Well, I'm not too old just yet!
I'm 25 coming up to 26 in january :o)
Been flying for as long as I can remember, and actively from 13 (Air Training Corps).

Have just finished my ATPL, and now in masses of debt ......but will be worth it when I get that 1st job :O)

Meanwhile still flying with the Air Cadets and teaching them to fly at the weekends (understanding girlfriend thankfully lol).

Keep on training towards your PPL......is very worthwhile and great fun.


12th Dec 2003, 23:55
Well I was surprised to see this topic brought back to life....I had forgotten I had written this one. Looks like it's created some interest though. I wrote it under my old name! (re-invented myself you know, just to stay on top of the game! actually it was a crap name.)

It's weird to see that at that point in time I had just 10 hrs on the PPL......I took ages to get the PPL cos of work etc but last October I started in earnest on this mad path toward gaining the illusive fATPL/IR. I passed all my ATPL's this year, I've been to South Africa and California hour building, night rating is done and I am ready to take my CPL test any day soon so if anything I have enjoyed the journey and it's all happened over the last 12 months. I'm now 34, the money I saved to do this will be gone by Feb 2004, but I'll at least be qualified and joining the ranks of hopefuls out there.

Good to see that the posting has given others a little bit of hope to chin up and carry on. Keep at it, you only have yourself to blame for giving up and I think regret is more difficult to live with than debt.............

Good luck to all......................

St Hilary
13th Dec 2003, 06:02
34 years of age as of two weeks ago but i'm told i look much younger :)

Got first airline job in May of this year ,after two years of instructing full time

Just approaching 1800 tt

Keep on trying and persevering !

13th Dec 2003, 18:34
Im 14 and i have 1/2 an hour on my ppl at my local airfield SEN!
I would like to continue but havent got the patience to save up my paper round money (£25 p/w) to go on an hours lesson. Once ive finished my education im thinking of trying to complete my ppl then but do i need a ppl to get into the job im after? I want to be a pilot for major airline desperatly but im worried theirs to much competition for places and i wont have a chance! Can someone give me some advise on how to get the upper hand on other applicants when I apply for a job (4-6yrs). And i dont mean bribing the employers :ok: !

Thanks Dave 14 :)

Artificial Horizon
13th Dec 2003, 19:25
26 years old, 1700tt, 2 years instructing, 6 months airline flying and loving it.:)

13th Dec 2003, 21:17

Started flying in sept 2000 aged 29

Qualified April 2001

1 year as an Instructor

Now RHS on regional turboprops

It's well worth the effort and the expense


Angels Zero
14th Dec 2003, 02:00
23 awaiting skills test for PPL(weather and actual skill dependent).

Would like to start ATPL's next year as I have been training for my PPL now for 14 months and feel slightly downheated due to set backs out of my control.

Good luck everybody, hope things work out the way you want!


Box the Tug
14th Dec 2003, 05:36

PPLA 286Hrs +61 on gliders
currently doing module 2 with Bristol

15th Dec 2003, 22:11
27 years old.
Ex RN Lt, was in the Fighter Controller sub-specialisation.
PPL with Night Rating 85hrs total.
Passed 8 ATPL exams, results of 3 sat in Dec 03 are in the post to me (fingers crossed). Final 3 to be sat in Jan 04. Plan to start hours build/CPL/IR in early March once weather gets a bit better.
Work as a Dispatcher (sadly on part time) at my local London airport. Have had no money/no social life, for about 18 months now and a few other things to deal with.
But am a great believer that good things come to those who wait and that I am due a lucky break..........

16th Dec 2003, 00:47
43 years young PPL(H) all ATPL(H) exams done thanks to Bristol, just waiting retest for GH section of CPL(H). Job??? But I can go to meet my maker having tried.

16th Dec 2003, 22:12
I'm 21 years old, PPL(A) with night rating, 110hrs, currently hour building, studying module 1 through Bristol.
I am on an industrial placement which is part of my degree - the third year of a four year Electronic Engineering Hons degree.
I haven't flown for 7 weeks due to weather:{

Hope to be sitting on the flight deck next to one of you guys one day:ok:

17th Dec 2003, 19:36
Started when 31 for PPL

Now 36, ATPL writtens, CPL issued and about to start dreaded IR

Feel about 25 though, occupation Production Manager, lets just say its boring, funded by and with a very loving wife and understanding daughter, who i now have more time for the writtens are out the way.

Probably be a bit grumpy over next 2 months when all is not going to plan in training though

Good luck to all:ok:

27th Dec 2003, 03:13
I'm a 42 year old wannabe, been flying for 21 years now, 250 TT, all for the fun of it. My flying has cost me an average of £8.50 per week for the last 21 years, that works out at an average of 2 packs of cigerettes per week, as I don't smoke , I have no trouble in justifying the cost, especially to a 40 a day man. Keep your wings level, your head up, and aim for a cloud good and far away and before you know it ...... you'll be there. good luck with your new hobby.;)

27th Dec 2003, 13:31
36- 6000TT 880HVY jet just getting set to convert my Canadian ATPL to JAA ATPL(A). Time to come home. Too much snow and ice, currently flying an air tanker in western Canada.

29th Dec 2003, 00:08
This is my first ever post - sorry if it goes a little pear-shaped!

Anyway 20 in April, completed PPL earlier this year after 2 yrs with 2 6 month gaps, in 45.05mins!

Starting to worry I'm getting old so going to strive to complete my ATPL early 2006.

Best of luck to everyone!

29th Dec 2003, 19:30
25, JAA PPL with 75hrs, CAA PPL (Microlights) 60 hrs, Class 1 in the bag and currently working in Flight Operations at BAE.

Bought my own place in 2001 for £53K - now worth £90K, so there's the rest of my ATPL money!!! yipeeeee

All the best for 2004, hope u all make it!

ADRH :ok:

29th Dec 2003, 21:44
Nearly 15 (PM for address to send cards and presents :E), only experience is a 1 hour trial flight, starting PPL in about a years time. I'm a wannabe who would like to do any type of flying to make a living however small it may be. Cant stand the thought of being behind a desk tapping away on a PC like I am now for all of my working life.

30th Dec 2003, 17:35
20, JAA PPL with 48 hours and night rating, hoping to start ATPL ground school soon, not sure on which school or whether distance learning is the way to go

Solid Rust Twotter
31st Dec 2003, 04:13
PPL at age 30, CPL at 37 and ATPL at 40. Flew skydivers, glider tugs, anything with wings except a bucket of fried chicken. Now chasing that airline job but wondering if I'm doing the right thing as I'm having so much fun as a bush pilot. Funded my PPL with money earned as a sponsored skydiver for a major motor company, a bank and a fuel company. Left the IT business after losing my rag and trying to sh1t in the boss' ashtray and loaded and fuelled DC3s for a year before getting a right hand seat. Never looked back. Just gotta hang in there and bite the bullet, mate.

Good luck......

2nd Jan 2004, 03:07
31 years old, Commercial and ATPLs out of the way, IR at the moment.

10 years in Direct Marketing was enough to make anyone change career. Very glad I did even if it meant selling everything I owned - house, car, kidneys etc.

2nd Jan 2004, 21:57
33 (huh, I thought I was old, but after reading your posts I feel much younger :)).

Trying to start PPL(H) next year, and anything needed to get the commercial license as well...

By the way, it's funny to read some of you telling how nice it is / it has been to be able to leave your IT or Marketing jobs.

I'm currently running a very small IT + marketing / communication company... can you figure out the rest ??!!!! ;)

Best wishes to you all!!

3rd Jan 2004, 04:11
all of you are young sprites! Im 39!! old old old....but I have been
flying as a Flight Engineer, Just got my CPL Multi IR, Atpl writtens next month then hopefully a right seat by the end of the year!

B.L.G Bob
3rd Jan 2004, 16:04
31 year old rig pig. Over 100 hours total PPL (A). Doing ATPL distance learning. Feels sometimes like pi:mad: :mad: ing in the wind. Ah well, back to the books. No pain, No gain :ouch:

Happy New Year:ok:

3rd Jan 2004, 17:27
32 years old, ex- pro musician. Starting PPL in Feb, taking it all the way to frozen ATPL. Time to fulfil that childhood dream!

3rd Jan 2004, 22:08
21 years old, went to Canada for training, ended up instructing for a while there. Now im back home doing the ATPLs. 325 hours so far....

22nd Jan 2004, 00:18
Dear all,

Please, I need help!!!!!!!!!

I am 31 and work for the government as a civil servant and have always wanted to be an airline pilot. My concerns are obviously my age. Have i left it too late? I would welcome advice from anyone out there, whether your a 747 captain or a wannabe!!

Secondly, i only have 6 GCSE's. Would this be a problem when the airlines look at my CV.


22nd Jan 2004, 02:09
41, hour building and studying like b***ery for Mod 1 ATPLs in April.

Not sure I'd have made 42 if I'd stayed in the job I hated, rather than risking everything on chasing this dream.

But although there's significantly less £ around the place (i.e. "none"), the house is remortgaged, no holidays this year, the hours stuck at home with my head in the books are long and at times I feel as if I'm getting nowhere, and I'm worried about getting a job at the end of it.........so bloody what!

Chase the dream, don't just dream the dream.

Met some great people on this trip too.

23rd Jan 2004, 00:00
Well now begorrah.
Me eyes are all bleary after reading every post on all 14 pages... sad or wha ??:sad:
Anyway, I'm no more enlightened really than before I started as only one poster did a 'before' and 'after' sort of thing, and it wasn't a happy ending either !

I'm 45 next month. I have only about 140h TT PPL.
Recently been toying with the idea of progressing to ATPL standard and all that goes with it... still toying !:{

Perhaps I shall just take pleasure in funding the flying dream of one offspring instead, like so many people here wished for.
That way I can get the enjoyment without the work and will be financing a longer career hopefully... and I can look forward to 'payback' day when they are in LHS of a big heavy !:cool:

24th Jan 2004, 01:07
I've had a PPL/IMC for many years but am now doing an ME/IR at the bright young age of 53! Is it difficult with so much silver matter up top? Yes, but one of the amazing things about the flying business is that you are continually surprising yourself by what you can achieve if your motivation is strong enough.

So, a message to all you 30-something and 40- something youngsters: Go for it! Nothing is worse than having regrets at having missed an oppurtunity. Of course, I wish I had done all this 20 or more years ago.

Good luck to all of you, and beware of the doubters who will try and pull your wings off.

24th Jan 2004, 01:59
24, Class 1, 33 hours PA38, £36000 in bank, BSc Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 7 years this year as an avionic technician for BA (747-400/777-200 fleet) including sponosored traineeship, waiting for July 2005 and i will have my £60000 ready for Cabair! ;)

24th Jan 2004, 10:30
I would not recommend Cabair, if you had 60k, I would advise doing it modular. Why? because you get to have experiences at different schools, and it would cost much less. Even if one were to do it the cheapest they could possibly do it, which would come to about 30 to 35k. You could still do the AQC with CTC, and if you pass that, (costs 7000) it would probably have the same value if not more, than an Oxford Ab-Initio course!

But this is just my opinion. And what I plan on doing. As i find this route best for myself. Your circumstances may be different from mine.

I also believe that by doing it modularly you have shown more of an interest. Before, i was thinking about doing an ab-initio, simply because i couldn't be arsed finding out what the modular course consisted of and which parts i could do here and which i could do by saving money going to the States. But as I learned more, I realised, that for about 10 hours reading about modules and schools, I could save myself 25k. And reach the exact same goal, if not better, since you're moving around and adapting to different environments to train in.

I'm not assuming you don't know anything. It's just that you must be absolutely sure about spending 60k, as to me, it now sounds scarily expensive, but then so is 35k. but about half the risk.

You should also try and not plan for what you will do in summer 2005, as you never know, by the way things are going, most airline operators may require type ratings, and this practice might regretfully be considered the norm. So much can change, so i would rather keep my money for an essential type-rating or whatever i need to pay for a Job, which sounds absurd, having to pay for your employer for your job, but chances of changing their minds is futile. Unless there is like a mass protest, i mean pilots simultaneously from all over going on strike, would seem extreme, and its the LAST thing airlines want, delayed flights. But at least justice may be done! I hope it will never come to that.

Anyway good luck, I hope you and everyone else embarking on this journey ends up where we all want to be.

26th Jan 2004, 08:15
23, completing PPL in PA 38, ATPL groundschool in June, hour building, CPL, IR etc.. within 3 yrs.

Plus working like mad to finance flying, and to keep debts at bay (for the moment hehe)!

pilot pammy
27th Jan 2004, 22:01
Twenty-one, ppl and night rating, 50 hours (mostly in the states).

Working my ass off for finals for my aerospace engineering degree and will pretty much do anything and go anywhere to make a career in flying; money being the main barrier as for most.

Someday, somehow!!!!!!

8th Feb 2004, 10:46
27 PPL IMC and night rating with 150 hour TT, started the atpl theory this Jan.

Don't let your fears get in the way of your dreams.

Good Luck Everyone.


8th Feb 2004, 16:51
27, looking at that career change....! In the military at the mo, have done a fair bit of flying but mainly gliders....forced landings everytiime!

PPL this summer, then starting modular route (part time)...looking to get an FI rating, and hour build to CPL/IR etc....hopefully, by the time I'm due out of the mob in 10 yrs (or sooner if the redundancies kick in), I'll have enough hours to get a regional prop job...which is nice...!:}

Good luck all! :ok:


9th Feb 2004, 00:51
15 Hoping to start my PPL after my GCSE's whilst going to sixth form and hopefully achieving a RAF pilot Sixth form scholarship.


9th Feb 2004, 04:53
22 with some 40.? hours clocked on Warriors/Archers and TomaterrorHawks- consistancy for you! (also some ATC vigi time too)

Need to do some GH for the skills test, and a few more solo NAVex etc.

Ideally id love anyjob in the air, ****** the poor pay, used to it anyhow! Seasonal work as an FI would suit me up to the air!

Obviously id like to see my experiences of allowing people trying to kill me everyday bloom to fruition by getting that job with a major carrier and seeing my days out as a training captain on the pride of the fleet, whatever ever it may be by then!

No lady, no house, no money, two saabs, two dogs and loaaaads of ambition.

Good luck to all, every second counts-Make it so!:ok: