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View Full Version : Questions About Flight Academies

20th Jul 2015, 10:52
Dear Cadets/Pilots/Instructors,

Currently I am finishing my last year of school and aspire to become a commercial airline pilot. I have checked many flight academies such as FTE Jerez, CTC Wings, Oxford, CAE Brussels - I have information on which airlines recruit from these academies ( e.g Ryanair from CTC Wings, Aer Lingus from FTE Jerez, etc ). I have checked many forums and feedback from previous cadets who went to these schools and the overall picture that I construct varies from person to person regarding job guarantee depending on the school.

So, my question is may you help me with information regarding which flight school in Europe has the most reliable job guarantee status? Some people say that CTC Wings have a 98% job guarantee and others say it is 75%- who do I trust?

Also, does it matter which academy I attend? If I work hard, study and get the demanded results will securing a job be easy or does it all come down to where the airlines select their cadets from?

So to sum up, I would like to find out which school should I join? I read that they are all good, and would love to hear what previous cadets think!

21st Jul 2015, 14:22

Unless you enrol a MPL scheme supported by a specific airline, you finish your training without a job, this is the reality. Otherwise you wouldn't say 98% or 75% of the pilots who just graduated secured jobs, you would say 100%.

Yes, CTC, CAE Oxford and other very known flight schools may increase you chances of getting a job. Having that in your CV is like if you went to Harvard.

Well in my opinion it isn't (purely because if they are well known, it doesn't mean other flight schools are **** or bellow standard) but answers to your question:

If I work hard, study and get the demanded results will securing a job be easy or does it all come down to where the airlines select their cadets from?

Like I said, having in your CV you've done training with any of these flight schools you mentioned, even if standard grades for a average student it's definitely better than someone who had 95% of average ATPL groundschool, a degree and some aviation non-flying experience. You will probably get interviews quicker than anyone but still you have to pass them, otherwise, no job. :ok: