View Full Version : Arizona State University or Embry Riddle???

9th Jul 2015, 08:31
Hi everyone!
My name is Lincoln, and I am pursing a aeronautical science/engineering major. I find two school to compare with one is Arizona State University, the other one is Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. Both seem like a good ranking and had a wonderful program for aeronautical engineering!! but I really want to see if you guys have any reference or suggestion which one I should go better on these schools or anyone of you are graduated from there and now are commercial pilot. Thank you very much!!
Greatly appreciate that:ok:

9th Jul 2015, 18:19
Hi Lincoln,

I'm speaking for flying not engineering. Go to the one that is the cheapest.

Check Purdue, UND, or Western Michigan in addition to ASU and ERAU if you are looking for an aviation
oriented degree.

Also, you can look into doing your flight ratings at a non university flight school and then get a degree in business management or some other field that interests you to have something to fall back on should your health ever fail you and you lose your medical. All the airlines are looking for is a 4 year degree....it doesn't matter what the major is for the most part.


9th Jul 2015, 21:34
ASU. Same education, but ASU has the women, it's in the Phoenix area, and being a state public school it should be cheaper that ERAU, which is a private school.

10th Jul 2015, 07:15
Thanks you guys for the references and do you guys think is more attractive to interviewer if I hold a aeronautical degree?? because I never think of doing other major!! but I will definitely think about it now for sure!! thanks deeply:)

10th Jul 2015, 13:28
I would go to ASU.

11th Jul 2015, 04:10
If you have an interest in aeronautical engineering, then by all means pursue it. However, an engineering degree is not a requirement for a flying job. Most airlines accept any accredited 4 year degree. Due to the nature of this business, you may even be better off pursuing a non-aviation degree which can give you income and employment prospects if you are laid off. For the flying part, go to the school that has the best reputation for good training and placement. You don't have to do both at the same place. After a 21 year career with more downs than ups, my advice is to have a "second" avenue for income and pursue it during your career. It's not a big deal when you are young and single, but when you have a family to support and are in your 30's and beyond a job or medical loss can hit you quite hard unexpectedly. Since you live in TX, have you considered TSTI, Waco or CTC, Killeen? They used to have good flight programs. For the degree the University of Texas system is pretty good (UT, A&M etc). Why pay out of State tuition when you have good in State schools?

11th Jul 2015, 07:10
Well I was thinking if I can not become a pilot! I still want to be in the aviation industry! such as aircraft maintenance/ engineer on the ground! I visit TSTI before but they have a 4 years degree!! thank you for your advice, it mean alot to me I will think deeply on the another major that I can make money on!!

thank you!!

13th Jul 2015, 09:43
There are plenty of non-flying aviation opportunities available but you should pursue those based on interest and aptitude, rather than just because you want to be in the industry. If you lack both interest and/or aptitude combined you are likely to get burned out and dissapointed very quickly. It would be wise to take a career aptitude test or psychometry test to see where your strengths lie. Your chances of a succesful career are enhanced when you work in an area of strength. Also make sure you go to a "thorough" FAA AME to ensure you qualify for a Class I medical. I knew a guy many years ago who got all his ratings, went to his home country only to fail their airline medical due to a heart defect that was not detected by his FAA AME. End of a flying career for him even before it started! He probably had spent over 50,000 USD back then.

Safety, Security, SMS, Quality Management are all growth fields in aviation. Look into University of Southern California (School of Engineering), Southern California Safety Institute for programs in areas of safety, investigation and security. Aviation Maintenance, Engineering, Dispatch etc are also viable careers.

17th Jul 2015, 03:46
Lincoln, when you graduate are you planning to seek employment with a US carrier or with an Asian carrier?

17th Jul 2015, 21:08
I'm just about to Grad from erau withba 4 year degree and i wouldn't advise you to do their Flight program. It's ridiculously expensive and personally i never liked part 141. I was always a part 61 guy. Part 141 makes flying very boring and training takes forever.

Spooky 2
24th Jul 2015, 16:54
I work with a lot of aerospace engineers most of which happen to be pilots as well but that is their job description. Aerospace engineers are in high demand these days and it will probably only increase over the next decade or more. The skill sets are transferable to many other fields as well. The point being that if you like aviation and want the 4 year degree don't waste it on something like a business degree or some other none technical skill. MBAs are a dime a dozen these day unless they are from one of the major business schools.

Electrical engineering or Patent law with computer undergraduate degree is also way up there.

Actual flying lessons can be done anywhere, but if your a zero time pilot right now I would suggest a Part 141 school for starters.

Your results may vary:)

6th Aug 2015, 04:46
Check out San Jose State University as well. I've flown with several of their grads. IMHO, they turn our some very good pilots and it's a lot less money than ERAU and other private schools.