View Full Version : The Dear Lider visits new FNJ Terminal...

25th Jun 2015, 23:38
...in Great Pomp and Circumstance :D


26th Jun 2015, 00:13
I am SO impressed! When does it open? When it does, how many North Korean people will be able to fly out to Beijing or Hong Kong or wherever, on one of those 2 727skis?

pax britanica
26th Jun 2015, 15:46
Well they seem to have done better than the Germans have with Brandenberg but when you have a car park to accommodate no cars and jetties with no flights perhaps that's not so hard.
I do however love the N Korean version of the Gatwick 'Bridge' - whata missed opportunity not having a carbon fibre copy of Tower Bridge across the taxiway down there is Sussex that raised and lowered when planes went by.


Geezers of Nazareth
27th Jun 2015, 13:16
Interesting display of blue chairs at about 2:40 ... slightly more leg-room than Easyjet and RyanAir.

Planet Basher
27th Jun 2015, 18:58
Parts of that video reminded me of the dance group Old Men Grooving. Some bright spark needs to put it to music.

27th Jun 2015, 19:30
This is SO impressive!

I'm sure it will look just as pristine in ten years! Amazing job from a visionary leader! I am 100% confident he will enjoy his flights between various terminals and gates there. Who wouldn't want an entire airport for private use?!

(I hope the sarcasm shines through...)

29th Jun 2015, 10:35
I suspected that there would be a degree of nervousness from those dancing attendance on Kim, as he toured the building, watching for signs of his disapproval. In fact, he had already done so, by having an unfortunate Ma Won Chun and five others executed last November, for failing to design according to his strict instructions - whatever they were that week - amongst other crimes.


29th Jun 2015, 11:08
Perhaps they could put him in charge of UK airport expansion. The greasy politicians and useless quangos would have to be on their toes or face a uncertain future:ok:

29th Jun 2015, 11:28
There was a Dick Emery TV sketch where a young couple find themselves in an Albanian style country, in the Enver Hoxha era. The tour rep (Emery) reels off a list of can't haves, dont's and dire consequences for non-adherence, to the increasingly dismayed young couple. Eventually, he looks at his watch and exclaims: "Good heavens, is that the time! I must hurry, I'm being executed at noon, but don't worry, it's not for anything serious!"

A case of life in North Korea imitating art in the most ghastly way.

29th Jun 2015, 21:02
The Dear Lider visits new FNJ Terminal...

Watch out Janet -he's actually the Supreme Leader now....:ok:

Martin the Martian
30th Jun 2015, 11:39
I thought the poor newsreader was going to pass out due to her overenthusiastic delivery.

But it's still busier than Newquay airport on an average day:E.

30th Jun 2015, 23:36


1st Jul 2015, 11:48
I hear the Dear Leader will fly some of the aircraft himself and that he is so powerful he actually created the various forces to make aircraft airborne as well as inventing the aircraft. The Wright Brothers were just US propaganda to try and take away the glory from the most gracious and noble Leader.

1st Jul 2015, 12:18
Luckily I missed this. I would have been warned for forgetting my notebook, and then executed for yawning. :8