View Full Version : ATPL theory classroom exemption

17th Jun 2015, 06:31
Hello folks,

Has anyone successfully manage to get an exemption from attending the mandatory classroom time associated with ATPL groundschool?

I have a an Aussie CPL and I have had residential classes for my theory exams. The prospect of travelling to the other end of the country to hear all about pendulous vanes for the upteenth time doesn't really feel me with joy! I understand that the CAA want to ensure there is some quality control on theory training, but this seems like a box ticking exercise that benefits no one. I've made initial enquiries at the groundschool I've sign up with, but I get the feeling that I will come up against the traditional British "no-can-do" attitude and I would like to find out if there is a precident it can use.

17th Jun 2015, 07:05
No shortcuts or exemptions unless holding an ATPL with all the trimmings , so 3 trips for you then , the only other way is to sign up with a school in Europe who use Skype for there brush up courses

17th Jun 2015, 14:48
It's an EASA no can do attitude, sadly - 10% of the study time must be done in the classroom - no way round it.

Nobody is allowed to use video conferencing either - we used to under the UK CAA but when EASA took over it was stopped. The only other way is find an EASA school with a satellite base that is convenient, which will at least cut out the travelling. Not sure who has one in Oz, but we have one in Florida and Amsterdam. Don't think those will help much.

17th Jun 2015, 18:52
Thanks for the replies guys.

It looks like I'll just have to make the most of three trips to Bristol. I'm just getting a little frustrated as I'm raring to go and take the exams so I can get flying (schools have told me go away until I get them done) to convert my licence and join the back of the long line of jobless CPL holders.

18th Jun 2015, 00:05
Here's how I did it, being exempt from ground school. If you don't mind traveling to Switzerland for the final EASA exam(s).

Special Conversion Offer Courses - Horizon SFA (http://www.horizon-sfa.ch/edl/esco/?lang=en)

Good Luck!

18th Jun 2015, 05:22
You may want to check that their system is actually approved by EASA, and not just just the Swiss. ;)

You can do your flying training while you study - you just can't take the final flight test until you have passed the exams.

I don't know what Britol's timetable is, but can't you do the consolidation in one go? Aside from sticking to their approval, there's no law that says when you do it, as long it it is done before the exams, obviously. We find it's best for students to do it first anyway.

18th Jun 2015, 20:40
Switzerland is a official EASA member state and I just recently took the first part of the ATP exams and on the report it says "results of EASA FCL Examinations".

18th Jun 2015, 22:48
The course Transsonic2000 is suggesting is for Converting a licence where exemption is available i.e. ATPL to ATPL.

You are upgrading from CPL to ATPL and as Paco says you must complete an approved course of training.