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26th May 2015, 09:59
Just out of curiosity, How long did it take you CPL license holders on here to complete training? (PPL>IR>CPL)

26th May 2015, 13:46
Well, difficult to say, since it depends on several factors like, financial situation, time available, motivation, personality/capability, location/weather, flight school, instructor etc. In an ideal scenario (meaning full time training) it can be done in 6 month or even less, but be aware, don't take this as a general guide line! If your time and/or budget is limited it'll take longer.

Hope I could help, good luck!

Genghis the Engineer
26th May 2015, 14:51
About 16 years, I wasn't hurrying.

27th May 2015, 05:24
I passed my PPL Skill test in August 2010, after a 18 months of flying around the South east I decided to give the ATPL exams a go.

I signed up to Bristol Ground School on a distance learning course which took me 18 months to complete the 14 exams. I couldn't begin my commercial flight training straight away due to work and financial constraints so I didn't start the CPL until June 2014, which took 3 months to do. After that I did the MEP rating which only took 10 days, followed by the IR which I began in November 2014 and passed in Feb this year.
So I believe it depends on your situation. Having a full time job, mortgage and a family certainly does slow you down but if you want it then there is nothing to stop you achieving it, even if the time frame is longer.

27th May 2015, 10:26
I passed my PPL skills test 03/2014, and did all my ATPL exams in 11 months whilst hour building. My CPL/ME/IR starts next month, I will be done in 09/2015.

So in total a year and a half from PPL, and that's with working 9-5 Mon-Fri too. I could have been done earlier, but I've spent the last few months saving to afford it.

As has been mentioned above, it depends on how motivated you are to do it, I would spend 4-5 hours a day after work every day studying, flying at weekends or studying again if the weather was bad.

27th May 2015, 20:36
Well I'm three months into my training. haven't flown this month due to weather but completed my written exam for Private pilot I hope to complete everything by December latest

29th May 2015, 07:01
About 16 years, I wasn't hurrying.

Alright, Nice one!

30th May 2015, 21:59
Hi I totally agree with Transsonic2000. The main factor is funds available, as if you have lots then you can give up work and just go for it. Weather however you can't buy, however there is a solution. I was very lucky as I had money left to me, yet my biggest fear was flying!! Yes I used was afraid and it took me about 18months to return from the states, but I was soooo impressed how this 747 got off the ground on a very hot day with max all up wt that I woke up the next day and said to my sell "today I will learn to fly" all I knew about aircraft was they had wings and wheels and sad to admit I couldn't understand why they had bald tyres so basically knew absolutely "zero" I did my PPL in six weeks, part in the UK and part in France due to rubbish weather in the UK. I trained with Bristol Flying Centre and one of their examiners came over to sign me off for the x-country and nav test, then flew back to do my GFT. I then went back to the states to build hours did my multi engine cpl and IR in six months and 250 hours incl 100 hours of night flying. So In six months I went from 0 hours to 250 hours with all the above. I then returned and it took me a further six week to have frozen ATPL. So if you have the means, you can always find a way. Motivation and determination are essential as it's far from an easy road, but it's more than obtainable if you have the will to succeed. So all the best I'm sure if you have the will you will most definitely find the way :)