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View Full Version : ATPL theory breakin my heart

Fat Elvis
13th Jun 2001, 04:12
Hey fellas
bit naffed off at the moment, all I want to do iz fly & im lumbered with these arsy subjects tellin me that I should known the inside of my eardrum & CL+V2=p/po=CLD or something???, did any of you guys find it hard going or r there any in the same boat?
P.S - im not dead, just takin a break!!

13th Jun 2001, 11:29
I've been there and done it, pick your self up, dust off and try again, I managed to get through, it's a great feeling when you get there!!. Best of luck.

13th Jun 2001, 13:02
Almost every one of the many people who post on the many forums at Pprune has been through what you are undergoing now. Some of us have even got to the stage where we needed the information you are now learning - though most of us probably had to refresh our memories somewhat!
It might seem irrelevant and difficult, but it is worth it. Mind you, if all you want to do is fly, you can get yourself a PPL without all this hassle......

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

13th Jun 2001, 13:43
I know how you feel I am about half way through the exams, I am working on them full time at home and some days I just can't be botherd with it. I find the best way is to set daily mile stones that are realistic and then I don't get to upset when I look at the big picture.

13th Jun 2001, 15:36
Fat Elvis,

It is hard, and yes we have all gone through it and that won't make it any easier.

The rules of the game are simple.....no exam passes.....no further progress. So with this in mind you might prefer to just get on with it. I don't wish to appear offensive or lacking in sympathy, but the sooner you see the exams as the pathway to your final destination, the sooner you will get there!

This does look smug I know, and I assure you that it is not meant to be. To be honest there were many times when I felt like 'chucking it all in' (still do sometimes) but I got there in the end. Most of us do.

Chin up old son


13th Jun 2001, 16:52
Yep...been there..have the T- Shirt etc etc and am still in the process unfortunately..4 more to go..yikes !!
Doesnt get easier and a lot of it isnt relevant but hey thats the gig and youve got to do it.

A bit of advice though....
Make sure youve passed your Class 1 medical before doing anything else. You Dont want to break your heart (and bank) studying only to find the Doc wont let you up with a couple of hundred souls in the back...
.......and No No and No again, thinking that because your fit and slim means you'll walk a class one. The amount of times ive heard that one. A Class 1 medical examines a lot of things you've no control over which can fail you. Get the medical Pal.

Good Luck

Fat Elvis
13th Jun 2001, 18:37
Thanks 4 all the advice guys!!

Fat Elvis
13th Jun 2001, 18:45
Thanks 4 all the advice guys!!
It iz a bit hard goin at the mo' but its all worth it at the end or why would we go through such pain and suffering? (whoopps! thats my sex life!). Teroc thanks 4 the advice matey but I have already passed my C1 med, Scroggs mate, I'm already a PPL slave wiv 150 hrs +IMC,Night to boot. how hard were the tech exams?? :)

Trainee pilot
14th Jun 2001, 01:42
I found the Tech exams a lot harder than the Nav, which I thought were pretty good. I sat some re-takes in June and hopefully that will be it! If I fail I will be down to my last attempt which has got to be the worst feeling in the history of mankind! Do your best NOW so you don't get into my boots. Waiting for the postman next week and opening that horrible long white envelope is a nightmare. If I need luck I need it now! Just make sure you do your best and try not to miss too many days of study because of lack of motivation as you'll only work harder and worry more later on..........Good luck, may the force be with you.......... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

14th Jun 2001, 01:56
The techs weren't that tough for me, but I had the advantage of 20 years and 7000 hours in the RAF when I took them!! Nevertheless, they were a challenge, as the CAA (read JAA) had different ideas about some of the stuff than the RAF. Stick with it, and use your course tutors as much as you can. If a particular subject really bamboozles you, try posting on the Technical forum for an explanation. You might even get the great John Farley answering you!

Wannabes Forum Moderator
[email protected]

Fat Elvis
14th Jun 2001, 02:03
Good luck trainee pilot, let us now how u get on with those results, I am studying this course D/L, so Im going into the classroom next week to get sum help with mass & balance and the dreaded electrics!! god help me! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

14th Jun 2001, 15:13
Fat Elvis

I know how you feel about the written rubbish - I sat 7 of the 14 recently and failed 4 by 2% talk about unlucky (can think of a couple of other words to use but...)

Its taken me two months to get rid of that gutted feeling and apply for resits only to be told, I have to wait another month due to a lack of spaces. More time to revise I suppose.

Anyway the long and the short of it is to be able to do the fun stuff (FLYING BIG JETS) we have to go through the boring demoralising yet essential stuff. Besides what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger!!!

Good luck with the DL - a friend just sat the Techs (albeit for his CPL) DL, whilst working part-time and being a daddy to two and passed all first time. So it can be done!!

Just have to keep looking at the bigger picture. At least thats what I am trying to do!!!

15th Jun 2001, 13:40
Fat Elvis......if it was easy, everybody would be doing it!! If you fail any exams, you did'nt put enough effort in !! Give up a few weekends, cram like billyo and get through first time. I felt like you once, now I fly a Boeing 737. Now , those weekends I gave up a few years ago seem a very small price to pay.

15th Jun 2001, 15:09

Good advice

(BUT and I must admit to feeling VERY sensitive about it)

I worked my arse off, stayed in my poxy rented room, spoke to NONE of my friends, infact only contacted my folks when I was desperate for money studying for my first set of JAA exams and sadly failed 3 by 2%.

I honestly couldnt have worked any harder if I had tried and think I fell down in the exams because of

a) Exam Nerves (always been bad actually)
b) At least... 4Qu in each exam on topics not covered by my school.

I appreciate greatly the importance of studying and also understand why the exams need to be as stringent as they are, afterall one day I might have your family's life in my hands, but feel that support to get through the exams is more needed than being told you didnt work hard enough.

(I realise it was not a personal statement against me, I really do, but as some of my fellow students did better than me with VERY LITTLE study my nerves are just a little raw. Plus my resits are pretty soon)

Chirpy Pilot
15th Jun 2001, 15:40
You got to keep going! It is well worth it in the end, nomatter how down you feel. I failed 4 exams a couple of years back on the Nav course all five by 1%. Therefore I had to retake the 9 exams again. Eventually the next time passed 8, but had to go to my final attempt before losiing the lot including Tec exams. Worst days of my life. Aged 10 years. However within 6 months flying an ATP, and looking forward to the 145 or 146 jets. Looking back you will find a great deal of satisfaction and RELIEF!

15th Jun 2001, 17:11
You think you've got problems,I've just lost out on my CAA ATPL by 6% in navigation,now I've got to do double the crap I've done in the past.My jobs on the line too as I've 4000 hrs on the 320 but have to go longhaul in 4 mths but cant change A/C type. Worked my arse off as well and the prospect of doing JAR feels me with horror.Still on and upwards I suppose.

15th Jun 2001, 21:16
Was just sitting down for a quiet friday night beer and evening off, having finished a hard week with exams on the horizon.... But Im going to have another look at gimball theory!

15th Jun 2001, 21:18

Hey you an me appear to be reading all the same posts and replying with the same kinda stuff.

Sorry about the Nav fail as you know I failed my exams by 2% and have a load of resits to do.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that, although they are not the best (not even close) I have typed versions of the some of the notes I made during classes earlier this year which may or may not be of help or interest, if you have to start again.

Probably no different from anyone elses notes (except some masterfully drawn pictures)really but if your starting from the begining.............

Anyone and Everyone regardless of their hours is in the same place with these JAA exams and I think the best way to get through is to help each other, so feel free to let me know.

15th Jun 2001, 21:50
fcom.Do not just give up on your passes,fight for them.Ive been making various phone calls to try and get some help about loosing all your credits.The same thing is being told to me!,that if there are enough people to make some noise then maybe,just maybe people who are so close,may get another oppotunity.Get a letter of,do something.There is a lot people over the last few days who have been dealt a huge blow via the post man,but only you can contribute to perhaps getting another crack at the whip?.Ive raised a few points on the topic under STAND AND BE COUNTED