View Full Version : G-II performance ?

20th May 2015, 21:00
RE: shopping

Anybody have the real world range and endurance of a fully fueled Gulfstream II.

Not IISP, etc.

Gulfstream II, 1969 year model


21st May 2015, 11:38
Depends on a lot of factors, but we used to squeeze 6.5 hours at Max specific range. Would give you 3-4000 lbs at destination. Flying AOA seems to give the best results. It's a lot of work with no autothrottles and old power lever cables.

21st May 2015, 12:18
So You're starting an express cargo operation ?! :E http://www.pprune.org/3607596-post1.html

Old Boeing Driver
21st May 2015, 22:52
In the winter, KTEB to KBUR was a stretch. 2150 +/- NM

24th May 2015, 13:54
Thanks for the info guys

haha no express cargo like that, LOL. Don't think the FAR's or POH apply in that kind of business