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Captain White
11th Jun 2002, 05:55

Lets be honest !!! After reading Pprune for a couple of years I would have to vote this Forum as the most boring, retentive and self-obsessed site on the network !!!

Is there anything in anybodies lives down there other than CX problems ???

Seriously ??? Are there any other issues in HKG or anything from which you guys and gals can take pleasure ???

Waiting expectantly :eek:

11th Jun 2002, 06:51
I visited Hong Kong 12 years ago for some R&R. Had a couple of mates flying for Cathay at the time.
Only spent 5 days in the place and my last night there I said to one of my mates "I now know why they pay you so much money to live here!"

Did enjoy the day trip up to Machau though - nice little casino on the wharf and it paid for my trip + + !

11th Jun 2002, 07:56
I've only just joined this site and am most appalled by the poor spelling and grammar syntax in some posts, such as these two above!

11th Jun 2002, 09:00
Whiskery, life is what you make it. I lived 32 very happy years in Hong Kong. I guess Dale Carnegie summed it up pretty well;Two prisoners looked out from prison bars, one saw the mud, the other saw the stars.

By the way, the only place you did enjoy is called Macau.:rolleyes:

11th Jun 2002, 09:03
You're not there now though are you Hot Dog?

11th Jun 2002, 09:04
No but not by choice.

11th Jun 2002, 09:35
What a horrible shame, forced to retire in Australia eh?

Kaptin M
11th Jun 2002, 10:55
Perhaps the level of the mud has risen, HD!

11th Jun 2002, 14:13
You are both wrong, 6feet under and Kaptin M. There is nothing wrong with retirement in Oz, nor has the level of the mud risen any higher. Fact is, I'm an old fart and I miss flying and you can hardly blame me for missing the place I spent half my life in at the time of my retirement. Have a good day. HD.

11th Jun 2002, 14:55
HD, I guess my attempt at sarcasm went unappreciated. Oz is a lovely place to 'have' to retire.

11th Jun 2002, 17:56
Well HotDog, if you miss flying sooo much, why not take a little of that spiffy retirement savings and....buy a plane?
Gosh, there are even one or two there that you must be able to afford.

11th Jun 2002, 22:06
Give Hotdog a break. I mean, having flown for 32 yrs for a HK based carrier during the golden years is amazing and somwthing to admire.
As for other issues, I miss Kai Tak. Those memorable landings and a go-around is something I will always treasure.

11th Jun 2002, 23:59
Yes indeed, Hamburger...especially the beacon approach off CC, you remember the one...7+ miles or so, toward Stonecutters, at 750 msl...great fun, especially in the driving rain when the IGS tripped off ... layover assured, as the typhoon was approaching..the Dickens Bar (Excelsior) was a great place.
Was there last year...still is.

12th Jun 2002, 00:13
Well my humble effort to defend Hong Kong has certainly generated some discussion. All I was trying to convey to Whiskery, was to not make an uninformed snap judgement of a place that he spent all of 5 days in. Even 411A appears to be impressed with the place. Let me assure you, there is far more to Hong Kong than the Dicken's Bar but you have to spend more than five days with an open mind.

12th Jun 2002, 00:25
Well HotDog, if you miss flying sooo much, why not take a little of that spiffy retirement savings and....buy a plane?

Not a bad idea, there are a couple of 411A Cessnas for sale at Corona. Only $100,000, which is peanuts. Would that be yours by any chance?:D

12th Jun 2002, 01:42
Actually HotDog...no. Mine would require considerably deeper pockets, but hey, always open to an offer. But if it's a 411 you're after, believe there are a least two in OZ...maybe more. But a 401/2 would be better, cheaper engines to overhaul. By the way, our chief Flight Engineer (ex-CX, 32 years) is BA...know him by any chance? Lives down Melbourne way.

Snake Hips
12th Jun 2002, 03:38
After 2 weeks back in Blighty avoiding a)hypothermia b)yob
culture (really getting quite nasty especially in London) and c)traffic jams beyond belief, I rather enjoyed returning to an admittedly wet and hot Hong Kong. The place is what you make it. Some of us really quite like it!

Hot Dog, don' worry. There are more than a few who know how
to live well and enjoy Hong Kong. It is also a great location for regional trips as most can testify. This forum, sadly but perhpas understandably, tends to focus on the negative.


12th Jun 2002, 06:55

Thought PD (ex-CX 320 years, now Gold Coast)was the chief f/e of your virtual airline. Now you say it's BA. Either way, sure Hot Dog knows them both well.

Ask BA about the alsatian dog he had who's party trick was to put the head of the other little yappy toy-like dog in its mouth. Trouble is he came home one day and voila...toy dog and its head were in different parts of the room!

12th Jun 2002, 15:40
opps...not good !
PD...320 years. Ah, a very long serving employee. Retirement bennies must have been REALLY great.

12th Jun 2002, 17:02
Wouldn't **** on a 411 if it were on fire.....get a 185 and really fly...better yet a super cub....:D ;)

12th Jun 2002, 19:55
Yes, but OTOH if "the" engine throws a rod thru the case in that 185, 'tis nowhere else, but down.
The 411 just keeps truckin' along at 13,000 ft, just a bit slower.

13th Mar 2005, 06:32
C'mon, you guys. The level of debate has turned into the "who's got the biggest you-know-what" variety. I agree with HotDog...you really need to spend more than 5 days in HK to really get to know the place. The bad press it seems to attract is really undeserved. HK has a lot going for it and I love spending time there. In fact, I would happily live there if the opportunity came up!!