View Full Version : HUD night crosswind landing hazard

4th May 2015, 13:02
SKYbrary Highlights: OFDM programmes need to be managed so as to provide early warning of aircraft operating issues (http://us1.campaign-archive1.com/?u=0fa4593636877e9fd022bcdc1&id=7b247e3a56&e=f77917e58f)

A most interesting incident report on using the HUD display on night crosswind landings.

4th May 2015, 23:42
My take on the hud. The brightness must be set so you can see thru it.Declutter on finals to remove an information overload. It is a very good device as long as you understand it. I have never found it to be a problem.

5th May 2015, 05:36
I don't know that I would call 12kts 'windy'. Or perhaps the captain wasn't referring to that approach. It is interesting that there is no mention if the FDR or QAR recorded the 'gust' reported by both the captain & the check captain. Stomp on the rudder too aggressively & you can get an interesting roll response in some aircraft. The CRJ was very responsive in roll, but I don't know if the Global is the same.