View Full Version : RAF Chinooks deploying to Nepal

30th Apr 2015, 01:01
Yes a positive response from UK :ok:

As a layman, my only worry is that they may be too large for the area? but doubtless they will perform a much needed task with the usual aplomb of the RAF :ok:

Britain to send Chinooks to Nepal for earthquake rescue - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/nepal/11570758/Britain-to-send-Chinooks-to-Nepal-for-earthquake-rescue.html)

PZU - Out of Africa (Retired)

30th Apr 2015, 05:35
A few years ago the aircraft were deployed to similarly difficult terrain in Pakistan and operated successfully.

My particular interest is related to SDSR 15. With the Brigade of Gurhkas under renewed threat and the Overseas Aid budget appearing to be protected by the outgoing Government, why not use some funds from the latter to protect the former and thus support the economy of Nepal?