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View Full Version : PPRUNE..........!?!?

12th Jun 2001, 17:09
Alright buddies,

Just a quick thought. In numerous posts I have read that you should not mention that you read or participate with PPRUNE. However, I'm not too sure on this. This is only because whenever I have been for aptitude tests (BA, Cabair, and Oxford), PPRUNE has always had a mention by official staff. Once the invigilator at Oxford asked in the exam room whether any of us read PPRUNE, telling us to be 'weary of some of the advice', and then even stating it's address. Surely you cannot then say you have never heard of PPRUNE in an interview !! I would have thought anyone with the slightest interest in aviation knows about this site, and surely interviewers must know this. Just wondering if anyone has been honest when the question "Do you read PPRUNE ?" arises, and whether they have been put through to the next round of grilling !?!? If you can't be bothered to reply I understand, because I'm sure this has been asked a million times !! Just something to put peoples minds at rest I suppose.....


"Everything in moderation, including moderation..."

12th Jun 2001, 17:28
Exactly what I posted about a year or so ago...Do a search for 'Do U PPruNe?' my myself (a.k.a MikeSierra). There are loads of posts which cover the topic in question..
Hope it helps


G-XX Finals and ...hopefully land! :)

12th Jun 2001, 18:08

12th Jun 2001, 19:13
Sorry Mike,

Did a search but cant find your post, can you put up a URL for it or give some answers to this lads question ?

Cheers WT. :)

12th Jun 2001, 19:37
Funny old thing....this question popped up at the Wannabe seminars on Saturday. The "official" line (i.e. the one that Danny, Hamrah and others suggested) was by all means say that you read PPRuNe but that you don't (or rarely) contribute. But don't go telling them that you post as "Joe Bloggs" and hang out in Jetblast all the time!


PPRuNe Dispatcher
12th Jun 2001, 21:21
The posts Saggy made a year ago are long gone.

Periodically I delete posts which haven't been added to for six months or so. If this isn't done the forum can crash, and that's not a pretty sight. Especially if it's Dunnunda & Godzone that crashes http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/eek.gif

---PPRuNe Dispatcher

[This message has been edited by PPRuNe Dispatcher (edited 12 June 2001).]

12th Jun 2001, 21:43
Sorry guys didn't know that (thx PPD)!!
Basically I got asked the question in an interview..and the 'correct' answer is..Yes I do read the posts but take everything I read with a pinch of salt or as VTOL mentioned above keep it 'low' profile! Personally, I think this is the best way to say that 'yes I am interested to find out about this industry I want to join' and also keep those interviewers that don't like PPruNe happy! :)

G-XX Finals and ...hopefully land! :)