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12th Jun 2001, 16:21
what do you guys think of this simulation software ?

12th Jun 2001, 19:28
It's pretty good - the maths behind it are far more rigourous than MSFS - it uses blade element theory to calculate the dynamics of the aircraft and the visuals are all done in OpenGL, which is the way forward as far a graphics are concerned. The nice thing is that you can design your own planes in Planemaker, customise the terrain (the default is a bit boring) in Worldmaker or you can do what I do and download what other people have done and just play with it. The scenery for Schipol and Holland is particularly good as is the scenery for Rennes - which incidently was my first stop on my solo qualifier cross country!

All in all, a nice little sim - very powerful and looks great. Check out the websites


http://www.x-plane.org - this site has many different planes, sceneries, textures, objects and the like to download.

Hope this all helps...


12th Jun 2001, 20:44
Thanks for the reply VTOL, I have the software as well, I think its great. Do you / anyone you know where I can get the scenary for the entire UK, or even part of it ? Thanks.

12th Jun 2001, 22:07

Just ordered a copy the other day, so I haven't tried it yet, but it seems to have a pretty good reputation. Doesn't require such a ninja PC as FS2000, which is why I ordered it...

If you have any luck finding UK scenery could you let me know?



12th Jun 2001, 22:13
To answer my own question, there seems to be some SE UK scenery at


13th Jun 2001, 01:54
Wrong Forum, guys. Off to Computer/Internet Issues with you. And try www.avsim.com (http://www.avsim.com) for chat on this subject...

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