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View Full Version : The most important thing to carry...

12th Jun 2001, 13:17
It looks like we've had every other question so far......but what would you wannabe's carry with you when flying cross country (inc. hour building), basic essentials such as a mobile phone, maps, compasses, food (?), money (how much?), emergency contact details, etc. :rolleyes:

Does anyone have a list or can contribute further.

Me, I'm still doing my PPL, ready for a solo very very soon.

Thanks for your contributions in advance.
HaPpY fLyInG.

Genghis the Engineer
12th Jun 2001, 13:48

Chart, Pooleys, gash logbook (good one stays at home), circular slide rule, protractor & ruler, mobile (turned off!!!!), toilet roll, cheque book, at least £10 in cash, flat cap.

For longer trips a toothbrush and change of underwear.


[This message has been edited by Genghis the Engineer (edited 12 June 2001).]

12th Jun 2001, 13:53
Credit card, Driving lic incase you need to hire one. And make up a cheat card with all the local frequencys you may come across in your travels. And something to read in case you have to land and wait for the weather to clear.


12th Jun 2001, 14:17
....a 'convenience' bottle! (Especially when going cross-country in a glider).
Also usually take my passport and flying licences; only because a mate from uni once got given a really hard time by the RAF MP after landing out at RAF Cosford....he had no ID on him at the time.
Usual others; dunny roll, cash, cheque book, camera, aeronautical chart, pens, sunglasses plus spares, drink, nibbles, 'phone, coat (it can be a long wait in a field).


12th Jun 2001, 15:41
Fuel ...

12th Jun 2001, 15:50
With all the valuable documents, would you take out travel insurance, as the documents will be too expensive to lose.

And would all these documents fit in snuggly in the pilots briefcase?

Thanks for the replies, the information is good.. http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/cool.gif

little red train
12th Jun 2001, 18:23
bottle of water, and somewhere to put the water afterwards :)

countless amounts of pilot flight case fluff, as we all know this is what really makes the aircraft fly, like magic pixie dust for earth dwellers.

12th Jun 2001, 19:24
Leatherman for those lose cowl screws down route
The chocolate bar internationally known as Snickers and/or flapjacks
Gatorade, if in Florida

13th Jun 2001, 05:00

CR5 whizwheel (fits in just about any pocket)

Charts for the area (VFR &/or IFR as necessary)

A5 size aluminium board with a clip on it to hold weather/charts/approach plates/flight plan etc and to provide a writing surface.

2B pencils (write on just about everything)

Smallish scale ruler & a protractor although I'm not too worried if I leave it behind.

Fuel sampler (the sort with a screwdriver on one end)

Torch + extra batteries & bulb


Spare glasses

Credit card + some lose change for phone calls/drink machines. Mobile phone as well in these modern times...

Something to read while I wait for my pax. to return.

Depending on where/how long/how far/weather etc I can carry what I need in my small headset bag & on my person.

If I really need more capacity then I have an old canvas backpack that fits just in front of the seat that holds extra charts & the like.

If I need to look a bit more upmarket then a black leather satchel instead of the canvas thingy.

Also survival equipment appropriate to the area may be carried.

[This message has been edited by Tinstaafl (edited 13 June 2001).]

16th Jun 2001, 21:06
You only need 2 things when you fly , money and airspeed , copious amounts of both .

16th Jun 2001, 21:12
A condom, you never know when you might get lucky

16th Jun 2001, 21:51
A decent jacket in case it all goes quiet and you end up sitting in a field, or in case you blew your chances of using the condom.

Pub User
28th Aug 2001, 03:42
Mad Jock

Instead of taking a good book to read whilst the weather clears, might I suggest reading the forecast before you get airborne?

28th Aug 2001, 19:51
Toothbrush & credit card - Always

28th Aug 2001, 20:01
A couple of post it notes, these can be used to cover up an instrument should it fail. This will prevent you reading a failed instrument in high workload conditions.

This is particularly useful should you have a vacuum failure when flying IMC as falsely trusting the AI would probably spoil your day. :cool:

28th Aug 2001, 23:05
I would suggest that you concentrate on flying the damn thing instead of rooting through your 'Very Full' pilot case situated behind you!

Remember the basics:- Aviate, Navigate, Communicate and Copulate! :D

28th Aug 2001, 23:14
The wait for the afternoon Cb's to clear in Florida is something i normally plan for. Hence the book. Followed by a nice non bumpy flight home in the dark.



29th Aug 2001, 01:03
Why not take a bird ?

Well your going to need something to eat when you land.... but remember to turn off the intercom...just smile and nod, smile and nod ! ! ! ;)