View Full Version : Converting MIL rw to CPL(H)

9th Jun 2002, 06:17
G'day chasps,

Looking for some insight from some of you critters with thousands of hours under your belt.

I am an ex-army student pilot with 116 hours on Squirrels. Also hold a CPL(A).

In the MIL, I have passed a:

-Primary Handling Test (ccts with emergencies)

-General Handling Progress Test (GFPT with hooking, hoisting, limited power, confined pads, steep approach, autos and chip emergencies)

-Nav Test. PPL(H) by the Day VFR CASA Syllabus.

I put a case to CASA back when I got out of the Army (due to family circumstances beyond my control) and they quoted a section that says
"non-graduates do not receive any equivalent licence(s). The hours however do count".

I even submitted as Annexes the CASA Day VFR CPL(H) syllabus and the ADFHS's Basic RW Syllabus. This was to make the point that the only flying I had not completed was the Qualified (Restricted) Instrument Rating, which is NOT in the CASA syllabus. This proved fruitless.

With the new proposed changes to the regs coming, I thought that things would be more competency based.

Now it has been some years anyway. so at the end of the day I need a currency ride and I guess an R22 endorsement. Still think that it was bit of a "cop-out" by CASA to not look it as a "case-by-case" basis. The guy ffom the Perth office was good - an ex-Army chopper driver himself.

Anyhow, from here, what do you think my options are. Still down on PIC time and cross-country time. The Army said and I quote "you don't learn anything when you are solo". Even in my FW flying I find that one "a real gem"!!!


Nick Lappos
9th Jun 2002, 14:53
In the States, a qualified Military pilot has the right to a civil Commercial certificate in all the catagories and classes that he has in his military paperwork. He must present proof that he is current, and that he was on good standing with the Military in the previous 12 months, and that he passes a test on the Civil regulations (the test is specially rigged to ask those things that are different between Civil and Military.) If the Military machines he flies have Civil equivilent, he can be automatically type rated in the Civil counterpart.

here is a pointer to the FAA explanation:
